About the Webhostess

I suppose this is where I tell you a few things about myself. (I am currently wondering what in the Hell brought you to this part of the site... hmmm) I am Cassandra Kaitlyn Blake, webhostess of this lovely abode! I am a Beatles fan (obviously!). I was born on 9 October (same day as my favorite Beatle Johnny!), 1984. I write Beatles fanfiction, and just to let you know there is a lot of fiction in the works!

I am striving to go to college at Oxford (in London, England)! London RULES ! Let me see, now where was I? Oh yes, I plan on being a writer (who doesn't these days, but hopefully I will be one of those lucky ones that is highly successful!). Hopefully being a paperback writer is fun otherwise I am screwed! Now lets see. I think that is about it...

Oh wait, I need to say something about Only Darkness Followed! I had a very interesting dream that inspired that story, so if you are interested in that then just email me, and ask about it, in the subject line please type HAMBURG DREAM. So I will know what I am checking...

That is about all, as of now... I will be trying to make updates as much as possible, but that could be tough considering school and all. If I take awhile to get back to you about certain emails, or if I don't update very frequently, well school started early so damn! Now I will stop my incessant ramblings!

"I'm not going to change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything. I've always been a freak. So I've been a freak all my life and I have to live with that, you know. I'm one of those people." -John Lennon (1940-1980)

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