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since Jan. 4, 2002


Here's what you gotta know...

Ok, listen. I know my website sucks. But I've accepted that and now I can move on because I know that I am far too lazy the devote the time to make it better. So since I'm here, I'll tell you-random person who landed here and is reading this- MY GRAND PLAN. It's for me, rjr, to set out on a journey from my home in Massachusetts to Los Angeles, CA. Now, the original plan was to car is dead. The backup was to take the bus.....too expensive, too quick, too boring. The other backup was to ride my bike!........I dont think i could hunch over that long with all that stuff to carry. So this is it boys and girls, I'm walking. Yes im walking. All my friends say I'm crazy, that I'll get raped and killed. But I say, tell that too my .44, which I'll have by then. I plan to leave in September. If you think I'm crazy, tell me so. If you have any ideas on where to sleep or stop along the way, tell me. I'd also like to bring a puppy with me, so if you have one you'd like to donate, tell me. By the way, I still love Robbie Williams, but I wont be doing anything more to his portion of this site, but go buy his album. SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE

(please click the above banner and visit that site! it makes me money!) Welcome! I am rjr711rules! yep, that's my name! And my website has finally come together in some form or another. Like my site? cos i do! anyway, here you'll find everything about robbie williams you want to know, a lot about Jude Law, and I can answer basically any other question about any other subject in the i'm not that smart- i can justuse the internet. TAH-DAH! EXPLORE!
Navigate with the bar on the left, though things are still underconstruction. I apologize for any in convenience.

3-31-03 yo peeps, opening day in red sox country, tomorow robbies album comes out in america, and also im mooooooving. but my computer is coming with me, have no fear. so i will now procrastinate by working on this forlorn site. this is a laid back website theres something wrong with my screen... everything looks yellow. OK, i dunno what i was thinking that i could keep up with daily robbie updates... i love the guy but im also a slacker, so there will be no more updates on the Bob Updates page. Go to dotmusic or Ananova or something for news stories. I'll continue slacking/working on all other parts of this friggin site as soon as i find the motivation. (this week's things of the week were chosen by ME)
word of the week: entropy
movie of the week: The Good Girl
song of the week: "Why Don't We Do It In The Road" by the Beatles
quote of the week: "have u seen my baseball?."- warren

anyway, things to do list-
1-create an update page (basically for important robbie news.) I did it!! started 3-13-02!
2-get rid of all the paul cattermole stuff(since he grew his hair out, im not interested) yay! thats a big check!
3-create a huge biographies page(and i mean huge, including actors and musicians) Ive started it! check out the
Personalities page!
4-put up the rest of judes pictures(cos u know u wann em!).......eventually....
5- depending on the traffic i get....i could be grand, or it could b shite......i want lotsa traffic!

if u are a robbie williams fan, then i am the one to talk to. The best search engine to look for celebrites and stuff like that is Altavista even though you dont usually get it in your first ten matches, if you look further, there are great sites.
If you want to learn about robbie williams, you can go to mostly any site of him and there is a large webring with many links to connect you to what u want. The appreciation pages have a good biography , but Dotmusic or Ananovausually has the best up-to-date news.
his official site is actually not all that good. it has a good chat area, and the diary section is ok. it is hardly ever updated, but they always include great pictures, and funny captions.
there are some great picture galleries out there in sites like the robbie williams ultimate homepage.

jude law is a really great actor. but not just great. he is so much beyond the rest of hollywood in his style and talent that it is mind boggling. you'll notice how in every movie he is in, he is PERFECT. they actually say that too. they say perfect, or they describe him as having absolutely no faults. this may be the one exception to type-casting being a bad thing.
there is one really good page! about jude law. its got lots of pictures and articles too, but it was changed recently and I don't like it as much now. The Road to Perdition ame out this summer and i think he'll be nominated for an oscar.

So I'm over Carson Daly, and I only watch TRL now in hopes of something about Robbie will come on. But I was thinking I could devote a page to the show Jackass just cos it rocks, or maybe have a completely random I've thus named it "Page 4" and thats all folks!



I urge people to email me and tell me anything. Mostly I would like to know how i can improve my site and also to share ideas. Don't worry, i wont think you're weird or anything and i wont be worried about you finding out my 'personal information'. my address is below, and my AIM screen name is rjr711rules. Basically, if you want to contact me over the internet, just look for rjr711rules. I even own, but dont go there cos its not there(long story, don't ask, and kids; dont buy domain names without doing research first).


i think i should have some sort of disclaimer, so, i've unfortunately got nothing to do with robbie williams, jude law, or carson daly, or any of them. only that i know they're the greatest of all time! Also, almost all the information on my site is adapted from various other sites, so I've tried to promote every site I've borrowed from somehow or another on this site.