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Teenage Angst Microcosm

Teenage Angst Microcosm

Hello dear viewer. You have reached my (Ray Bai's) new webcomic entitled "Teenage Angst Microcosm." These comics are purely satire. So enjoy!

The Characters
Vered (S +V = bff-4eva!)
Ramsey the Goth
Paul the Scenester
Janet the Vegan Activist
Emo Josh
Roger the Romantic
Dod the Romantic
Sherry the Drama Queen
Kelly the Drama Queen's Protoge
Sweet Dainty Miss Sarah
Sketchy Dude Tim
Politics Nerd Adi

The Perks of Being a Nonconformist (2/28/04)

Keen on Being Scene (2/28/04)

Installment 1 of the Chronicles of Emo Josh (2/29/04)
Josh requested that I make him this comic. So don't worry, I'm not trying to slander one of my best friends!