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Ronin Warriors - Yoroiden Samurai Troopers
Ryo Sanada/ Rekka no Ryo
( Ryo of the Blazing Fire )
The leader of the Troopers, his armor is red and he is armed with twin katana. Accompanied by a magical tiger named Byakuen ( White Fire ). Ryo is marked for a quick temper as well as vast courage. He is an orphan; his father was a wildlife photographer who was killed on an expedition. Later in the series, Ryo gains the white armor called Kikotei (Bright Sun Armor ) as well as the "Swords of Passion." The vitrue tied into his armor is Jin, "Harmony".

Toma Hashiba/ Tenku no Toma
( Toma of the Firmament )
The intellectual of the group, Toma can often be found with his nose in a book when he isn't in battle! His armor is dark blue, and his weapon is a bow with a seemingly endless supply of arrows. His parents are divorced, and his interests include puzzles and playing chess. His virtue is Chi "Wisdom".

Shu Lei Fung/ Kongo no Shu
( Shu of the Diamond )
His armor is orange, his weapon a three part staff..some wat chubby, one favorite hobby is eating. His family runs a Chinese restaurant in Yokohama; he has an uncle who owns a simalar restaurant in New York. His virtue is Gi, "Justice."

Seiji Date/ Korin no Seiji
( Seiji of the Halo)
He wears the green armor, and his weapon is a no-dachi, a giant sword. His father runs a a small martial arts dojo; his mother is American. His virtue is Rie "Courtesy."

Shin Mori/ Suiko no Shin
( Shin of the raging waters )
His armor is light blue, and his weapon a type of spear known as a "man catcher." He was raised by his mother and older sister. One of his hobbies is cooking. No wonder he becomes best friends with Shu! His virtue is Shin, "Trust."

Demon Generals - Masho

Oni Masho
(Orge Demon-General)
Shutendoji - Usually called "Shuten," he is nominal leader of the Demon-Generals, though the others dispute his claim to be the strongest of their number. One of the most complicated characters in the show, he rapidly becomes more than a generic bad-nasty. Initially the Troopers worst foe, he soon is questioning orders. Then Kaos ( the Ancient ) convinces him to change sides. His armor is mostly grey and blue topped by a brown jimborai cloak; his weapon is kusari-gama[chain and sickle]. Born in Kyoto in 1551, his family were lower class nobles. His virtue is Chu" Loyalty" and his yoroi is called the " Devil's Armor."

Gen Masho
(Phantom Demon General)
Rajura - His purple and green yoroi is called the "Spider's Armor" and his primary weapons are a a set of six naginata [halberds]. While he can attack physiclly, he preferes illusions that have his foes fighting each other. He can also use that power to fade like a chameleon into the scenery. Born in 1549, his virtue is Nin "Endurance."

Doku Masho
(Poison Demon-General)
Naza - Wearing the green "Spitting Cobra Armor", he uses six katana as his weapons. He gives the impression the he's the least sane of the four Demon-Generals. He seems to have a special hatred for Shuten; even when fighting the Troopers, he spends half the time bitching about the Oni Masho. He was born in 1551, and his virtue is Tei, "Obedience."

Yami Masho
(Darkness Demon-General)
Anubis - His yoroi is shades of brown and is called the "Black Jackel Armor" ;his weapon is a no-dachi [long sword]. He can use darkness as a weapon, preferring to attack when there is no light to let his enemy see. He was born in 1550. His virtue is Ko " Filial Piety."


The last survivor of Kaos' clan, she was abducted by Arago's forces as a young child and has been raised to serve the Demon Lord. Despite wearing no magical armor, she is a stronger fighter than any of the Masho or Troopers, one-on-one. The only thing able to stop her is the Sun Armor. Born in 1559, her weapon is a form of sai known as a jitte.
