DBZA's How to Play
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DBZA's How to Play

How To Play

How do i get to the chat room ( Planet*)-

While in the RPG, you will figure out what to do and what chat room to go to. If I have time I will help you out with a few things or I will ask one of the members to explain things to you. In this rpg you must learn the ropes by experiencing them on your own. All chatrooms are located in the specific planet you are located in the forums.

After I receive your E-Mail (to join) you will receive a conformation E-Mail with some info to help you start, then you are free to begin in battling in DBZ Arena. You must contact me. If you do not contact me on AIM you will not see yourself in this rpg.

Starting/Basic Information

Martial Arts Style-

This is the style of fighting for your fighter, Click Here for choices, and the information on them. If you don’t like your preset Martial Arts Style just AIM me and I will change it (Can only do once).

The DBZA Glossary/Terminology-

The DBZA's Glossary/Terminology is for words or vocabulary that maybe used in Dragonball Z Arena, Click Here to look threw this.

Gaining Zeni-

You gain zeni by doing a Quest, or Battling. Most say going on a quest is the best way to gain fast zeni. Also always remember you gain $1,000 Zeni if you win a battle. If you lose a battle you gain $250 zeni.

Starting Zeni-

You also start this RPGwith $250.You can buy items from the Equipment Center/Bid/Give Loans or buy things from other fighters.

What are Rounds and Turns-

This Dragonball RPG is Turn/Round based battling and sparing. When you are fighting it is separated into Rounds and Turns. Every Round is made of Five Turns. You get to attack 5 times in a round and so does your opponent. A turn is the each time you attack or use a technique.

Game Play

Mastering a Attack (a.k.a Gaining an Attack Skill point)-

Gaining a skill point allows you to level up ( or master) an attack. Adding 1 skill point into a attack normally adds 3% to the damage (unless noted). Techniques cannot be mastered (unless noted). The max levels that a attack can gain is 10 lvls (Kamehameha Lvl 10). The only other way a attack can gain a level after lvl 10 is by an item.To gain skill points you must tell me what type of training you will be doing and then you may ONLY train for the days it requires you to. Here is an example of the power of leveling up an attack. (Vegeta's Power Level is 1,000,000. He uses Kamehameha Lvl 10 on Frieza. The Damage of this attack would be 37% Damage. So Vegeta’s total damage Kamehameha will be 370,000!!!!!!. If his Kamehameha had no levels it would do 10% damage (which is total of 100,000). ((Which is a very big difference )). Adding a level to an attack increases the amount of spots taken in your maximum number of attacks that can be learned. Every third skill point added to the attack increases 1 to the total amount of attacks that can be learned.

Mastering a Technique (a.k.a Gaining a Technique Skill point)-

Gaining a skill point allows you to level up ( or master) a technique. Normally techniques cannot be mastered but there are a few techniques that can be, and these skill points are the ones allow you to master them. The max levels a technique can gain is 5 levels (Hokaku Kyodan Lvl 5). The only other way a technique can gain a level after level 5 is by an item. To gain skill points for techniques is the same way you would as an attack but of course at a different trainer. Adding a level to an technique increases the amount of spots taken in your maximum number of techniques that can be learned. Every second skill point added to the technique increases 1 to the total amount of techniques that can be learned.

Where do you learn skill points for Attacks and Techniques? -

To master an attack or technique (A.K.A Gaining Skill Points)( Click Here for Info on Skll Points and Skill Trainers. This also has more information on Skill Points.

How do you add skill points to your attacks or techniques?-

You must make a thread in the sub-board Training Area forum for the planet you are located with a subject telling me what you are doing (and what trainer your learning this skill point from). You can tell me also what attack or technique you are putting this skill point into or you can save your skill points for a later use. The one you choose will gain a level and be called Lvl # (ex. Kamehameha Lvl 2).

Power Level Increase

Training -
Power Level Increase per 10 lines - 10,000
Above 1 Million PL - 20,000

Spar -
Power Level Increase - 30,000
Above 1 Million PL - 60,000

Battle -
Power Level Increase - 60,000
Above 1 Million PL - 120,000

K.O Battle -
Power Level Increase - 45,000
Above 1 Million PL - 90,000


Training in the game is not very hard. Just go into onto a planet chat room and type in what ever you want him to do for training. For every ten lines you train your PL goes up 10,000. When your power level is over 1 Million your PL goes up 20,000 for every ten lines. Whenever you train for a while then make a email saying Training or a similar subject and say the # of lines in that thread in parentheses, copy and paste your training you have done in the message box in a new thread on the planet you are on.. (Limit is training 50 lines per day).You must do the training in the chat room and also each sentence you do in your training must have at least 15 words in them. If I don't see a training from the chat room on a thread it will not be counted.


A spar is a harmless battle between two fighters. Because of the less severity of a spar it doesn't increase your power level as if you experienced a real battle. You can ask someone to spar with you or you can find them in the chat room and ask them for a spar (But mostly likely you would find in a chat room). This is like a training but now you have a target to hit. Same thing with training , you can’t do the same thing over and over (This is self explanatory since this is an RPG anyway). You must do one thing, then another without repeating things you did already. Each Spar is completed it must be 2 rounds (about 10 posts from each) ( 15+ words in each post...), otherwise it will not count. If you do a group spar, each takes a turn after each other, and it will count as X spars. (X = # of fighters in spar minus 1 (the 1 being you).) So a group spar of 3 would count as 2 spars. You are only allowed to do 5 spars per day!!!. Once you complete a spar you must copy and then make a thread on the planet you are on with a subject saying that it’s a spar and who you spared with. Only one person has to post the spar for the spar to be recognized


Battles are the base of Dragonball Z Arena. A battle is between two forces that want to settle a matter or just for fun of the challenge. A Battle could end of with fighter slain or by being knocked out and not killed. A Battle could be started in 2 ways. First you can perform a Drill (see attacks page) on your opponent starting a battle automatically which is a tricky way of starting a battle and second, you can both agree on a battle and start it. The person with the highest agility will start the battle with the first move if no one decides who does the first move. Dying in a battle makes you go to the otherworld. A fighter who is sent to the otherworld stays there for 10 days where they can train with other dead fighters and if lucky have a chance of training with Kaios.

Group Battle (More then 2 fighters)-

A Group Battle involves more then 2 fighters. Its highly recommended if you have at least 1 partner is a group battle (Unless you think your strong enough to handle it.) Group battles could be a huge challenge and confusing. Some types involve one person vsing a few or more. Another it could be a team battle with each group having the same amount of fighters on there side as allies. Same with a normal battle, you can get db/s that someone has. You will need to rush and say that you take the db if you want to get it before another ally (doing that will waste a turn for you), or even the enemy to get it back from there fallen comrade. How to figure the way you fight is by attacking each time you get attacked. (Example - Goku,Tien and Vegeta are on 1 team, and the other team of Cooler, Frieza and King Cold, Cooler attacks goku, so then goku could attack, and then after Tien could go and attack who ever he wants, and cooler could attack as well since goku attacked him. Then tien attacks whoever and then they go and so on.) if you do not get this, i think you will figure it out while your time in DBZA. If you do a team vsing 1 fighter, then its a bit easier. Each time the team attacks the single fighter, he gets to attack. The Pl Increase is determined on the # of fighters involved (same as a group spar) Add up all the fighters involved ( other then your group/yourself) and you will gain that many battle pl increases. (Example - Goku vs's 3 guys, and Goku wins, so that will count as 3 battles)(If it was Goku and Vegeta Vsing 2 other guys then Goku's and Vegeta's Pl increase (unless one of them dies/ko in the fight) is 2 battle pl increases. The rewards given is the same as a basic battle for each of the participating fighters.

What you do after a Battle-

After you battle make a email and post your Battle from the chat room ( select all then press ctrl+c) Then Paste it on the message box (press ctrl+v) on the planet board you are currently in. If I dont see the Battle from the chat room no one will get credit for this battle. (same with if i dont like the way u did the Battle). Only one fighter creates a thread for the battle and in subject say who vs's who and tell me how each person did (next to each name say who Victorious/Knocked Out/Died/Retreats/Logged off.

What are the rewards of winning a battle and the consequences of running from a started battle-

Killing or defeating (KO) someone will give you benefits. First you get the pl increase when you win the battle. If you decide to run from a battle you will automatically lose the battle without any benefits as if you where not in a fight, it will count as a lose on your tally and person you run from will get 50% of the increase from a battle as if they won. Also you will get a KO period of 48 hours from running from the battle, and cannot use a rejuvenation chamber. (leaving the chat room, even if you have to go...)[Sorry for the strict stand against logging off or leaving the chat room to avoid a battle but its not tolerated in any way… You should never start a battle if you can‘t finish it in time].
Rewards of killing your foe is that you get to take all dragonballs that are on the opponent and also you gain the all grateful battle power level boost. If you only knock out your opponent then you gain the K.O Battle power level increase. The loser if they are Knocked Out gets only 25% of the K.O battle power level increase and only Saiyan's and Half-Saiyan's will gain 75% (instead of 25%) of the K.O battle power level increase if they get Knocked Out when defeated. (Example: Goku Pl 100,000 knocks out Yamcha Pl 100,000. Both fighters gain a pl boosts since this ended in a KO defeat for Goku. Goku gains 45,000 PL (which is the K.O Battle pl increase) and Yamcha gets 11,250 PL (25% of the K.O battle pl increase). If Goku was defeated by the KO then Yamcha would get the 45,000 PL and Goku would get 33,450 pl (75% of the K.O battle pl increase) since he’s a Saiyan.


A Retreat is a formal way of running from a battle. This has the same penalties as if you just leave and closed the chat room but without the knock out period. The only way you can retreat from a battle is if everyone is blinded but yourself or you have the highest agility out of your opponent/s.

What happens when a fighter is K.Oed (Knock Out) Status?-

If you get KO in a battle. This will mean that you will have to be inactive for 24 hours (Unless you go into your Rejuvenation Chamber) . KO status is when your opponent does not finish you off by slaying you with an attack (would have to say to kill or in that form). Your finishing attack (or any energy attack used to kill your opponent) will disintegrate any remains of the fighter which is not a KO, and you will not be able to take anything from him (like dragonballs) So make sure you specifity that you take whatever you need before finishing off an opponent.

How to dodge and/or Block, Deflect energy attacks In Battle-

To use one of your dodge, blocks and deflects you must say in your next post in the chat room whether you decided to dodge that attack, block it or deflect it. After you do your choice you can then follow up with you next attack towards that opponent. The one defensive maneuver you use will lost point in its total amount of times it can be used in a battle which is defaulted at 3/3/3 and is further increased by whatever martial arts style you chose.
Blocking - You block the opponents attack with your hands or feet reducing the damage done by the attack ½ [Divide the attack by 2].
Dodging - Dodging an attack makes you avoid the attack that is being used on you causing you no damage to your HP.
Deflect - A deflect is when you push away an energy attack away. This reduces the damage of the energy attack by 3/4 damage. Also this only works with an energy attack 20% and below or if you are double the opponents power level you can deflect all energy attacks against yourself). This only works with energy attacks and doesn’t work for any type of punch/kick/grapple or physically touching the opponent type attacks unless its a missile. (Rocket Punch for example)

You don't always have to take the other persons damage for example you can Block or Dodge. You Block or Dodge then the attacks damage is nullified when it hits you and you are free to attack after that. Try to use your block, dodges and deflects are appropriate times and make it realistic, your not a god who dodges everything... (well unless your power level is way higher then opponents)

Starting Dodge/Block/Deflect and how there used-

Each character starts with 3 dodges/3 blocks/ and 3 deflects. This increases depending on what martial arts style you are and also if you learn a passive technique. When your opponent does multiple attacks in a single turn it takes 1 dodge/block/deflect for those attacks if you wish not to take full damage from them. (Example of his is When a Black Style Fighter attacks you with 1-10 basic attacks in 1 turn. It only will take 1 dodge, block, or deflect to stop it. You would add up the total damage of all the attacks combind and then do the reduction of the damage as if it was 1 attack. The same goes for single attacks in a turn. See below for further detail.

2-10 Attacks in a Turn - Requires 1 of your dodges/blocks/deflects if you wish to reduce the damage. Take the total damage of all the attacks and then do the reduction of damage.[So basicly for using 1 of your dodge/block/deflects your doing it to all 2-10 attacks that are used and your reducing each of the attacks down to a total damage... (If more information is needed on this contact me)

1 Attack in a Turn - Requires 1 of your dodges/blocks/deflects if you wish to reduce the damage.

What does Agility do, and how does it affect game play in a battle-

Agility affects the a battle in 3 ways. First It could determine the winner of a battle before it even starts. Second it could give you total control of a battle. (Keep in mind a transformation could increase your agility to fight someone). Third, agility also determines who starts off a battle. (Person with the most agility starts the battle unless they allow the other person to. To determine this, you look and see if your agility is higher then theirs. If it is not you can still be ok. To see if you are able to hit your opponent take your agility ( if it doesn’t beat the opponents) and do x2 to it. if it still doesn’t beat the opponents agility, then you don’t stand much of a chance at your current power level. If it does go over the opponents agility then you are able to hit them. If you are unlucky and your agility is still low, only way u can hit your opponent is if the attack cannot be dodged. (( Example - Goku’s Agility 20,000 , Vegeta’s Agility 30,000 ~ Goku would then do 20,000 x 2 = 40,000 [so he can hit Vegeta in a battle] )). If your agility is still lower when u do x2, then the opponent can dodge and block automatically [Without wasting block/dodge/deflect points]. If your agility is higher then the opponent even after the x2 then all of your attacks will be able to hit him [Opponent cant use any of there block/dodge/deflect points] (making all of your attacks cannot be dodged or blocked) since they are much quicker then their opponent, unless they use a technique to dodge and/or block ( ex: Zanzoken).

Advanced Game Play Information

What are some "Status Effects" from attacks and what do they do?-

Paralysis - This status effect is when the fighter obtains a damaged limb or gets cut off and destroyed. You lose 3% HP and 2% Ki per turn while paralyzed. The bleeding and Ki drainage of paralysis lasts until you use a Remedy Potion. There is no cure for lost limbs, unless you have Regeneration technique or you get yourself killed. If you have broken limbs you will need to buy a arm brace or a leg brace to heal broken bones. If a paralysis attack is directed at an opponents feet the opponent with not be able to stand. If this is targeted at an opponents arm, it will cause that fighter not to be able to use that arm. Also reducing punch or kick effectiveness by 25% of total damage depending on what limb was harmed. Once an arm is harmed you cannot perform any grapple attacks. If the fighter has no arms or broken arms, then you can only do kicks or if you have no legs or broken legs then you can only do punches. If you loss or brake all of your limbs you pretty much don't stand a chance and better off dying, unless u have techniques that don’t require any arms or legs to perform (Like Mouth Blast). Also if you loss or brake both arms you cannot do any energy attack unless its from the mouth (Mouth Blast) and you could if you have Shiyoken to spawn 2 arms replacing your old ones for a short period of time. (Obviously this requires role playing skills to make this realistic..) Paralysis of a certain area or areas will be listed in your status page when you get struck by them.
Blind - This status effect is when the fighter gets blinded by a specific technique or attack. Blind makes you not able to dodge, block, or deflect attacks. This can be countered if you have Energy Sense. (Energy Sense does not stop blind, but makes the blinding useless while Energy Sense is used allowing the user to sense attacks)
Stun - This status effect causes a fighter to be disoriented, not allowing them to do anything for 1 turn and is un-healable. This effect can be prevented with any early remedy or technique used.
Open Wound- This status effect means that a fighter has an open gash or cut on them. This causes the fighter to lose 2% of their hp per turn. An Open Wound lasts until you consume a Sinzu Bean or use a bandage.
Mortal Wound - This status effect is when an attack causes an instant kill to a fighter. This effect is usually with an attack that is easily interrupted. If a fighter gets this status effect, it can cause their downfall in battle. This will drain 25% of your current maximum HP per turn (If my hp is 10,000, then each turn you lose 2,500 hp) and draining 75% of your current Ki. A sinzu bean must be used to cure this quickly and prevent the death of the fighter. (In most cases causing a Mortal Wound is only possible if your Power Level is x3 above your opponents)

What is Guard-

Guard is the percent of damage that is reduced on each successful attack on you. [ Example - I have a Guard of 25%. My opponent hits me with a Kamehameha doing 100,000 total damage. My Guard will reduce that damage to 75,000 damage instead.] All fighters have a starting Guard of 10% and can gain more by buying battle equipment or if they started with a martial arts style giving a bonus to guard percent.

What is PUR, and how does it affect your battle?-

PUR stands for Power Up Rating. Your PUR goes up doing a battle every time you attack. Your PUR starts at zero (unless you got an item or martial arts style that increases it at start) then each Physical Attack done will add .5 to your PUR and each Energy Attack (Unless said) will add 3 (other then ki blast which will add 1). Some transformations will require a certain amount of PUR , so when you reach that PUR, you then can transform into that transformation. Also some attacks my require a PUR to use as well. If you transform with PUR, all of your PUR will drain with the required PUR needed to transform and also same with attacks. (PUR energy is powerful and attacks that use it maybe powerful). If you don’t understand this you can contact me.

Battle Experience -

Battle Experience is a new implementation to make transformations a bit more of an effort of obtaining and also giving them an increased uniqueness. The more battle experience you have the more skillful you shall become in the art of battle tactics and strategy during a battle ** hopefully :]) **. To obtain battle experience you must battle other fighters to the death or Knockout. Depending on the outcome you gain the battle experiance which will increase your chance of unlocking your new transformation. For winning a battle you gain 1pt of battle experience and the beaten fighter gains 0pts of battle experience. Battle Experience also shows the amount of experience you have in battling. The list below will list further increases in experience if you do certain things durning that battle.

Killing your opponent - +3 Battle Experience

Used a Finishing Attack - +1 Battle Experience

Using no techniques in battle victory - +2 Battle Experience

Near death victory (Your Hp at 25% and winning) - +5 Battle Experience

Lower power level victory - +10 Battle Experience

Obtaining a Dragonball from opponent victory - +3 Battle Experience

Using no Healing Supplies victory - +1 Battle Experience

Gained at least 30 PUR in battle - +1 Battle Experience

Group Battle - +1 Battle Experience

Honorable Death - +1 Battle Experience

No basic Dodging victory - +2 Battle Experience

No basic Blocking victory - +2 Battle Experience

No basic Deflecting victory - +1 Battle Experience

Defeating a Titan solo - +25 Battle Experience

Defeating a Titan with a group - +15 Battle Experience

The Use of Ki and effects of not having ki left-

To determine how much ki drain each attacks done is by the damage an attack does. (Example - An Attack I do is 50,000 damage, so you could consider that as the Damage of your Attack and the Ki cost. If you run out of ki, Attacks need to take something to produce that attack. So if you don’t have Ki left ( if you do an attack with low ki and not enough ki to manage) it will take away from your life force (HP) to make up for that. (Ex: Goku has 250 ki left and his attack does 500 damage, If he uses this attack, it will take away the rest of his 250 Ki and he will lose 250 HP.) With no ki you cannot do any attacks. (You can consider KI as being your energy to keep you moving) Basic physical attacks the only attack that is 1/2 ki from the damage ( 50,000 Damage and the ki drain would be 25,000) .

Transforming in the RPG-

Ok Transformations are way of increasing your Power Level to be able to fight a stronger foe. To do this you must meet the requirements for that transformation. To transform you must say in the matter (Turns SSJ, or whatever you’re doing, preferred in a role-playing style) (THIS TAKES UP A TURN!) Before you transform you must minus the ki drain from the transformation AND then you would do the increase ( So your ki will be lower then it would normally, but still will be high from the transformation.) If your race does not have a transformation it does not matter. If you have no ki left, you can not transform if its required. (Some people only join if their a saiyan for some reason) but that’s dumb. I consider Saiyans as being the amateur race because they could raise their power level quickly with all those transformations. If I see a android or a human being stronger then the rest of the rpg, I would have a lot of respect for that person. Some transformations you do not need to waste a turn doing and is passive for the duration of it. Example of this is Majin/Infestation/and Mystic. Mystic you can learn when you die and ONLY if I (OWNER) ask you if you want to. If you ask me I will ignore it.