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Shin Mouri - March 14, 1973

Going by the Day;
- in a general layout -

Those born on March 14 frequently exasperate others by their apparent inability to make a decision and stick to it. Yet this indecisive tendency is not the result of a lack of perception or conviction - on the contrary, these individuals are extremely astute, and further more possess strong principles. It is just because that they have the ability to evaluate a situation and then visualize many possible future scenarios, they find it hard to decide on a single side of action when the alternatives seem equally viable or fraught with problems. Since they are further more intellectually open to a variety of viewpoints, as well as being profoundly intuitive when it comes to emotions of those around them, they shrink from bigotry and intolerance and from accepting other people's certainties. It is precisely their combination of open-mindedness, empathy and abhorrence of injustice that informs their deeply humanitarian concern.
Human company is important to these sociable people, and others are drawn to them on account of their cheerful kindness, sympathy and infectious originality. Wonderful friends, they also have a potential to make, nonjudgmental parents, but- as in all things- may initially find it hard to commit himself or herself to a single partner. Professionally, they will thrive when working within small teams, although they instinctively rebel against the rigidity of large corporations. The artistic sphere is especially auspicious for march 14 people, in which their powers of imagination and sensuality can be given the opportunity to flower.


Like the water that is their astrological element, these people refuse to be constrained by artificial boundaries, and travel through life searching out and soaking up new experiences. Their capacity for tolerance and perceptive skills give them the capability to be real forces to good.


Such as their ability to absorb information that emanates from every source-be it intellectual, emotional or sensory- that these people have a tendency to become some what confused by the sheer diversity of the plethora of choices available to them, and thus feel unable to reach concrete decisions.

Information found from;
The Ultimate Birthday Book
by; Clare Gibson