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The Parish Center was formerly a Grammar School built in 1926 for Grades 3 through Grade 8. Classes were taught by the congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph until circa 1974. In 1884 the triangular lot at the junction of Pine and Beacon Streets was added to the parish property. Down through the years this lot had been the site of many parish fairs, lawn parties and similar events. Neighborhood children used it as a play ground, and we have heard that at one time a tennis court was erected there. In October of 1924 great activity began on this lot as the Northampton contracting firm of D.A. Sullivan and Son began work on a modern (for that time) school building, according to plans drawn by Architect John W. Donoghue. On a rainy Sunday afternoon in early September 0f 1925, in the presence of some 2,000 people, Bishop thomas M. O'Leary presided over ceremonies dedicting the Annunciation School. The building, which was termed "modern in every detail" was considered one of the finest buildings in this city. Accounts from news stories of that time tell us that nothing had been spared to make the building serviceable and attractive. It was described as "fireproof throughout with the latest devices for heating, lighting and ventilation." (Our First One Hundred Years 1878-1978 p.55) Our Lady of the Annunciation School eventually evolved into the Parish Center for a beehive of activities including, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) classes, Workshops, Seminars, Tag Sales, and various other activities and celebrations.

The Parish Center also provides classrooms for first and second grade students enrolled in the "Solomon Schecter Day School of the Pioneer Valley". Here you see the young students celebrating the Jewish holiday "Purim". (Gazette front page, 3/22/00)

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