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Overseas Coupon Project

2005 Contributions

The Oakridge Detachment of the Marine Corps League has recently launched their Overseas Coupon Project in support of our military families serving on bases overseas. The commissaries accept manufacturer’s coupons up to 6 months past their expiration date. Unfortunately, the families do not have access to the coupons like we do here in our weekend editions of the newspapers.

We are currently sending coupons to Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa Japan and Ramstein AB in Germany. One of the military wives at each base divides up the coupons among several families and the rest of the coupons go into a share boxes at various offices and the commissary for others to go through and find any they can use.

How can you help? There are several ways.
Simply gather up your unused coupons, current or expired. Spread the word and tell your friends, family and neighbors.
We are looking for locations to place collection boxes. If you would like to help support our program and display a box, please contact us.

These boxes could be on a counter for your customers to drop coupons in, or in your break rooms for your employees to contribute. Do you belong to an organization that might like to contribute? We can get a box to you to display at your meetings.

We are also looking for military families from our local area that are stationed overseas that we can add to our list so we can send them coupons as well. If you know of a family that might be interested, please have them contact us!!
For more information, please contact Lesley at