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Our Page

OK, we have days till we go see the Boston Red Sox at Fenway Park!!

Sorry folks, for some reason lycos and angelfire mistakenly got rid of my website I have to completely do this over. Please bear with me and keep coming back!! Thank you!!

Well we had AOL hooked up but I need to "fix" my scanner in order to put professional pictures on. Sorry!

Well I will start this page off again by telling you a little about Jamie and me. I graduated from high school in 1997 and from Westfield State College in 2001 with a degree in Psychology and a minor in sociology. So far it hasn't gotten me anywhere. I am working as a longterm care biller/collector...not my ideal job but my coworkers and the environment is great! This is what I did this summer:

And I played a little softball too...very little!

Jamie graduated from the same high school in 1996 and in 2000 from Berkshire Community College with an associates in Liberal Arts. He works for good ole UPS...working his way up (hard) to be a driver while also working another part time job. The boy works hard!!

So we got engaged on January 14, 2001 and are getting married November 16, 2002. Well, we are actually married!! Can you believe it? Make sure you check out the pictures at the link further down!

We honeymooned in Disneyworld. It was my first trip there The only part that wasn't exciting to me was the plane ride...I hadn't done that before either! It was ok...after the take off and the landing! And thank you to my new mother in law Jan for her VERY generous gift of this!

Links we hope you enjoy
This is a link to my business website...check it out
This is a link to our wedding details...take a look
This is the home of some wedding pictures that I will be working on putting on here so keep coming back!

Make sure you sign our guestbook and let me know what you think!

Please put a post on my Guest Map!! Thanks
