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Touma Hashiba - Libra / 0x

Key Characteristics; Principled, Polite, Meticulous, Balance

EAST - The Ox brings strength and staying power to the sign.

WEST - Libra encourages the Oriental Ox to be more flexible.

Blessed with a good deal more charm and endowed with better social skills than the average Ox, Libra's influence softens the intransigent qualities of the Ox nature. As a result, Libra-Oxen easily makes friends and are popular with their peers. Unlike the thoroughbred Ox, the Libra-Ox is able and willing to compromise and makes both a cooperative employee. These are amiable people, eminently peace loving and never prone to rocking the boat. However, they do tend to attract partners who rock the boat for them. Libra-Oxen are born idealists, constantly looking for perfection in life as well as in love.

Loves - Likes - Dislikes

Libra-Oxen has high principles and even higher standards. Messy environments displease them, as do coarse manners and behavior. These are essentially home-and family-oriented people, preferring life in the country to the busy metropolis. Here, they will tend to their gardens, which are usually of a formal style and well kept. In fact, everything about the Libra-Ox reflects a classical taste. Relationships, too, are likely to be based on stereotypical roles. In love, members of this dual sign are courteous and conciliatory, but they do like things their own way.


Expecting perfection at every turn can lead to unnecessary disappointment for the Libra-Ox.

Information Found From;
East Meets West Asrtology
By: Loi Reid