The First Noël's-From France to Canada

Life in New France

The French struggled to colonize New France in its first few decades of existence. The biggest attraction to most men who came to New France in the very beginning was to make a quick buck on the fur trade. After all, Canada was a wilderness...and a bitterly cold one at that! Very few men had the desire to live permanently under such conditions; they wanted to take the money and run.

Samuel Champlain was the first man to actually try to carve a permanent settlement out of the Canadian wilderness. He was the first man to reach out to the more peaceful Indian tribes of the area; even going into battle alongside the Algonquin and Huron Indian tribes as they fought the fierce and feared Iroquois tribe.
This bond between the natives and the French was necessary to keep the fur trade alive. All of these things took time, patience, and determination. Champlain kept his eye on the prize and eventually created a viable settlement in Québec.

Champlain was a devout Catholic; and when the Hugenots of the western French seaports began cutting into the fur trade in Canada, this upset Champlain greatly. He discussed this issue with Cardinal Richelieu, adviser to King Louis XIII. The Cardinal was of the same mindset; he did not want religious class warfare such as France was dealing with between the Catholics and the Hugenots to rear its head in the new colony. Why not nip the problem in the bud?

As a result, the good Cardinal founded the Company of One Hundred Associates or Compagnie des Cent-Associés, and began to parcel out land to anyone who would settle the new frontier on the condition that they were either already Catholic or agreed to renounce their religion and convert to Catholicism!. In addition, no parish priest or curate would marry a couple unless both of them were Catholic. This is why you will sometimes see confirmation dates for grown men and women in some Canadian history books; they had converted to Catholicism in order to marry or own land.
These regulations, along with the Jesuit and Recollet ministries that established themselves in Canada, paved the way for an "ultramontane" church environment. This meant that the Catholic Church would answer only to the Vatican; the government would have no power to limit the church. The church also managed to have some say in the policies of government of the new colony. As a result, the Catholic Church became a very large and important part of family life in New France.

Samuel Champlain is known as the "Father of New France"....a title he richly deserves. Those of us that are descended from the pioneering families of Canada owe a debt of gratitude to Monsieur Champlain and his dedication to colonization of Canada.4

Of course, Canada needed more than men to trap and hunt and build...they needed women to marry the men and populate the colony. Go here to read about the brave pioneer women of Canada.

I begin my lineage at the beginning, with the first known Noël family members, namely Pierre NOËL, born ca 1613, and Elisabeth AUGUSTIN, born ca 1617. They were both born in Poitou, France. They had one known son, François NOËL. Nothing else is known about this couple.1,2,5,7

François NOËL - Nicole LEGRAND

my 9th great-grandparents

François was born in 1644 in Chire-en-Montreuil, Poitiers, Poitou, France. His parents saw to it that he had some education, as François was able to sign his name with a flourish. François immigrated to Quebec, Canada about 1666 or so, the indentured servant of Gabriel Gosselin. He also served in the same capacity for Jacques Roy in the year 1667.1,2,5,7
François married Nicole Legrand on 22 October 1669 at Ste. Famille, on the Île d'Orléans. Nicole was born in the St. Sulpice parish of Paris, France about 1647, the daughter of Nicolas LEGRAND & Anne DUPLESSIS. Nicole was also somewhat educated; she could sign her name with ease. Nicole came to Canada in 1669, after the death of her father. She was one of the "Fille du Roi" or "Daughters of the King".1,2,5,7
François' life is recorded in the series "Our French Canadian Ancestors" by Tom Laforest. Nancy Borman, a cousin, has included the details on her Noel/Langlois family website. Click this link to take you directly to that website and the great job Nancy did in excerpting the chapter on François Noël.9

François and Nicole had much to learn. They had to learn how to get along as a married couple, how to be parents to their 10 children, and how to farm the land in their new home.
They also, apparently, had a bit to learn about being good neighbors. Around 18 February 1673, 4 years after they had been married, François and Nicole spread the ugly rumor that their neighbor, Jeanne Bardé (some sources show her as Anne Bardet), "was a whore"; and even claimed that she had been caught in the act with someone other than her husband. This upset Jeanne and her husband, Jean Paulin; and eight days later, on 26 February, they traveled to Governor Frontenac's palace in Quebec to file a complaint about this slur on their character. Either the Noël's would have to recant their scandalous tale or defend themselves in a lawsuit and pay reparations to the injured parties if they could not prove their slanderous words to be true. François and Nicole made the wise decision to apologize to the Paulin's and the authorities for their bad behavior and take back all the malicious comments they'd made. By 1677, the families had restored their relationship to the point that François leased some of his frontage land to Jean Paulin.5,7

The children of François Noël - Nicole Legrand are as follows:

Philippe NOËL

Catherine Marguerite Noël

This person is listed in most sources as Marguerite instead of Catherine; but will be referred to as Catherine here. She was born November 1679 in St. Laurent, Ile d'Orleans.1
Catherine married François Chabot on 27 Apr 1698 at St. Laurent, Ile d'Orleans. François, a native of Ste. Famille, Ile d'Orleans, was born 24 February 1673 to Mathurin/Marie Mesanges.2,3,5
François and Catherine had three children:

Louise Françoise- Baptized 13 February 1701; buried 25 February 1701.1
Marie Madeleine-Baptized 13 September 1702; buried 25 September 1703.1
Marguerite- Date of birth is not know, but probably around 1703 from the date of birth of the previous child and the death date of her father. Marguerite was buried 26 Jan 1715, at about 12 years of age.1

François Chabot died on 5 March 1703 and was buried the same day; possibly the victim of a flu epidemic. Two weeks later, her brother François Noël would also die, possibly from the same epidemic.1
In the space of two years, Catherine had buried her husband and two of their three children, as well as suffering the death of her brother. In an era where death was around every corner-disease, Indians, farming and water accidents-Catherine's situation was still nothing less than tragic.
Catherine married Pierre Parent on 15 November 1706 in St. Laurent. A native of Beauport, Quebec,he was born 29 July 1684 to Pierre Parent/Marguerite Baugis. Pierre was twelve years her junior, which may have been the best thing in the world for the no doubt sad Catherine.2,5,6,8
The couple initially settled in St. Laurent. However, in 1711, Pierre moved his family to Beauport. Why? The answer lies in the act of donation made by Pierre's parents: They would donate all of their belongings, land, and home to Pierre and his wife if they agreed to come and care for them in their old age.6
Pierre and Catherine had 7 children:
Pierre- Baptized 19 August 1707 in St. Laurent; he grew up to be a royal notary. He married Jeanne Chevalier on 4 October 1749 in Beauport. Jeanne was born about 1707, the daughter of Jean Chevalier and an unknown mother; nothing else known about her.1,8
Jean Baptiste- Baptized 15 March 1709 in St. Laurent. Sadly, the little fellow was buried 11 days later on March 26 in St. Laurent.1
Marie Therese- Baptized 10 April 1710 in St. Laurent. This baby was buried 15 April 1710 in St. Laurent.1
Marie Angelique- Baptized 27 Mar 1713 in Beauport. She went on to marry Nicolas Belanger on 13 September 1745 in Beauport. Nicolas was born about 1709 to Nicolas Belanger & Marie Magnan or Mignier and died September 1769 in St. Joachim, Quebec. It is unknown where or when Marie Angelique died.1,8
Michel- Little Michel was baptized 13 September 1715 and was buried almost a month later on 12 October in Beauport. It should be noted that this burial would come on the heels of the death of Marguerite Chabot,Catherine's only remaining child by François Chabot, in January of 1715. How much sadness was this woman expected to endure?1,8
Adrien- Baptized 7 Sep 1717 in Beauport. He married Marguerite Maillou, daughter of Germain/Marie Madeleine Giroux, 13 September 1745 in Beauport. Adrien was buried 11 Feb 1782 in Quebec.1,8
Louis Francois- Baptized 4 October 1722 in Beauport. Married Marguerite Bean 31 August 1750 in Quebec.1,8

Catherine Marguerite Noel died 27 May 1752 and was buried the next day at Beauport. In addition to her parents and 3 siblings, Catherine bore the loss of a husband and 6 children in her 79 years of life. At least she did not have to bury another husband--Pierre Parent survived her by 7 years, dying on 22 February 1759. He was buried the same day in Beauport.5,8

François Noël

François was born 17 September 1675 in Ste. Famille, Ile d'Orleans. He married Catherine Brulon, (who was born 4 June 1678 in Quebec to Pierre/Jeanne Baillargeon) on 9 February 1699 in St. Laurent.1,2,5
Two children were born of this union:

Catherine- Born ca 1699. Married Nicolas Diverny dit St. Germain on 17 October 1728 in Quebec City. Nicolas was born in 1694, a native of St.-Martin-d'Achere,Paris, France; the son of Jean/Françoise Pellitier; nothing else is known about his parents. Catherine gave birth to 9 children; 6 survived to adulthood. Catherine was buried 12 December 1754 in Quebec City.1
François- Baptized on 16 June 1701. Nothing else known.1
François Noël died 20 March 1703, and was buried the next day in St. Laurent; possibly a victim of the flu epidemic that carried off his brother-in-law François Chabot. His widow Catherine went on to marry Pierre Moreau. She died 19 June 1706 in St. Laurent.1,2,3,5,8

Pierre Noël

Pierre Noel was born 11 September 1677 in Ste. Famille, Ile d'Orleans, along with his twin sister Claire. He married Marie Louise Gosselin on 5 November 1703. Marie Louise a native of St. Pierre, was born 30 Mar 1687 to Michel Gosselin & Michelle Miville Deschene.1,2,5
This prolific couple produced a whopping 14 children-with 13 living to adulthood!:

Louise- Born 5 September 1704 in St.Pierre. Married Barthelemi Terrien (son of Barthelemi/Marguerite Fontaine) 2 June 1749 in St. Pierre and had 5 known children. She was buried 1 May 1760 in St. Charles, Bellechasse, Quebec.1,2
Anonymous Infant- Born, probably given an emergency baptism, died and buried on 12 January 1706 in St. Pierre.1
Pierre- Baptized 20 December 1706 in St. Pierre.1
Joseph- Baptized 14 October 1708 in St. Pierre.1
>Raphael- Born 20 June 1710 in St. Pierre. The name of this child is listed in various records as either Raphael, Francois, or Pierre. He married Marie Anne Pepin of St. Jean, Ile d'Orleans, on 8 July 1737 in St. Jean. She was the daughter of Gervais/Marie Madeleine Fortier. They had one known child, Marie Anne Noel, before Marie Anne Pepin died; she was buried 19 November 1746 in St. Pierre.
Raphael went on to marry Marie Thecle Bilodeau, daughter of François/Marie Bauche, on 11 November 1748 in Ste. Famille. They had 6 children.
The dates and places of death/burial for Raphael Noel and Marie Thecle Bilodeau are unknown.1,2,3
Genevive- Born 1 March 1712 in St. Pierre. Married Charles Fortier, son of Charles/Marie Françoise Blouin on 29 July 1743 in St. Pierre. This couple had 4 known children. Genevieve was buried 28 October 1758 in St. Jean on the Ile d'Orleans.1,2
Marie Dorothee
François- Born 11 February 1716 in St. Pierre. This person is also referred to as Raphael in some records; but he seems to be a different person that the previous Raphael/François child. He married Marie-Marthe Nolin, daughter of Guillaume/Therese Trudel, on 4 January 1745 in St. Pierre. The couple had 7 known children (5 that survived to adulthood). François died sometime before 10 October 1763, which is when his wife married François Leclerc, who had been widowed by Marie Helene Cote.1,2
Jacques- Born 11 February 1718 in St. Pierre, Jacques was married 4 times. His first marriage on 24 January 1746 to Marie Joseph Fontaine (daughter of Pierre/Marie Madeleine Pepin), produced 7 children (4 survived to adulthood) before Marie Joseph was buried 21 November 1756 in St. Pierre.
Jacques was no doubt heartbroken at the death of his wife. But he needed help raising his 5 children (one had not yet died); so on 14 February 1757-4 months after the death of his first wife, Jacques married Madeleine Dupile, daughter of Augustin/Françoise Lecompte; nothing else is known about her parents. This union produced 4 known children.
Madeleine Dupile apparently died before 23 October 1769, as this was the date of Jacques' third marriage--this time to Helen (or Therese) Ratte, daughter of Guillaume/Madeleine Nolin and widow of François Goulet. No known children born of this union.
Helene must have died sometime before 19 January 1778. For this is the date that Jacques, undaunted, married Genevieve Plante, daughter of Pierre/Angelique Havard and widow of François Cote. There seems to be no children born of this marriage.
Jacques Noel's date of death is unknown.1,2,3
Marie Marguerite- Born 2 May 1720 in St. Pierre. She married Pierre Filteau on 20 October 1749 in St. Pierre. Pierre, a native of Beaumont, was the son of Nicolas/Françoise Maillou. This couple had 8 children, 7 which survived to adulthood.1,2,8
Helene- Born 9 July 1722 in St. Pierre. Married Joseph Baillargeon, son of Nicolas/Marguerite Leclerc on 11 November 1754 in St. Pierre. Nothing else known.1,2
Joseph Marie- Baptized 24 November 1724 in St. Pierre. He married Madeleine Bilodeau, daughter of François/Marie Bauche of Ste. Famille, on 27 October 1749. This marriage produced 9 children, 8 of which survived to adulthood. One of those children was Pierre Gilles Noël.1,2
Isabelle or Elizabeth- The names Isabelle and Elizabeth seem to be used interchangeably in many French-Canadian records and this case is no exception. This young lady was baptized 25 August 1727 in St. Pierre. On 11 February 1749 she married Joseph Fortier, a widower 14 years her senior, and relocated to St. Michel, Quebec. They had 6 known children before Joseph died and was buried 27 July 1759 in St. Michel. Three years later, Isabelle married Guillaume Dagneau on 15 November 1762 in St. Michel. No known children of this union. 1,2,8
Marie Louise- The baby of the Noël-Gosselin brood was baptized 12 February 1730 in St. Pierre. Nothing else known.1
Pierre Noël died on 4 October 1748 in Ste. Famille and was buried there the next day. Marie Louise Gosselin was buried at Ste. Famille two weeks later, on 20 October.1


Twin to Pierre. Claire was born 11 Sep 1677, and died as an infant on Oct 1677 of unknown causes.1,5


Born 14 Nov 1679 at St. Laurent, Isle of Orleans. Marguerite died at 11 years of age of the influenza epidemic on 23 Feb 1691 in the Hotel Dieu in Quebec.1,5

Ignace Noël

Ignace Noel was born 8 May 1681 in St. Laurent. On 7 November 1707, he married Marie-Anne Huard at Lauzon, Quebec. She was born in Pointe-de-Levy, Levis, Quebec on 18 February 1687 to Jean/Anne Marie Amyot.1,2
This couple had 10 children--certainly not as many as brother Pierre, but a respectable number nonetheless:

Ignace- Born 3 September 1708 in St. Laurent. Little Ignace died a year later on 27 October 1709 and was buried the next day at St. Laurent.1
Ignace- Born 6 November 1709 in St. Laurent. He married another fertile Gosselin female, Marie Madeleine Gosselin, on 27 July 1735 in St. Laurent. She was also a native of St. Laurent and the daughter of François/Marie Françoise Lemelin. This couple gave birth to 15 children; with 9 surviving to adulthood!1,2,8
Michel- Born 27 April 1711 in St. Laurent; and died on 28 July 1733. He was buried the same day at St. Laurent.1
Marie Ursule- Born 11 October 1712 in St. Laurent. Married Joseph Leclerc on 8 June 1734 in St. Laurent. He was the son of Pierre/Elisabeth Rondeau (sister of Marie Rondeau) of St. Laurent. This marriage produced 14 children (what was in the water in St. Laurent?) with 12 surviving to adulthood.1,2
Marie Anne- Born 12 December 1715; died 1 September 1716 and was buried the next day in St. Laurent.1
Marie Anne- They try this name again; with almost the same results. This child was born 18 July 1718 and lived to be 15 years old; dying on 10 August 1733 and buried the same day in St. Laurent. Usually, burial on the same day as death indicates dying of a contagious disease of some sort.1
François- Born 1 June 1720 in St. Laurent. He married Marie Genevieve Ruel, daughter of Jean/Marthe Fournier, on 2 February 1750 in St. Laurent. Sadly, François died a little over 5 years later on 6 September 1755 and was buried the same day in St. Laurent. Again, was the cause a contagious disease? That is not known. Marie Genevieve Ruel went on to marry Louis Rouleau a little over a year later.1,2
Pierre- Born 22 December 1722 in St. Laurent; nothing else known.1
Jean-Baptiste- Born 29 August 1725 in St. Laurent. On 18 February 1754, in St. Joseph de la Pointe Levy, Lauzon, Quebec, he married Marie Josephe Bourget, the daughter of Pierre/Marie Jean dit Denis. Out of the 5 children the couple is known to have had, 3 died before adulthood.1
Cecile- Born 20 February 1728 in St. Laurent. She united in marriage with Antoine Rousseau, a fellow native of St. Laurent, on 7 November 1746, in their home parish. Antoine was the son of Antoine/Catherine Bouffard. The couple's children are unknown.1,2
Marie Anne Huard died 30 July 1749 and was buried the next day at St. Laurent.1
In the spring of 1759, while his country bravely fought off the invading British, Ignace Noël died. He was buried on 14 June of that year; only a few months before the conquest of Quebec by England.1,5

Michel Noël

Michel Noel was born 26 March 1683 in St. Laurent. He married Marguerite Agnes Garand or Garaut on 22 February 1713 in St. Pierre. She was born around 1686, the daughter of Pierre/Catherine Labrecque.1,2
The couple seems to have settled in St. Pierre, where Michel sired the following known children:

Marie Agnes- Born 29 January 1714. She would not live to her first birthday, dying on 14 October of the same year and buried the same day in St. Pierre.1
Pierre- Baptized 19 August 1715. Pierre was buried 29 November 1749. Nothing else known.1
Marie Louise- Born 9 January. 1717.1
Marie Therese- Baptized 25 March 1719.1
Agnes Marguerite- Born 17 April 1721.1
Marie Madeleine- Baptized 28 March 1723. She married Beaunet Gilaude, a day laborer, on 10 April 1747 in St. Pierre. He was the son of Beaunet/Catherine Renaud; nothing else known about his parents. In January of 1748, Marie Madeleine gave birth to a daughter, Marie Madeleine Gilaude, who was baptized on 23 January in Quebec. However, Marie Madeleine Noël did not recover from the birth and was buried in Quebec on 2 February. Two years later, Beaunet married Marguerite Pellitier.1,2
Ignace- Born 5 August 1745. He married Rosalie Colombe, daughter of Louis/Helene Paulet 30 May 1763 in St. Pierre. No known children.1,2
Jean-Baptiste- Born 2 July 1728 and buried at age 29 on 8 April 1758 in St. Pierre.1
Michel Noël died on 25 May 1751 and was buried 2 days later in his home parish of St. Laurent. Seven years later, Marguerite Agnes Garand died on 9 May 1758. She was buried with Michel.1

Jean-Baptiste Noël

Jean Baptiste was born 30 Sep 1685 in St. Laurent, Isle of Orleans. He died 9 Jan 1691 at five years of age at the Hotel Dieu in Quebec of the same influenza epidemic that killed his older sister Marguerite.1,5

Marie Madeleine Noël

Marie Madeleine was born 12 May 1687 at St. Laurent. She married Antoine Fortier, a native of St. Laurent on 3 February 1706 in St. Laurent. Antoine was born 28 Feb 1680 to Antoine/Marie Madeleine Cadieu. At the time of their marriage, Antoine had worked and earned enough money to buy two parcels of land; one at Rivière du Sud which was 4 arpents wide by 50 deep; the other at St. Jean, Île d'Orléans which had 2.5 arpents of frontage.1,2,3,5
This couple remained in St. Laurent up to the birth of their first child. Their remaining children were born in St. Jean, probably on the aforementioned land parcel:
Antoine- Baptized 28 October 1706 in St. Laurent. Married Marie-Francoise Dupas on 20 November 1732 in St. Jean. Antoine was buried 12 October 1742 in St. Jean.1
Marie Madeleine- Baptized 1 June 1708 in St. Jean (where the remaining children will be born/baptized).1
Guillaume- Batpized 14 September 1710. Married Marie-Marguerite Terrien, daughter of Barthelemi/Marguerite Fontaine. Date and place of this event is unknown.1
Jean Francois- Born 15 October 1712. Married Brigitte Pepin dit Lachance (daughter of Jean/Madeleine Fontaine) 30 June 1739. They had one known son, Jean-Francois, born in 1740. Brigitte died sometime before 1 August 1757; which is when Jean Francois married Marie-Francoise Jahan in St. Jean.1,3
Dorothee- Baptized 5 May 1720 in St. Jean. Married Jean-Baptiste Martel, son of Antoine/Catherine Guillot, on 11 May 1750 in St. Jean. Dorothee was buried 2 years later on 17 April 1752 in St. Jean.1,2,3
Marie Anne- Baptized 20 September 1724. She married Jean-Charles Pepin dit Lachance, son of Joseph/Marguerite Fontaine, 16 November 1744 in St. Jean. Jean-Charles died before 1 February 1752, which is when Marie-Anne married Pierre Gosselin; she had 3 known children with him.1,3
Angelique- Born about 1726. Married Jean-Francois Gosselin, son of Joseph/Marie Francoise Godbout, on 4 November 1749 in St. Jean.1
Joseph- Unknown where or when Joseph was born. He married Marie Joseph Filteau (daughter of Gabriel/Marguerite Roy) on 11 February 1734 in St. Jean. Joseph became the royal notary for St. Jean on 20 November 1734. Marie Joseph died before 25 November 1754; as this is when Joseph married Marguerite Pouliot (daughter of Charles/Genevieve Godbout) in St. Jean. No known children for either marriage.1,2
Claude- Unknown where or when Claude was born. He married Angelique Fontaine, daughter of Antoine/Marguerite Angelique Godbout, on 4 November 1749 in St. Jean. They had 7 known children.1

Antoine Fortier was buried 23 May 1749 in St. Jean. Marie Madeleine then married Antoine Lachance Pepin 14 February 1752 in St. Jean. Antoine was born 21 Jan 1693 in St. Jean to Jean/Renee Guyon. He was the widower of Marie Madeleine Blouin. There were no known children born of this union. Antoine Pepin was buried 20 Dec 1754 in St. Jean. Marie Madeleine Noël's date/place of death is unknown.1,2,3,5

In 1707, François Noël and Nicole Legrand decided to take steps to ensure that they would be cared for in their old age. To this end, they had a very detailed will drawn up, which included an "act of donation" to their son Ignace--meaning that he would inherit the bulk of their estate, less a token inheritance to the rest of the children. In return for this, Ignace would house and support his parents until their deaths, including paying for their funerals and masses.

Nicole Legrand died on 5 October 1713 and was buried the next day at St. Laurent. François Noel was also buried at St. Laurent, on 26 May 1725.1,5,7,8

Honoring our Ancestors...
It is interesting to notice how our ancestors were not only named for parents and grandparents, but for older siblings that had died before their birth--almost as if the birth of that child was intended to replace the one that was lost. We see the names Francois, Phillipe, Pierre, Jean Baptiste; also Marie, Marguerite, and Madeline. As you navigate this site, you will see many more repeats of the same names. Oddly enough, the only two Nicole's that I have found thus far in this line are my own daughter and the granddaughter of Eleisa Marsala Trampler. Although I didn't know of Nicole Legrand's existence when my daughter was named, I'll still offer up a humble "better late than never!"

The In-Laws

No family is complete without them, and some are better than others! At any rate, we can't forget them--or their information. They are listed alphabetically by husband's surname.

Pierre Bazin & Marguerite Leblanc

Pierre hails from France-St. Thomas, Tour, Lisieux, to be exact. He was born there about 1644 to Etienne & Marthe deReinville, about whom nothing else is known. His arrival in Canada is unknown. He was a farmer. Marguerite was baptized 17 September 1656 in Québec City, the daughter of Leonard Leblanc & Marie Riton. Pierre & Marguerite married 19 July 1670 at Québec City. Of their two known daughters, Angelique is the one of most interest to us.
Marguerite Leblanc died sometime before 17 October 1701, which is when Pierre married Françoise Cadrin in St. Valier, Québec. Pierre is listed in Tanguay's Vol. 1 as dying in 1744; however, M. Tanguay corrects this in the second volume and adds that it was Pierre's son of the same name who actually died that year. He also goes on to claim that Mme. Leblanc was not a widow when she died; which indicates that Pierre outlived his second wife as well. Pierre Bazin was buried at St. Valier on 26 March 1722.1,6

Nicolas Belanger & Marie Magnan/Mignier

Nicolas Belanger was the son of Nicolas Belanger & Marie DeRainville, and was baptized 17 January 1672 in Quebec City. His wife, Marie Magnan or Mignier, was baptized 4 March 1681 in Quebec City. Her parents were Jacques Magnan & Ambroise Douet. Nicolas and Marie married in Charlesbourg, Quebec on 2 November 1699.
For the era in which they lived, Nicolas and Marie lived relatively long lives. Nicolas Belanger died on 12 April 1742 in Beauport and was buried there the same day--usually indicative of an infectious disease. Marie Magnan died on 10 March 1758 in Beauport and was buried there the next day.1,8

Nicolas Belanger & Marie De Rainville

Nicolas Belanger was the son of François Belanger & Marie Guyon; his date and place of birth are unknown. He was able to write his name. Marie De Rainville was born about 1645; this year is calculated from her age at death and may not be accurate; her place of birth is unknown. Her parents were Paul De Rainville & Roline Poete.
Nicolas and Marie were married 11 January 1660 in Québec City. They would go on to have 5 known children; one of which was Nicolas.
Nicolas Belanger died 19 October 1682 at Beauport, Québec and was buried there the next day. Marie lived another 29 years, dying on 6 November 1711 at Beauport. She was buried there the next day.1,8

Antoine Bilodeau & Genevieve Turcot

Very little to see here, folks. Antoine Bilodeau was born about 1660, presumably in Canada, to Jacques Bilodeau & Genevieve Longchamp. Genevieve Turcot was born about 1666 in Château-Richer, Quebec; her parents were Abel Turcot & Isabelle or Marie Giraud.
Antoine and Genevieve were married 13 November 1685 in Ste. Famille on the Île d'Orleans. Their only known child is François. In 1707, Antoine inherited half of his parents' estate at Ste. Famille in an arrangement whereupon he paid 300 livres a year in rent while they still lived; his brother Simon inherited the other half under the same conditions. It is not known where or when Antoine and Geneviéve died.1,6

François Bilodeau & Marie Bauche

François Bilodeau was born about 1689 to Antoine Bilodeau & Genevieve Turcot. Marie Bauche was born about 1698 to Guillaume Bauche & Marie Madeleine Asselin. François and Marie were married on 7 April 1717 at Ste. Famille on the Île d'Orleans in Québec.
François and Marie contributed two daughters to this particular branch of the family: Marie Thecle Bilodeau and Madeleine Bilodeau.
Marie Bauché was buried 17 January 1746 in Ste. Famille. François Bilodeau lived for 15 more years before his burial in Ste. Famille on 9 November 1761. He was 72 years old.1,2

Jacques Bilodeau & Geneviéve Longchamp

Jacques Bilodeau hails from Poitier, Poitou, France, where he was born in 1631. His proud parents were Pierre Bilodeau & Jeanne Fleurie, about whom nothing else is known. It is not known when he arrived in New France, but it is known that he could not sign his name and that he supported himself and his eventual family as a farmer and as a partner in hunting and fishing business ventures.1,6
Jacques crossed paths with Genevieve Longchamp in 1654. She was a fille à marier who had recently arrived in Canada from an unknown location in France. She was only 8 years his junior, having been born in 1639 to Pierre Longchamp & Marie Desanter, about whom nothing else is known. The couple wed in Quebec City on 28 October 1654 in the home of Jean Juchereau, Sieur de La Ferté. Jacques was given the Catholic sacrament of confirmation on 2 February 1660 at Chàteau-Richer.1,6
Although Jacques was given a land grant in the fief of Lirec on the Île d'Orléans on 2 April 1656, the couple seemed to first settle in Québec City. Their son Antoine was one of the 4 children born in that location. By 1662, they had settled in St. Famille on the Île d'Orléans and had 3 more children for a total of 7 children; although by 1681 that number would be reduced to five.1,6
In March 1677, she and Jacques were summoned before the Conseil Souverain for testimony in the murder trial of Simon Duverger. Simon had been convicted of slaying his neighbor, Gabriel Hervé; but he had escaped from his prison cell in Québec City and would be hanged in effigy. On 31 August 1677, the Conseil admonished Geneviéve to "live a good life and not to cause a scandal in the future". They also ordered Jacques to "watch over her conduct, under penalty of answering for it in his own name." What Geneviéve did to merit these warnings is unknown.6
In 1686 Geneviève ended up renting a small home on the Rue Sault-au-Matelot in Québec City, as Jacques was away for some reason. On 7 August 1707, the couple gave over their land and possessions at Ste. Famille to their sons Antoine and Simon. The boys were to pay 300 livres a year in rent while the couple still lived. Jacques Bilodeau was buried at St. François on the Île d'Orléans on 8 February 1712. Geneviéve would suffer the loss of one more of her children before dying on 27 March 1718. She was buried the next day at St. François.1,6

Mederic Blouin & Marie Carreau

Mederic Blouin was born in 1641 in the St. Pierre parish of Luçon, France; his parents are not known.
Marie Carreau was born to Louis Carreau dit Lafraîcheur & Jeanne Lerouge dite St. Denis, a master tailor and a fille a marier, respectively. Louis Carreau was born in Bordeaux, Guyenne, France in 1620 to bourgeois André Carreau & Jacquette Caussade and was first recorded in Canada at Trois-Rivières in 1646. Jeanne Lerouge was born about 1627 in Joinville, St. Dizer, Champagne, France to bourgeois Pierre Lerouge & Marguerite Joly. She landed in Canada in 1653. Louis and Jeanne were married 30 April 1654. Marie Carreau was the first of their eight children; she was baptized 21 March 1655 at Québec City. Louis Carreau died at Québec's Hôtel-Dieu on 27 May 1693; Jeanne Lerouge was buried at L'Ange Gardien 9 March 1696.
Mederic Blouin and Marie Carreau were married 30 November 1699 at Château-Richer. Their daughters Marie Françoise and Marie Madeleine have contributed to this lineage.
Mederic Blouin was buried at St. Jean, Île d'Orléans, on 14 July 1707. Marie Carreau was also buried at St. Jean, on 11 February 1722.1,6

Pierre Bourget & Marie Jean dit Denis

Nothing of Pierre Bourget's origins are known, nor his birth details or parents. Other than the approximate year of her birth, which is 1676, nothing else is known about Marie Jean. The couple's marriage details are not known. Their one known child is Marie Josephe Bourget.
Pierre Bourget died sometime before 26 November 1704, when Marie Jean married Jacques Turgeon. It is not known when Marie Jean died.1,8

Pierre Brulon & Jeanne Baillargeon

Pierre Brulon (or Burlon in some records) was born about 1645 in Bordeaux, France. His parents are unknown and he had been widowed by Marie Gauthier. Jeanne Baillargeon was the daughter of Jean Baillargeon & Marguerite Guillebordeau, born to them 7 May 1651 in Québec City; she was baptized the same day. Jeanne was herself a widow, having been previously married to Jean Labrecque, brother of Pierre.
There is a notation in Tanguay's Dictionary for Jeanne, saying that she had been captured by the Iroquois Indians when she was 9 years old. However, other sources conflict with this and there are two other possible Baillargeon girls who may have been the actual captive.
Pierre and Jeanne were married on 1 November 1674 in Ste. Famille on the Île d'Orléans. Their child of interest is Catherine.
The union would last a little over 3 years. Pierre Brulon was buried on 6 January 1678 at Ste. Famillie. Three years later, Jeanne went on to marry Antoine Mondin. Jeanne Baillargeon was buried on 20 August 1720.1,2,3,6

Mathurin Chabot & Marie Mésangé

Mathurin Chabot was a woolen weaver who hailed from St. Hilaire, Nalliers, Poitou, France. He was baptized there on 18 August 1637; his parents were bourgeois (middle class man) Jean Chabot & Jeanne Rodé. His parents were married in St. Hilaire on 23 February 1632. Jean Chabot was buried on 6 July 1653 in St. Hilaire; Jeanne Rodé was also buried there on 16 October 1664. This is all that is known about Mathurin's parents.
Marie Mésangé was a fille à marier from Ste. Madeleine, La Ventrouze, Mortagne, Perche, France; baptized there on 4 April 1643 after being born to Robert Mésangé & Madeleine Lehoux. Marie sailed to Canada in 1661 and landed at Québec. She married Mathurin in the same year, on 17 November in Québec City. The pair had 13 children, one of which was François .
Marie was the first of the couple to die; the event occurred at St. Laurent on the Île d'Orléans sometime between 12 January and 25 April 1692. Mathurin Chabot died at the Hôtel-Dieu in Québec.1,2,5,6

Louis Colombe & Jeanne Marguerite Boucault

Louis Colombe came to us from Le Neubourg, Évreux, Normandy, France, where he was born about 1641 to Jacques Colombe & Boemie or Rolline Drieu, about whom nothing else is known. He was educated to the degree that he could write his name. And while his year of immigration is unknown, he appeared in the 1666 census of Québec as the indentured servant of Charles Roger.
Jeanne Marguerite Boucault was born circa 1651 in Paris, in the faubourg St. Germain section. Her parents were Nicolas Boucault & Marguerite Thibault. Nicolas had died by 1668, which was when Jeanne Marguerite packed up her dowry of goods worth 300 livres and struck out for Canada as a fille du roi.
Jeanne apparently carried a little more than her dowry with her to Canada. On 26 October 1668, Jeanne gave birth to an illegitimate son named Jacques. The father's name has never been known, but basic math would prove that Jeanne had to have been pregnant when she sailed for Canada. However, the child did not survive and was buried in Québec City on 1 December 1668.
Jeanne would wait almost 2 more years before marrying Louis on 30 September 1670 at Ste. Famille on the Île d'Orléans. She was unable to sign the marriage contact that was created by notary Becquet on 7 September, but she did receive the King's Gift of 50 livres. The couple settled at St. Laurent and had 12 children. Their children Marie Marthe and Louis is the one we are most interested in.
Jeanne Marguerite Boucault was found frozen to death on the riverbank at Beauport on 23 January 1696. Two days later she was buried at Beauport. Louis Colombe was buried at St. Laurent on 30 November 1720.1,7,8

Louis Colombe & Helene Paulet

Louis Colombe was baptized 28 November 1683 at St. Laurent on the Île d'Orléans; his parents were Louis Colombe & Jeanne Marguerite Boucault. Helene was the daughter of Antoine Paulet & Anne Loignon; she was baptized on 23 February 1693 at St. Pierre, also on the Île d'Orléans. The surname is often found written as Pouliot.
St. Pierre would also be the setting for their marriage ceremony, which took place on 17 November 1710. Is it my imagination, or do most French weddings seem to take place in the birth month of the groom? This union would produce daughter Rosalie
The death of Helene Paulet ended the almost 46-year marriage; she was buried on the Île d'Orléans at St. Laurent on 1 May 1756. Three years later, Louis followed her to the grave. He was buried 7 October 1759 in St. Laurent.1,2,7

Claude Delaunay & Denise Leclerc

Claude Delaunay or Delorme or Delomay was a rope maker from St.Jean de Rouveray, Abbeville, Picardy, France, where he was born about 1631 to Simon Delaunay (or any of the variations above!) & Jeanne Ceillier. Denise was a fille du roi from the Notre Dame parish of Gonesse, Montmorency, Paris, France, where she was born about 1654, the daughter of Jean Leclerc & Jeanne Nirquelon. Jean died sometime around 1669, which is when Denise and her dowry of goods worth about 200 livres immigrated to Canada. It not known if she is related to the other Leclerc's in this lineage.
This couple were married 3 October 1669 in Ste. Famille on the Île d'Orléans, shortly after Denise's arrival in the colony. Their daughter Marie Anne is of concern to us.
Claude Delaunay/Delome/Delomay died 8 November 1695 and was buried the following day at St. Laurent, Île d'Orléans. Denise went on to marry woodworker Martin Dalleray in 1703, but he, too, left her a widow in 1707. Denise Leclerc died at St. Laurent sometime after 17 September 1713.1,7

Paul DeRainville & Roline Poete

Paul was born about 1619; his origins and parents are unknown. Nothing at all is known about Roline. Of their three known children, Marie is the one who appears on this page.
Roline Poete was buried 16 February 1666 in Québec City. Sometime in 1669, Paul married the Widow Gagné, Marie MICHEL. Paul DeRainville died 10 December 1686 at Beauport and was buried there two days later.1,8

Gabriel Filteau & Marguerite Roy

Gabriel Filteau was baptized on 29 October 1678 at Ste Famille on the Île d'Orléans, the son of Pierre Filteau & Gillette Savard. Marguerite Roy was the daughter of Guillaume Roy & Angelique Bazin; she was baptized 18 October 1694 at St. Michel, Québec.
Gabriel & Marguerite were married 23 November 1712. Their daughter, Marie Joseph, appears in this lineage.
Gabriel Filteau died sometime before 1721, which is when Marguerite Roy married Jean Jahan. Marguerite Roy was buried 17 May 1763 at St. Jean on the Île d'Orléans.1,3

Nicolas Filteau & Françoise Maillou

Nicolas was baptized 27 December 1673 in Ste. Famille, on the Île d'Orleans, Québec; his parents were Pierre Filteau & Gillette Savard. He had married Suzanne Mourier on 27 April 1699 in St. Jean on the Île d'Orleans; she died 5 months later.
Françoise was baptized 3 July 1679 at L'Islet, Québec. Her parents were Michel Maillou & Jeanne Mercier, who were married about 1666. Michel was born in Bourg, Brie, France about 1641. Michel's parents were Jacques Mailloux & Suzanne Arnaud of Bourg. There is nothing known about Jeanne Mercier other than she was born about 1646.
Nicolas and Françoise were married 19 July 1700 at St. Etienne de Beaumont, Québec. Their one known child is our ancestor Pierre. There are no known death details for this couple.1,2

Pierre Filteau & Gillette Savard

Pierre Filteau or Feuilleteau was from St.-George-de-Montaigu, Luçon, Poitou,France, born there in 1636 to Robert Filteau & Marguerite Brochet, about whom nothing else is known. Gillette Savard was the daughter of François Savard & Jeanne Moran, about whom nothing else is known. She was born about 1648 in the St. Aspair parish of Melun, Sens, Champagne, France. In 1665, she packed up her dowry of goods worth about 100 livres and signed on to be a fille du roi destined for Québec City.
And it was in Québec City that she married Pierre. The marriage contract was penned on 11 January 1666 by notary Fillion; the marriage was celebrated on 22 February of the same year. The couple moved to the Île d'Orléans; first settling at Ste. Famille, then later at St. Jean. The couple had 14 children; their sons Gabriel and Nicolas most interest us.
Pierre Filteau was the first to pass away; he was buried 25 September 1699 at St. Jean. Gillette Savard died 4 years later on 16 April 1703 and was buried the following day at St. Jean.1,7

Antoine Fontaine & Marguerite Angelique Godbout

Antoine Fontaine was born about 1708; his parents were Etienne Fontaine & Marie Conille. Marguerite Angelique Godbout was baptized at St. Laurent, Île d'Orléans, on 11 February 1703; her parents were Nicolas Godbout & Angelique Marguerite Marie Lemelin. Antoine and Marguerite Angelique married on 19 August 1728 at St. Laurent. Their daughter Angelique is our ancestress.
This couple's death details are unknown.1,2

Etienne Fontaine & Marie Conille

Etienne Fontaine was born about 1661. His parents were Jacques Fontaine & Jeanne Colinet of l'Ile Dieu, Poulière, France. Marie was baptized 27 September 1665 in the St. Nicolas parish of La Rochelle, Aunis, France; her parents were Pierre Conille & Marie Giton.
Etienne and Marie were married 8 February 1685 at St. Laurent, on the Île d'Orléans, Québec. They had 8 known children; their daughter Marguerite along with sons Pierre and Antoine are our ancestors.
No death details for the couple are known at this time.1,7

Marguerite Fontaine & Barthelemi Terrien & Joseph Pepin

Marguerite had 2 husbands that gave her children that contributed to this lineage; this seemed the simplest way to capture them under one heading.

Marguerite Fontaine was baptized 28 February 1693 at St. Jean, Île d'Orléans; her parents were Etienne Fontaine & Marie Conille.
Marguerite's first husband was Barthelemi Terrien. They were married 29 November 1721 at St. Jean, Île d'Orléans. Bathelemi was the son of Pierre Terrien & Gabrielle Minaud who were married 17 May 1670 at Ste. Famille, Île d'Orléans. Pierre was buried 12 September 1706 at Québec City; Gabrielle was buried 27 November 1707 at St. Jean, Île d'Orléans. Barthelemi and Marguerite's children Bathelemi and Marie Marguerite are of interest to us.
Barthelemi Terrien died sometime before 27 July 1744, which is when Marguerite married Pierre Lepage. After Pierre's death, she married Jacques Ouimet. Sometime after Jacques' death in 1760, she married Joseph Pepin; the date of this event is unknown. Joseph was the son of Antoine Pepin & Marie Teste; he was born 7 July 1679 on the Île aux Grues, Québec and baptized at Cap-St.-Ignace, Québec on 8 August 1679. The child of Joseph and Madeleine who graces this pages is Jean Charles.
Joseph Pepin was buried 25 January 1721 at St. Jean. Marguerite's death information is not known.1,2,6

Pierre Fontaine & Marie Madeleine Pepin

Pierre Fontaine was baptized on 11 March 1704 at St. Jean, Île d'Orléans; his parents were Etienne Fontaine & Marie Conille. Marie Madeleine was the daughter of Gervais Pepin & Marie Madeleine Fortier. She had been baptized a little over a year earlier than her husband, on 21 February 1703, also at St. Jean. The couple would marry in the same place; the ceremony occurred on 20 October 1722. Their daughter Marie Josephe is the one who enriches our lineage.
The day after Pierre's 35th birthday, he buried his wife Marie Madeleine Pepin at St. Jean; the exact date was 12 March 1739. Apparently not one to waste time, Pierre married Marie Joseph Gosselin on 8 June 1739 at St. Jean. Pierre's date of death is unknown.1,3

Antoine Fortier & Marie Madeleine Cadieu

Antoine Fortier was born about 1646 in Dieppe, France to shipwright Noël Fortier & Marie Marthe Golle. A shipwright drills holes in ships that allow the masts and other fixtures to be fitted. Antoine immigrated to New France with his father; the date of this event is unknown. Antoine was confirmed at the Hôtel-Dieu du Québec 3 June 1664, which is the first mention of them in Canadian records. They appeared in the 1667 Québec census, where Noël Fortier claimed to be 50 years old.10
Antoine intended to make his living from the sea as a commercial fisherman. On 17 October 1667, Antoine and 3 other men signed an agreement as partners in the commercial fishing of sea bass. Four years later, he acquired a parcel of land at l'Arbre Sec at St. Laurent on the Île d'Orléans. The foresighted Antoine noted that there was a small shipyard on the island. It also featured 3 arpents of frontage which Antoine and his father farmed successfully.
Antoine married Marie Madeleine Cadieu or Cadieux sometime after 21 November 1677, the date on which Michel Fillon, royal notary, penned the marriage contract at Beauport, at home of the bride's parents. The signing of this contract was attended by many of the colony's wealthy and more notable people. Why? Because Mademoiselle Cadieu was the daughter of Sieur of Courville Charles Cadieu & Michelle Madeleine Macart. They both descended from a high social class (although their families of origin are unknown) and were associated with the richest families in the colony. Sadly, either due to old age or possibly afraid of not fitting in with the glittering surroundings, Noël Fortier did not attend this festive occasion. Noël Fortier would die in 1683 at 90 years of age.
By 1693, Antoine was the proud owner of the fishing vessel "La Sainte-Anne"; she had a displacement of 25 tons. Although Antoine was not home very much during the fishing season, the handsome profit he made from his craft assured the family a stable and comfortable life. Antoine and Marie Madeleine had twelve children, but this did not stop Antoine from lending a hand whenever he saw a need. He even took in the 4-year old daughter of a destitute colonist from Beaumont when her father could no longer afford to care for her and agreed to raise her until she was 20 years old. Antoine and Marie Madeleine's oldest son Antoine is the one who married into the Noël line.
Antoine Fortier's inventory was taken on 11 October 1708, where it was noted that he died "at Papinachois, at Riviere Assomption, during the last feast of Pentecost". Since Antoine fished the waters between Québec and Chicoutimi and Papinachois, it is not unreasonable to assume that his death was work-related. His inventory took up over 8 pages of the good notary Jacob; probably because he took a through and detailed count of Antoine's possessions. And although Antoine left "La Sainte-Anne" to his sons Antoine, Jean, Pierre Noël and Michel, they elected not to follow in their father's footsteps and sold her. She was appraised at two thousand livres. On or about 18 February 1715, Marie Madeleine was taken ill. After 7 days of illness, she "succumbed to a pain in her side" (appendicitis?) and died on 26 February 1715. She was buried the next day at St. Laurent.1,3,10

Charles Fortier & Marie Françoise Blouin

Charles Fortier was baptized 9 May 1683 at St. Laurent, Île d'Orleans; his parents were Charles Fortier & Marie Madeleine Cadieu. Marie Françoise Blouin was baptized 30 May 1688 at L'Ange Gardien, Québec, the daughter of Mederic Blouin & Marie Carreau. Charles and Marie Madeleine's marriage date is unknown. Their son Charles is our ancestor.
Charles Fortier was buried at St. Jean, Île d'Orléans 11 March 1753. Marie Françoise Blouin lived 9 more years before being buried 30 December 1762, also at St. Jean.1,2

Pierre Garand & Catherine Labrecque

Pierre Garand's surname is also found spelled Garant or Garaut. He was born in the Ste. Croix-de-Pelletiers parish of Rouen, Normandy, France about 1645. His parents were Charles Garand and Anne Maillet; only their names are known. When he actually arrived in Canada is a mystery; but we do know that he was confirmed on 11 November 1665 in Québec City. He was first married to fille du roi Renée Chanfrain, who gave him 6 children before dying as she gave birth to twin girls in March of 1684. With a total of 8 children to care for, Pierre needed a wife--and quickly! He decided on Catherine Labrecque, who was but 4 years older than his oldest child, having been born in 1669; the year in which he married his first wife. Catherine's parents were Pierre Labrecque & Jeanne Chotard.
Pierre and Catherine were married 21 November 1684 at St. Laurent on the Île d'Orléans and would have four more children; one of which was our ancestress Marguerite Agnes.
Pierre Garand died 7 January 1700 and was buried the next day at St. Laurent. Catherine Labrecque's death details are unknown.1,2,6,7

Nicolas Godbout & Marie Marthe Bourgouin

Nicolas Godbout was baptized 18 May 1635 in Notre-Dame parish of Berneval-le-Grand, Normandy, France; his parents were Michel Godbout & Colette Caron, about whom nothing else is known. Nicolas was a ship navigator. Marie Marthe Bourgouin was a fille a marier from the Île St. Louis in the parish of Notre-Dame de Paris. Her parents were bourgeois Jean Bourgouin & Marie Lefebvre; she was born to them about 1636. Her father was employed as the secretary of the King's chamber in 1628 and commis à l'extraordinaire des guerres in 1642. Literally translated, that means "extraordinary clerk of war". I'm assuming that it means he had special or extra duties as a military clerk, but if anyone else has a better translation, please let me know and I'll use it! Marie-Marthe came to Canada in 1661.
The couple had their marriage contract drawn up the day after Christmas in 1661 and were married 9 January 1662. This couple had 5 children; Marie Jeanne and Nicolas are the ones who shares our lineage.
Nicolas Godbout at the Hôtel-Dieu de Québec on 5 September 1674. Less than a year later, Marie Marthe married Antoine Martel; the event occurred on 11 July 1675 at Ste. Famille. They had no children together. Marie Marthe died 19 December 1682 and was buried the next day at St. Laurent.1,2,6

Nicolas Godbout & Angelique Marguerite Marie Lemelin

Nicolas Godbout was baptized on 14 October 1667 in Québec City, the son of Nicolas Godbout & Marie Marthe Bourgouin. Two days after his 18th birthday--16 October 1685 to be exact--he married Angelique Marguerite Marie Lemelin at St. Laurent, on the Île d'Orléans. Angelique was the daughter of Jean Françoise Lemelin & Marguerite Marie Brassard, born to them around 1668.
Nicolas and Marie had 5 known children. Their daughter Marguerite Angelique is the one enriches our branch of the family.
It is not know when Nicolas Godbout died. Angelique Marguerite Marie Lemelin was buried on 9 April 1742 at St. Laurent.1,2,3

Gabriel Gosselin & Françoise Lelièvre

May as well save time and space and begin at the beginning with this family! Gabriel was from Combray,Thury-Harcourt,Bayeux,Normandy,France; born there about 1622 to Nicolas & Marguerite Dubreal, about whom nothing else is known. Very little else is known about Gabriel other than he made his Holy Confirmation on 24 February 1660 at Québec.
Françoise was a fille a marier from Nancy,Meutre et Moselle,Lorraine,France, where she was born in 1637 to Christophe & Georgette Clement--nothing more known about her parents. She arrived in Canada in 1653.6
On 22 June 1653, the couple had a marriage contract created for them by notary Godet at Sillery, Québec. Neither one of them could sign it. The marriage was celebrated on 18 August 1653 at Sillery, although the record of the event is found at Notre-Dame, Québec.1,6
This couple would have nine children. Those children would "go forth and multiply" in such a big way that it is a shame that there is only this sparse historical information known about Gabriel & Françoise. The details for their children that impact this family are listed below:

  • Ignace- Born about 1655, Ignace married Marie Anne Ratte on 23 November 1683 at St. Laurent. She was the daughter of Jacques Ratte & Anne Martin, born to them 13 1664 at Québec City. Ignace and Marie Anne had 11 children; two are of interest to us:
    • Joseph - Born about 1685. He was married 15 November 1710 in St. Laurent to Marie Françoise Godbout, the daughter of Nicolas & Angelique Marguerite Marie Lemelin, born 11 March 1689 in St. Laurent. Their child was Pierre. The couple's death details are unknown.1,3
    • François- Born 6 August 1688 at St. Laurent. He married Marie Françoise Lemelin on 11 February 1715 at St. Laurent; she was the daughter of Louis & Marie Anne Delaunay or Delome and was born 10 January 1693 or 1694 at St. Laurent. François and Marie Françoise had daughter Marie Madeleine. This must have been an especially devoted couple. Marie Françoise died 29 October 1759 in Québec. Her husband lasted less than two months without her; he died 11 December of the same year in Québec.1,2
  • Michel- Born 12 June 1659 in Québec City. He married Michelle Miville on 12 November 1684 at Duquet, on the Île d'Orléans. Michelle was born 30 March 1665 in Québec, the daughter of François Miville dit Suisse & Marie Langlois . Their daughter was the prolific Marie Louise. Michel Gosselin was buried 17 January 1703 at St. Pierre.1,6
  • François- Baptized 8 June 1664 at Québec City. He married Marie Charlotte Cote on 10 November 1688 at St. Pierre. She was the daughter of Mathieu & Elisabeth Gravel, and was baptized 10 October 1670 at Ste. Famille. François and Marie Charlotte's child was François .1,2,6 François Gosselin the elder was buried 20 May 1745 at St. Pierre. Marie Charlotte Cote followed close behind, buried on 15 January 1746 at St. Pierre.
Françoise Lelievre died sometime before 28 September 1677. In October of that year, Gabriel Gosselin married widow Louise Guillot. Gabriel Gosselin was buried 7 July 1697 at Québec City.1,6

Jean Huard & Anne Marie Amyot

Jean Huard was from Paris, France; the parish of Notre-Dame-de-Courson-Monteloup, where he was born about 1641 to Marin Marguerine Huard & Julienne Bouillet; nothing else known about his parents. Anne Marie Amyot was a native of Québec; born in Québec City 21 March 1654 to Mathieu Amyot & Marie Miville.
On 30 April 1670, wedding bells rang out in Québec City in honor of Jean and Anne Marie. The couple went on to have 12 children; Marie Anne and Genevieve grace our line with their presence.
Jean and Anne Marie eventually settled in Pointe de Levy, Levis, Québec and lived their lives out there. Jean died first, on 4 December 1708 and was buried the next day. Anne Marie lived until 15 December 1737; she was buried the next day.1

Pierre Labrecque & Jeanne Chotard

Pierre Labrecque comes to us from France; the parish of St. Jacques in Dieppe, Rouen, Normandy, France, where he was born about 1625. He was the older of two known sons born to Jacques Labrecque & Jeanne Baron; younger brother Jean was born in 1638 and would eventually make his way to Canada.
Pierre was a sailor, although when he sailed to New France is unknown. He was certainly in the colony by 1658, which was when he signed and then annulled a marriage contract with Gabrielle Barré. He must have been a careful sort, because he waited almost 5 more years before having another marriage contract written. This occurred on 27 December 1662, when he and Jeanne Chotard appeared before notary Audouart. The contract was fulfilled 6 days later on 2 January 1663. Mademoiselle Chotard was a fille a marier from the parish of St. Pierre on the Île d'Oléron, Rochefort, Saintonge; her parents were Jacques Chotard & Suzanne Gabaret; their names are all that are known.
The couple had 4 children together:

  • Mathurin-Baptized 7 February 1664 at Château-Richer.
  • Anne- Born 8 January 1666 at Château-Richer and baptized there the next day.
  • Pierre
  • Catherine

Pierre Labrecque died sometime after 22 February 1694, probably in St. Laurent, Île d'Orléans. Jeanne Chotard died 10 February 1711 and was laid to rest the next day at St. Laurent.1,6

Pierre Labrecque & Marie Marthe Colombe

This couple married sometime in 1695. Pierre was baptized 15 August 1668 in Ste. Famille, the son of Pierre & Jeanne Chotard. Marie Marthe was also a native of Ste. Famille, baptized there 27 June 1673; her parents were Louis & Jeanne Marguerite Boucault. Their known child was:

  • Joseph- Born about 1696, he married Geneviève Paulet on 27 July 1722 at St. Laurent. She had been baptized 27 December 1688 at St. Pierre, the daughter of Antoine & Anne Loignon. Joseph Labrecque was buried 20 October 1750 at St. Laurent, which is where Geneviève Paulet was buried the next year on 29 June 1751 Their child was Pierre.
Pierre Labrecque was buried at St. Laurent on 23 March 1756. Marie Marthe Colombe was buried in the same place on 5 April 1670.1

Jean François Lemelin & Marguerite Marie Brassard

Jean François Lemelin was from Chartres, Beauce, France; born there about 1632 to Noël Lemelin & Françoise Mélaine. Nothing more is known about his parents or when he arrived in New France. Nothing at all is known about Marguerite Marie Brassard other than her name.
The couple were married on 4 March 1658 in Québec City. Of their 5 known children, Louis and Angelique Marguerite Marie grace our lineage.
The death details for this couple are unknown.1,3

Louis Lemelin & Marie Anne Delaunay

Louis Lemelin is the son of Jean François Lemelin & Marguerite Marie Brassard, born to them at Québec City on 21 March 1664 and baptized there the next day.
Marie Anne Delaunay or Delorme was baptized 7 January 1676 at Ste. Famille, Île d'Orléans. She was the daughter of Claude Delaunay & Denise Leclerc. Louis and Marie Anne's wedding date is unknown. What is known is that, according to Cyprien Tanguay, Louis Lemelin was considered the "first cantor", or leading singer, of St. Laurent; probably singing in the church. Their daughter Marie Françoise is our ancestress.
Louis Lemelin was buried at St. Laurent, Île d'Orleans, on 26 January 1741. His wife Marie Anne Delaunay followed in 1756; dying on 28 April and laid to rest the following day at St. Laurent.1

Germain Maillou - Marie Madeleine Giroux

Germain Maillou dit Lasouree was the son of tax prosecutor Noël Maillou & Thérèse Louise Marcoux, born to them sometime in 1699. Marie Madeleine Giroux was born 14 August 1705 in Beauport, the daughter of Raphael Giroux & Marie Madeleine Vachon.
Germain and Marie Madeleine tied the knot 25 April 1724 in the bride's hometown of Beauport. Their one known child was Marguerite. There are no death details known for Germain & Marie Madeleine.1,8

Antoine Martel - Catherine Guillot

Antoine Martel was baptized 8 January 1681 at Pointe-aux-Trembles, Québec; his parents were Honoré Martel & Marguerite Lamirault. Catherine Guillot was the daughter of Vincent Guillot & Elisabeth Blaise and was baptized 24 October 1688 at St. Pierre, on the Île d'Orléans. This couple wed on 15 November 1706 in St. Pierre. Their son was Jean Baptiste.
Antoine Martel was buried 19 March 1759 at St. Pierre. Catherine's death date is unknown.

Robert Mesangés & Madeleine Lehoux

Robert Mesangés was the son of Robert Mesangé & Madeleine Jahan, about whom nothing else is known. Madeleine Lehoux was baptized in La Poterie, Perche, France on 16 November 1620. Her parents were Jacques Lehoux & Marie Meilleur, who were married in 1619 at La Ventrouze, Perche, France.
At some point in time, Marie Meilleur died. Jacques Lehoux, at an unknown date and place, married Jeanne Jahan; she was his third wife. Jeanne is possibly related to Marguerite Jahan, the wife of the elder Robert Mesangés. In 1648, Jacques and Jeanne went to Canada, along with children from all 3 of his marriages.
Robert and Madeleine were the parents of Marie Mesangé. It is not known when any of the people mentioned in this section died.

Antoine Pepin dit Lachance & Marie Teste

Antoine Pepin hails from the Notre-Dame parish of LeHavre, Rouen, Normandy, France, where he was baptized on 10 April 1636. He was the oldest of the five children of merchant André Pepin & Jeanne Chevalier or De Bournelle. Nothing else is known about his parents. Marie Teste was a fille a marier from Salles-de-Villefagnan, Angoulême, Angoumois, France, according to Peter Gagné; Berneval believes that she was from the Notre-Dame-de-Cogne parish of La Rochelle, Aunis, France. She had been the first born child of Jean Teste & Louise Talonneau; born to them about 1640. Marie relocated to Canada in 1659. Antoine's immigration is believed to have occurred in the early 1650's He is noted in the colony 4 January 1653, when he was granted some land.
Antoine and Marie married in Québec City on 24 November 1659 and went on to have 12 children; all but the first one would be born on the Île d'Orléans. Their sons Jean, Gervais and Joseph, as well as their daughter Elizabeth are our ancestors.
Marie Teste was buried at Ste. Famille on 11 September 1701. Her husband, Antoine Pepin, outlived her by less than 2 years. He was buried 23 January 1703, also at Ste. Famille.

Gervais Pepin & Marie Madeleine Fortier

Gervais Pepin was baptized at Ste. Famille, Île d'Orléans on 29 April 1676, the 9th of 12 children born to Antoine Pepin & Marie Teste. Marie Madeleine Fortier was the daughter of Antoine Fortier & Marie Madeleine Cadieu, who had her baptized 11 November 1678 at Ste. Famille.
Gervais & Marie Madeleine exchanged vows on 14 January 1698 at St. Laurent on the Île d'Orléans. Two of their daughters, Marie Madeleine and Marie Anne enrich our family with their descendants.
Marie Madeleine Fortier was buried 31 July 1756 at Ste. Famille. Gervais Pepin's death details are unknown.

Jean Pepin dit Lachance & Reneé Guyon & Madeleine Fontaine

Jean Pepin was born on the Île d'Orléans, but baptized 3 April 1664 at Château-Richer, Québec, the son of Antoine Pepin & Marie Teste. Reneé Guyon was baptized 31 December 1670 at Ste. Famille, Île d'Orléans, the daughter of Claude GUYON & Catherine COLIN.
The pair were married at Ste. Famille 25 October 1688. Their son Antoine Lachance is who we are interested in.
Reneé Guyon became a victim of the 1703 epidemic; she was buried at Ste. Famille on 15 January 1703. On 30 October of the same year, Jean married Madeleine Fontaine, daughter of Etienne & Marie Conille. Their daughter Bridgitte would also enrich this lineage. Jean Pepin died sometime after 1725.
An interesting side note: When Jean Pepin's parents died, their heirs divided the land between themselves and then proceeded to sell their shares of their childhood home. Claude GUYON, Jean Pepin's former father in law, proceeded to buy these shares as they came up for sale; thereby becoming owner of the Pepin ancestral land.

Guillaume Ratte & Madeleine Nolin

Guillaume Ratte was baptized 17 November 1686 in St Pierre, Île d'Orléans, the son of Jacques Ratte & Anne Martin. Madeleine Nolin was the daughter of Jacques Nolin & Françoise Chalifour.
Guillaume and Madeleine were married 4 November 1710 in the groom's hometown of St. Pierre. Their child was Helene.
Death details for this couple are incomplete.

Antoine Rousseau & Catherine Bouffard

Antoine Rousseau was the son of Thomas Rousseau & Madeleine Olivier. Catherine Bouffard was the daughter of Jacques Bouffard & Marguerite Anne Leclerc; she was baptized 9 May 1688 at St. Laurent, Île d'Orléans.
Antoine and Catherine were married 9 April 1709 at St. Laurent. Their child of interest is Antoine.
Catherine was buried 15 October 1748 at St. Laurent. Antoine's death details are not known.

Jean Ruel & Marthe Fournier

Nothing at all is known about Jean Ruel. Marthe Fournier was the daughter of Simon Fournier & Anne Catherine Rousseau. Anne Catherine was the sister of Antoine Rousseau. Marthe was baptized 20 December 1699 at St. Thomas, Québec.
Jean and Marthe's marriage details are unknown, as are their death details. Their daughter was Marie Genevieve.

Guillaume Roy & Angelique Bazin

Guillaume Roy was born about 1667 in Canada, the son of Nicolas Roy & Jeanne Lelievre. Angelique Bazin was the daughter of Pierre Bazin & Marguerite Leblanc. The couple married sometime in 1689; their one known child is Marguerite.
Angelique Bazin was buried 23 March 1738 at St. Etienne in Beaumont, Québec. Guillaume Roy was buried 4 April 1743 at Québec City.

Abel Turcot & Isabelle Marie Giraud

Abel Turcot was a miller from Mouilleron-en-Pareds, Fontenay-le-Comte, Poitou, France, born there about 1631 to unknown parents. His surname can be found as Turcault. Isabelle Giraud, who also went by Marie, was born about 1640 in La Tremblade, La Rochelle, Aunis, France. Her parents' names are also unknown. Isabelle was a fille a marier wno immigrated to New France in 1662.
The couple married on 27 November 1662 at Chàteau-Richer. The couple had a total of 8 children; Geneviève, their third-born child is the one we are concerned with.
Abel Turcot died 16 September 1687 and was buried the next day at Ste. Famille, Île d'Orléans. Isabelle Marie Giraud died 23 February 1713 and was buried at Ste. Famille two days later.

1. Tanguay's Dictionary
2. Isle of Orleans Catholic Church Marriages, 1666-1963 ISBN: 1-58211-241-X
3. St. Jean/St. Laurent marriage abstracts
4. "Our French Canadian Ancestors" Volume 3 by Thomas J. LaForest
5. "Our French Canadian Ancestors" Volume 19 by Thomas J. Laforest
6. "Before the King's Daughters: The Filles à Marier" by Peter J. Gagne
7. "King's Daughters and Founding Mothers-The Filles du Roi" by Peter J. Gagne
8. The Drouin Collection at Ancestry.
9. Nancy Borman

This page last udpated April 2009

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