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Hardcore, punk and metal bootlegs for trade. Located in Boston



May 26 2000 I went to a show up at the wetlands in NY and saw Madball, Sick Of It All, Skarhead, Shutdown, Son Of Skam 9 Lives and Sworn Enemy. Since then I have been looking for these shows on tape. There were a buncha people taping this show and i know some of the shit has to have been traded. Please contact me if you have copies.

I want death threat shows. I know there has to be some around so please hook me up all you out there that have em.

I am also lookin for the house of pain promo for on point. if ya got it i wanna trade with ya. New cold as life shows are wanted along with ANY madball or skarhead shows i dont have, and anything from son of skam, sworn enemy or GFY. Any of the more recent BLOOD FOR BLOOD shows i would like. Especially the one from Boston at the mid-east. Anything from that show i would like




Thats the stuff im looking for the most. all hardcore and punk traders are more than welcome to submit there lists though. I am really starting to get back into this tradin shiznit again so bleh.

OK heres the deal. I do not have everything on my list but i have most of the shit. I labeled everything i dont have but there may be one or two other thing missing. E-mail me with what ya want and ill let you know if i dont have suttin.

Last Updated: Labor Day 2001


In regards to the legality of the video home recording act settled by Congress with the Home Recording Act (P.L. 102-563,106 Stat.4237, Codified at 17 U.S.C. 1001-1010) in October 1992. No action may be brought under this title alleging infringement of copyright based on the manufacture, importation, or distribution of a digital or analog recording medium or based on the noncommercial use of such a device or medium. No rights are intended, expressed or implied. My priority is to trade. Your list is invited. If a trade is not possible, I can provide a service from one collector to another. The services rendered include the cost of time, materials, videotape, and use and maintenence of equipment. Any claims to and for the rights of said materials can be forwarded and requested and considered for removal from the list.

1. Always use a High Quality Maxell T-120 or T-160 Tape for Video. Unless discussed with me first.
2. Always use blank tapes. Nothing thats already recorded on.
3. ALWAYS tape in SP mode for video.
4. Don't cut off songs to save room.
5. Give all information for the show.
6. I will always do 2:1.
7. I will only sell shit that i recorded. It will be labeled master or submaster. I will also NOT under any circumstances sell demo's of D.I.Y. bands. I will sell copies if the band is broken up (r.i.p.) or is on a major label now and are filty rich hoes who wont give me money. Money MUST be sent first for all purchases.
8. If you have nothing to trade, I will trade for Actual band CD's, Videos, Posters, flyers and other interesting things you might have.
9. I am also interested in cdr bootlegs. I have a list e-mail me for it (dont do this for a while)
10. If you fuck me over, LIE ABOUT THE GENERATION OF A TAPE!! or break any other rules your goin on my bad traders list. so dont be a bitch.

Bad Traders

This The East Coast Hardcore Webring site owned by Dana White.
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my e-mail adress is my irc nick is prickford and my aol instant messanger name is eastcidehc. If it aint from the East Coast it aint Hardcore



nothing has been updated in a long time. When i get in possesion of all my videos there will be a huge update. This may not be for a month or for a year. You can either keep checking back or you can e-mail and let me know your interested in a trade and I will let you know when im ready again.

mail my bitch ass

you smell