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Every game must have it's rules. Ordanna is no different. Here are mine. They should be pretty easy to follow.

1.) You must post at least once every other week or I will have to ask you to leave . Being an RPG, Ordanna's existance depends on your posting and involvement.

2.) You may not use another person's persona without his or her permission. If you do and that someone tells me about it, you will receive a warning. The second warning, you're out of the club. We all must respect each other's property.

3.) No slander, or putting down of other people. I don't like it, and I'm sure you don't either. After the second warning, you will be gone.

4.) Please keep cussing to a minium. I know cussing has become part of most people's everyday lives, but this game is for all ages. Sometimes, it is understandable to cuss, other times it sounds stupid.

5.) Please, please, please remember that this is and rated PG-13 game, okay? Anything that happens in a PG-13 movie can happen in Ordanna - nothing rated R or I will dismiss you immediately. Keep it clean!! It isn't that hard.

6.) Above all else remember to have fun!
