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Shin Mouri - Pisces / 0x

Key Characteristics; Honest, Reserved, Sentimental, Persevering

EAST - Pisces teaches the Ox to be more compassionate.

WEST - The Chinese Ox strengthens Pisces' delicate sensitivities.

Moderated by gentle Pisces, sensitivity and introspection temper the normally craggy toughness that is so characteristic of the Ox. An intricate personality this, the Pisces-Ox has a bottomless well of creative talent and a perspicacity that enables him/her to get right to the heart of matter or to read a person like a book. Artistic occupations attract members of this dual sign and, since Pisces-Oxen have no burning drive for power and glory, they are perfectly contented to work behind the scenes or in a supportive capacity. Having romantic and sentimental character, it is not so much a partner as it is a soulmate that the Pisces-Ox seeks out in life.

Loves - Likes - Dislikes

Maintaining traditions is important to the Pisces-Ox and members of this dual sign will display classic tastes. A quiet life in the country is preferred to the hubbub of the city. But deep comfort at home is essential-these people will not make do with tea chests for tables! In love, Pisces-Oxen are profoundly passionate, though reticent in coming forward, and their emotions lie just beneath the surface, ready to be triggered into expression by a like-minded soulmate.


Pisces-Oxen never forget the smallest slight-it may take years but they will get even sooner or later.

Information Found From;
East Meets West Asrtology
By: Loi Reid