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The Legend Began...
1,000 years ago, an ambitious man in Japan bargained with demons for the power to take over the world. So evil that he became a demon himself, he was known as… Demon Lord Arago. His ambitions were thwarted by the warrior priest-mage… Kaos. Arago was drawn into the Demon World, his magical armor remaining behind. Kaos could not allow the armor-saturated with evil power-to remain, but couldn't destroy it. Instead he broke it up and formed it into 9 magical yori; each infused with a specific virtue.

400 years ago, Arago succeeded in bringing the forces of the Demon World under control. He built up enough power to touch our world, although he could not yet conquer it. He found four warriors-all on the losing battles in the Japanese Civil War-and converted them to his cause. Arago also got a hold of four of the nine armors Kaos had created. These bonded the four men who became Arago's Demon Generals, the Mashos. Arago continued to gain power from the emotions of hatred, greed, lust and so on generated by humans in our world, until he could attempt once more to conquer the Human World. Kaos, through his great powers of magic, also remained aware of the ancient evil. He recruited five young warriors to face the, menace posed by his old foe. Thus enters the Yoroiden Samurai Troopers.

* Ryo of the WildFire… Virtue
* Kento of the Hardrock… Justice
* Rowen of the Strata… Life - Force
* Cye of the Torrent…Trust
* Sage of the Halo… Wisdom

Since youngsters, they've been trained in special techniques. They are the last hope for the Humankind. They are the only ones capable of standing against the unstoppable. Although in their first attempt to fight against the evil. They find they have much yet to learn and are scattered from each other to keep them from learning what they must. In order to defeat the Demon Lord Arago and his followers. It's the help of a women of Nasti Yagyu...who posses the knowledge that sets the story in motion. She knows where Arago has put them. With this poem the story really starts and things fall together.

Torch of Spirit,
Sought through Five,
Drinking Strength From Immortal Fire,
The Darkest Prison Sheds the Light,
Churning Beneath a Swirl of Salt,
Burning Within A Throne of Rock,
Floating Amongst The Eyes of Ages,
Unmourned In The Stream of The Sky...