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Rebop's Terriers

Wire Fox Terrier steeling himself for his bath.
Look at his expression!

Wire Fox Terrier "letting things slide", by Florence E. Valter.

Wire Fox Terrier Pups by MAC (Lucy Dawson)

Wire Fox Terr by Lucy Dawson.

Jack Russell Terrier Pups, 1908.

Cute little girl holding 2 SMOOTH FOX TERRIER PUPS as Mom Dog watches and they all prepare for the bath.

Wire Fox Terrier and German Shepard by Mabel Gear.

WIRE HAIRED FOX TERRIER Dog Portrait on a Photo Postcard. What a beautiful dog! At one time this dog was called a ROUGH COATED TERRIER.

Wire Fox and Scotch Terriers, 1959.

Smooth Fox Terrier Portrait by Minnie Keene, London.

VALENTINE'S Photo Postcard with 6 JACK RUSSELL TERRIERS in a box. The JACK with his head on the edge of the box is called a ROUGH COATED JACK RUSSELL TERRIER, British.

Wire Fox Terrier maybe thinking "What's going on here?"

Jack Russells getting into trouble.

WIRE HAIRED FOX TERRIER Dog sitting up with a very large spoon in his mouth asking for "MORE PLEASE" on an artist signed by C. AMBLER on a VALENTINE'S British Postcard.

Jack Russell and Boy, real photo, 1941.

Jack Russell Sitting in an Urn, photo.

Five Dachshund pups with Terrier.

WIRE HAIRED FOX TERRIER Dog sitting at the door with a little BOY carrying flowers and ringing the bell on a hand tinted Photo Postcard.

Jack Russell and Cat Playing, circa 1910's.