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Seiji Date - Gemini / 0x

Key Characteristics; Detached, Demanding, Raconteur, Inscrutable

EAST - Gemini speeds up the thinking processes of the Ox.

WEST - The Ox from the East calms the restlessness of the Twins.

Together, these two form a beneficial combination, with Gemini's influence bringing a good deal more spirit and a wider vision to the basically steadfast Oxen character. In turn, the Ox's methodical approach will moderate the Gemini's erratic tendencies and raises the boredom threshold. Consequently, Gemini-Oxen are focused people, with enough tenacity and strength of purpose to complete whatever task it is they have undertaken. Additionally, Gemini-Oxen tends to have outgoing natures and are not adverse to the company of others. Witty and sociable, these people excel in business and other commercial ventures. They do particularly well in positions of authority, preferring to run the whole enterprise themselves than work as underlings.

Loves - Likes - Dislikes

In affairs of the heart, Gemini-Oxen may come across as rather cool and distant. That is because these people have the ability to rationalize their feelings. They tend not to be overwhelmed by emotions, whether they be their own or those of other people. Unmovable, unflappable, and unshakeable, Gemini-Oxen hardly ever overreacts to situations. These people have a way of compartmentalizing the different aspects of their lives. Work is one thing, play is another, love is something else, and sex quite separate altogether. According to the Gemini-Ox, none of these need encroach on the other.


Gemini-Oxen can give an impression that they are devoid of feelings.

Information Found From;
East Meets West Asrtology
By: Loi Reid