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A personal story...

..."Steve Robinson was the artist of the group. One of the traditions that has grown up around the Shuttle flights is the creation of a special crew patch for each flight, and Steve's design for STS-95 combined a silhouette of the Shuttle with a tiny orbiting capsule signifying Friendship 7"...

From: John Glenn a memoir, by: Astronaut John H. Glenn jr.

The crew

(JUNE 1998) --- Five astronauts based at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) and two payload specialists take a break from their training schedule to pose for the STS-95 pre-flight portrait. Seated are astronauts Curtis L. Brown Jr. (right), mission commander; and Steven W. Lindsey, pilot. Standing, from the left, are Scott F. Parazynski and Stephen K. Robinson, both mission specialists; Chiaki Mukai, payload specialist representing Japan's National Space Development Agency (NASDA); Pedro Duque, mission specialist representing the European Space Agency (ESA); and U.S. Sen. John H. Glenn Jr., payload specialist.

The Artwork

The STS-95 patch, designed by the crew, is intended to reflect the scientific, engineering, and historic elements of the mission. The Space Shuttle Discovery is shown rising over the sunlit Earth limb, representing the global benefits of the mission science and the solar science objectives of the Spartan Satellite. The bold number "7" signifies the seven members of Discovery's crew and also represents a historical link to the original seven Mercury astronauts. The STS-95 crew member John Glenn's first orbital flight is represnted by the Friendship 7 capsule. The rocket plumes symbolize the three major fields of science represented by the mission payloads: microgravity material science, medical research for humans on Earth and in space, and astronomy.