

Friends pages:
Choose Your Poison - Rosemary's site
Gluestick88's Poetry Corner - Meg's site
The Kiss of Treachery - Looking Glass Girl Vanessa

Presenting.....The E Hall!

Crafty webweaving links:

Witch Alone - Salome's Circles, devoted to the solitary witch

One of the largest pagan websites out there, pagan community, general information, and resources for finding people in your area

Spirit Online Spiritual Community & Information Network.

For all walkers of the path, Pagans, Wiccans, Witches. Great resource

A Book of Shadows, Bookstore and lots of various articles

Solitary Wicca Book of Shadows, rather undeveloped, but a few good articles

Online pagan shops:

Worldwide Supplier of Occult and New Age Merchandise

A Circle of Prosperity

Other Religious Studies:

Essentials of Buddhism

Judaism 101

The Skeptic's Annotated Bible: The King James Version presented from a skeptic point of view

Satanism 101

Manuela Standing Woman - an interesting woman's journey back to Spirituality

Two Spirit People Nadleeh Berdache In Native American Culture