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Why, hello there! My name is Felix!

"Hi, I'm Felix...also known as 'Big Guy'! I am just the sweetest big lunk you will ever meet. I am about 2-3 years old, neutered, up to date on all my shots and in excellent health.

I was found surviving on my own on the streets of Quincy, and I am very grateful to have a second chance at life...and a loving family to call my own. I JUST LOVE attention and people. I will sleep with you, cuddle with you, and hang out with you showing how much I adore you.

I do test positive for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, or FIV. This is a very manageable disease that is common among cats who are left to fend for themselves on the mean streets. As long as I am kept inside and given good care, I can live a normal life and have many happy and healthy years...just like a non-FIV kitty. Also, since FIV can only be transmitted to other cats by deep bite wounds that enter the bloodstream, I should be just fine with a gentle and mellow cat friend or two. (FIV is not contagious to humans, dogs, or any other species.)

Please call Ce-Ce’s at (781) 878-2543 to come meet me!"

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