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Shuu LayFang - September 1, 1973

Going by the day;
- in general layout -

Their overriding ambition and concomitantly single-minded focus in striving to achieve the visions that guide them are perhaps the most striking characteristics of those born on this day. The aims that propel them on their determinedly direct paths through life may be concerned with their personal betterment or with bringing about wide-ranging improvements for the benefit of others, but all their ventures are defined by their astuteness of perception, their enviable ability to formulate a practical progressive strategy, and their steadfast tenacity in implementing their plans of action. They also possess remarkable self-knowledge, a gift that endows them with the confidence to stand their ground in the face of adversity. Yet because they are sensitive and blessed with immense personal appeal, when it comes to dealing with doubters, they typically prefer to charm them with regard to their visions with silver-tongued words than to have to resort to the combative approach of which they are well capable.
The highly developed capacity of September 1st people verbally to influence others augurs especially well for their success in advertising, marketing, sales and retail careers, or as powerful writers or performers of any type. Their goal orientation and independence may, however, lead them to neglect their private lives-- a tendency that is particularly pronounced on the men born on their day. -- Despite the enormous value that they place on the support offered by the bonds of strong and honest emotional relationships.


Those born on this day manifest an extraordinary fixity of purpose in the pursuit of their clearly defined aims. They augment this visionary quality with their powerfully effective organizational abilities, the practical strengths born of their keen judgment and the persuasive talents with which they enlist the support of others.


Such is their overwhelming compulsion to realize the ambitions that drive them that September 1 individuals have a propensity to exclusively devote their considerable energies to their quests, a tendency that may ultimately cause them not only to overextend themselves, but also to pay insufficient attention to the needs of those closest to them.


In terms of their all-round fulfillment, it is important that these people learn to appreciate that nurturing their interpersonal liaisons, as well as their own physical and emotional well-being, is at least as significant as the attainment of their intellectual targets. They should therefore take time both to relax and to spend more time with their friends and families.

Information found from;
The Ultimate Birthday Book
by; Clare Gibson