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Peabody, Massachusetts

I would like to dedicate this site to you, you and you. I want its purpose to be to put a smile on your face, a tear in your eye and maybe a bright spot in your day. If I can accomplish this, then my pages will be a success. And know this, I don't have the slightest idea what I'm doing but I'm determined to learn.(May 1. 2000) (Updated 10/13/01)

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Margie and I am the "Spinster Lady" (just a fancy name for "old maid") in the family but I am part of a very lovely family.

I have a sister Barb and brother-in-law Tom. They have four grown children, one son, Paul and three daughters, Cathy, Ellen and Cheryl.

Paul is married to a lovely girl, Beverly, and they have two children, a boy, Paul, who is 4 and a little girl, Peyton, who is 3.

Cheryl is married to a fine young man, Greg, and they have three boys. Tom and Joe are 6 year old twins and Mikey is 3. Cathy and Ellen are not married and I think they are following in their aunt's footsteps.

We are all close and the little ones bring so much joy to all of us.

Now it is only fitting that I introduce you to my own babies. My little


is on the left and my little


is on the right.

"They are my pride and joy!"

January 1985 to May 2000

This page is now a Memorial to "Sparky" who died on May 18, 2000. He was my best friend with unconditional love. I will sorely miss him. he was a darling little smooth hair Fox Terrier, cute as a button.

All images, graphics, music and backgrounds have been transloaded except where permission to link was given. I want to thank all the good folks in the ng for all their help, they are too numerous to to mention by name. Thank you all. There will be another page dedicated to all those sites that were used in obtaining images, backgrounds, midis, graphics etc.

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