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Sr. Mary Jean Dorcy, O.P.

The "Sissored Paper Cutting" of the "Annunciation" was artistically created with paper and a pair of sissors by Sister Mary Jean Dorcy, O.P. Sister Mary Jean was a member of an active Congregation of Dominican Sisters (formerly identified as Third Order Conventual) of Edmonds, Washington, Congregation of the Holy Cross. She died May 5th, 1988. She leaves a beautiful legacy of love in her paper-cutting art work.

The art of paper-cutting has been around for nine thousand years. By the late fifties Sister Mary Jean Dorcy, O.P. was considered one of the top religious artist in the USA. By the sixties, she was known all over the world for her artwork and literary talents. She published 26 books during here life, most of them were illustrated with her cuts. If you would like to view more of her work or purchase copies of Sister's work or note cards, you will find them on her community's website. You may reach their website by highlighting Sister's name or the the sissored paper cutting image on the cover of her book to the right of this screen.

N.B. After visiting The Dominican Sisters website, if you wish to return to this page--press the right side of your mouse, then press "back".

Learn more about Dominican Artwork. Visit Margaret Van Camp's Art Gallery in California, U.S.A.


Our Lady of the Annunciation Church is located in the little village of Florence (a suburb of Northampton, Massachusetts, U.S.A.)--named after the art capital of the world--FLORENCE IN ITALY. Our little village of Florence is fast becoming another center for Art.

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