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The Blackhole

Welcome to the Blackhole!! This is a miscellaneous webpage that contains random creations of my imagination. I'm sorry. Have fun. P.S: This site is currently under serious construction so don't forget to visit the links if you get tired of my site. :)

My Insane Clown Posse
Ayn Rand
Crazy Stories and Poetry
Marilyn Manson
Crazy Photogallery
Debate Central
Guest Book Sign It!!!!!!!
Anti Doom Cookie--Spreading the word against fake goths everywhere! <------ This is all Sue
My Accident <----- Sue's Page (Stop Harassing ME!!!!!!!!!)
Poopady Die on a Blue Shoe <---- Sam's Page (You people should know these things!)
Inches Tv
Vanna's Page of Craziness #*(#&!*(&@*!($*(@$& ?!?!?!?!? I dunno check it out for yourself!
LittlePlasticGoldfish <------ Also Sue's
