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Jun Yamano / Yuli

A youngster cuaght up in the battle with Arago/Tulpa. And usaully he is the one getting into trouble. Some or most people think he's just there to get into the Troopers hair. And yes, partly that is true. He serves well, as the Troopers go to rescue him and test their powers. Although he may end up in a few bindes or more. He does end up helping the Troopers & Nasti/ Mia out time to time. He makes a good side kick to a side kick.

I mean... what would Shu be like if he wasn't argueing with Jun half the time and the other half, messing around with him. Jun brings a touch of drama that Nasti leaves out. Over dramatic and bringing smiles to the Troopers when needed.

He is also a good reminder to the Troopers to what they are fighting for. He also, brings a touch of reality to the show. I mean, just how often is it... when something important is going on there's not some little kid around making things more stressful or for some where to be found, but in mischeif.

Considering all to whats going on and what had happend. Loseing his parents and not being sure if he'd see them again or not. I'd say the kid handled it rather well.