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This is the Complete Walkthrough for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Now, I must warn you, I myself would not use a guide to complete this game! If you feel that you must use the following guide, proceed at your own risk! Don't say I didn't warn you! Good Luck.

Kokiri Forest

The start of Zelda 64 is in Kokiri Forest, Link's home. First, you must talk to Saria, Link's best friend. After that, you must find the shield and sword. You should talk to everyone everywhere, because they might have some valuable information for your quest.

To find the Kokiri Sword

1.Go to the training center ontop of the hill which islocated near Link's home.

2.Go past all of the fences until you get to themountainside.

3.Talk to everyone you see, and look at all of the signs.

4.Go into the small cave.

5.Go to the left, then right. Be careful to not get hit by rocks.

6.Go straight until you come upon the Kokiri Sword.

7.Back track until you are back at the training area.

To find the Deku Shield

1.Go to the house with the red roof (across the stream).

2.Go inside and talk to the guy at the counter.

3.Look around at items and find the Deku Shield. If you have enough money, then buy it. If not, go out and search for rupees. There are rupees in bushes and other places.

Remember, after you get the sword and shield, start talking to people and going inside houses. Once you have done all of this, head for the Great Deku Tree. The entrance is blocked by a selfish little elf who will not let you pass unless you have a sword and a shield. (They must be equipped.

Great Deku Tree

Find the ladder and climb up to the second floor. Follow the path around and you'll see some vines, spiders, and a treasure box. Open the box to get the dungeon map. Ignore the spiders and vines for now and keep going along the path until you find a door. Go through it. Use the Z trigger to target the plant in the middle of the room and then hold down R. The plant will chuck a nut at you but it will bounce off of your shield and hit him. Go talk to him and he'll give you a hint and a heart. In the next room, keep holding forward to jump onto the platform and then onto the next ledge before the platform falls. If you miss you can climb up the vines. Open the treasure chest to get the Fairy Slingshot. Aim above the entrance doorway at the ladder and shoot if to make it fall. Now climb up the vines to your right to get to another treasure box with a heart in it. Go out and back to the first room and return to the vines and spiders from before. Push Up C to look toward a spider until Navi flies to it, then push your Z trigger to focus on it and then just push the Slingshot button (whichever one you assigned it to) twice to whip out the slingshot and shoot it. This is easier than aiming manually. Climb up the vines to get to the third floor. Walk around this path and you'll see some big spiders. Don't let them scare you. Just focus on them, whip out your sword with B, and wait. When they turn around, push A to jump-attack them for a one hit kill. (NOTE:If you don't first pull out your sword with B when trying a Jump attack, you will just roll instead of attacking. Also you have to be Z targeting and not pushing any directions to perform the Jump attack.) Run around the path until you find a doorway and go through it. In this room, whip out a Deku stick and walk up to the lit torch to light the stick. Bring the lit stick to the unlit torch to light it and open the doorway on the other side of the chamber. Now step on the switch and jump across to the alcove on the left of the room. Watch out for the giant spider though. Get the treasure box and kill the gold spider there. Go back and step on the switch again and jump across to the other side to get the Compass. Return to the first room and find the platform with the heart floating in front of it. Jump off to get the heart and try to land on the web in the middle of the floor. You'll break through to floor B1. In this room, step on the switch to light the torch, grab the treasure box behind the torch, and use the torch to light one of your Deku sticks. Run with the burning stick to the other side of the room (Be careful not to fall in the water and put it out, you'll have to walk across the shallow section) and light the web on the wall with your stick. Go through the door that's revealed to another room with a bush monster. Deal with it the same way as the last one. Use your slingshot to hit the eye above the next door and go through. In this room jump into the water and follow the left wall until you get to the rotating spiked log. Look for a switch under water and hold down A to dive down and push it. Then return to the entrance and jump on the moving platform to ride across. Push the block over and climb up to the door to the next room. In this room use a Deku stick to light all the torches and move to the next room. Watch out for spiders falling from the ceiling in this room and use your Deku stick to burn away the webs covering the exits. Crawl through a hole to move on. Now you're back in the first room of B1. Push the block into the water and fall down to the torch you used earlier. Light your stick, climb up the block and then use the stick to burn the web in the floor (attack with the stick). Climb or fall down the hole to the next room. There are three bush guys here. You need to knock them out in order. First the middle one, then the right one, then the left one. Then go on to the boss's room. Use your C Up button to look at Queen Gohma and let her see you. Now wait until she drops down and stun her by either throwing a Deku nut or shooting her in the eye with your slingshot. Then hit her with your sword while she's stunned. She'll crawl up to the ceiling. Now there's two things you can do at this point. You can either wait until she drops some things and kill them before they hatch, then wait for her to come down and repeat the above process. Or, while she's getting ready to drop the things her eye will turn red. Shoot her in the eye with the slingshot while she's up there and she'll drop down and be stunned, so hit her with the sword and repeat. This way is quicker and you don't have to deal with the dropping things if you're a good shot with the slingshot. Pick up the heart container she drops when she dies and walk into the blue light.

Hyrule Field

This is one of the biggest areas in the game. You will visit it for the first time after you defeat the boss in the Deku Tree. It will be frequently visited because it is centrally located. Branching off from Hyrule Field are Zora's River, Hyrule Castle, The Market, Goron City, Kakariko Village, Kokiri Forest, and Death Mountain. Also, inside Hyrule Field in Lon Lon Ranch, where you first meet Epona.

Hyrule Castle

After you leave the Woods, Saria will give you an Ocarina. You must go to the Market at this time. Once you enter the Market, head north for the castle. When you are near the entrance gate to the castle, you will find Malon crying because her father fell asleep. Talk to her and get the egg from her. After you talk to Malon, head up the vines to the right of her. When you get ontop of the Castle gate, jump down the hole into the room below. Go through the door, and to the right. Walk until you reach the big boulder. If it has not turned morning yet, you may have to wait for the egg to hatch. Walk between the two groups of soldiers. There will be a dirt path that you can follow. Once you get to the ledge, climb up the stones on the side of the edge. Now jump into the moat from the left side and swim until you get to the right side. Get out on the dirt mound in the moat that touches land. Go to Talon on the floor. Use the chicken on him. When he is done babbling, push the block into the river into the hole in the wood. Then push the other one on topof that one. Now comes the tricky part. You must go through the courtyard without being seen by the guards. After you have snuck by the guards, go to the window where Zelda is waiting. Talk to her and watch the amazing cut-scenes. Get the letter that she gives to you. Then talk to Impa, Zelda's Nurse, and learn Zelda's Lullaby. Now you must head to Kokiri Forest and the Lost Woods.

Lon Lon Ranch

After meeting with Zelda and and learning Zelda's Lullaby from Impa, head for Lon Lon Ranch. The ranch is located in the middle of Hyrule Field. When you arrive, talk to Malon and play Zelda's Lullaby for her. Show her the Ocarina and she will teach you her song. In the shed with the two cows and crates, you'll find a narrow passage that Link can crawl through. Push the boxes far enough away from the wall so you can reach the heart container. You can also find the first of the four empty bottles here. Talon is found in the room with all of the chickens. Agree to play his game and if you catch all 3 of the super cuckoos, you'll be awarded with an empty bottle. Play Epona's Song in front of any cows and they will fill your bottle with milk!

Kakariko Village

There are not many things to do in Kakariko Village. You start out in an entry place. Go past the gate and find the woman with no chickens. Go find all of her chickens for her and put them in the fenced off area, there are 7 total. One of the chickens is inside a crate. After you get the chickens, she will give you a bottle. After that, head for the graveyard. Talk to the little kid there, then go for the Hylian Shield. You get it by pulling the 2nd tombstone from the left on the second row of tombstones. Pull it from the back. Then you must read the tombstones next to the huge statue. Read them both and kill the ghosts that come out of them. Then play Zelda's Lullaby in front of the huge statue. After it opens, go inside and find the Sun's Song. Head for Goron City now, and give Zelda's letter to the guard on the way there.

Goron City

You must now go to Goron City, home of the Gorons. To get there, go up the mountain until you get to a passageway into the mountain. Go into it. First, you must find Daurina's chamber. It is as the bottom of Goron City. Jump off the first ledge you see and you should be there. When you find the door that wont open, play Zelda's Lullaby on the Ocarina. After he talks to you, play Saria's Song in front of him. He will then talk about nothing, then give you the Goron's Bracelet. This allows you to pick up bombs from bomb plants. You must now leave Goron City.

Dodongo's Cavern

To enter Dodongo's Cavern, you must destroy the rock that blocks the path. To do this, go to the ledge that overlooks the entrance. Then pick the bomb plant and throw it over the edge of the cliff so it lands on the boulder blocking the entrance. Once inside, head for the second room, with the lava and islands. Now jump on the platform to the right and get on the right side of the room. Pick the bomb from the ground and blow up the wall to reveal a path. Go all the way until you get to where the big statues that you can push, and the switch that won't stay down are. Push one of the statues to the switch so it stays. Then go through the door. Go past the room with the bats and get to the next room. You should now face 2 green dragons. After killing them, go to the unlocked door. This is the tough part (kind of). You can kill the crawling monster things if you want to, but you don't have to. You must light the three torches with a Deku Stick. Light the Deku Stick on fire with the torch that is lit. You must then go through the door that was unlocked. You will arrive in the main room. Step on the switch, then cross the room and open the door. This is the cool part. Get the bomb from the bomb plant off to the side. Place it in the gap between both sides of bombs. Then the stairs should fall and you should go up. Go up to the right or left (they both go to the same place). Enter the room at the top of the stairs. When you get in there, kill the bats. Do not touch the statues yet. There is only onethat you can move. The statue on the opposite side of thedoor you came in can be moved. Move it and then climb theladder. Step on the button on the top of the platform. This will open the door you came in, and also a new door. Go through the new door. Cross the bridge (don't fall). When yo get to the other side, go to the next room. You will see big platforms that reach the ceiling. Go between the first and second one. When you get to the next path, turn left, then right. Don't get hit by the spikes. You should now be in front of a big gray block. Move it so you can reach the platform to the right of it. Get the bomb from this one and throw it to the place the ladder leads to. It should destroy the wall. Go through the passageway and you should see some flames coming from a platform. Get out your trusty slingshot and shoot the eye above the flame. Then jump across. Go through the door. Get past all of the reptiles and go to the next room. Defeat the Dragons, then go through the newly opened door. You need to shoot the eye above the flame again. Once you jumped to the platform, turn left and shoot that eye to extinguish the next flame. Then jump across past the platform to the next room. Jump across to the ledge, then go to the next room. Activate the switch and read the enscription. Go to the left of the switch and you should find another bridge. By now, you should have bombs and a bomb bag. Throw bombs through the two holes to light up the big rock statue's eyes. After his mouth opens, go through it and open the door. Jump up on the ledge to the right and walk through the passageway until you get to the blocks. Pull the block on the right until it is even with the block on the ledge. Then get ontop of the block and push the other block down to the ground (on the other side). Push it until you get to the block blocking the path. Put it under the one blocking the path. Now you can easily jump over the one blocking the path. Go to the next room. Follow the path until you get to another block. Push it off the ledge and into the hole in the ground. This will open the door to the main boss of Dodongo's Cavern. To defeat this huge Dodongo, throw bombs in his mouth when he opens it. Then, when he is stunned, hit him with your sword as much as possible. Then walk into the light after getting the heart.

Zora's River

You must go to Zora's domain to get the 3rd spiritual stone. But getting there can be a little tricky. Turn right when you get to the castle. Follow the river until you get to Zora's River. Follow it until you get to 4 big boulders. Bomb them. When you get to the corner, jump over to the other side. Follow that path until you get to a narrow part. Jump over. Follow the path until you get to a bridge. After you cross it, go to the place with all the ledges. You must get to the ledge right in front of the waterfall. When you are standing on the engraving on the ground, play Zelda's Lullaby on your Ocarina. The waterfalls should stop and you should be able to jump across the platform to the entrance of Zora's Domain.

Zora's Domain

Once you have stopped the waterfall with the Ocarina of Time, it is time to enter Zora's Domain. Link needs to learn how to dive and swim, so he must be taught by the school of Zoras. When you enter, walk right along the path until you get to King Zora. After you talk to him, go right through the cave path. Talk to the Zora there and tell him you want to play the diving game. Collect all the rupees he throws over and get the Silver Scale. With the Silver Scale, you will be able to dive deeper. Dive to the secret entrance right in front of where you dived. This leads to Lake Hylia.

Lake Hylia

After visiting Zora's Domain and earning the Silver Scale, you must go to Lake Hylia. Link does this by diving through the underwater tunnel to Lake Hylia. After you get to the surface on the other side, there is a bottle with a note in it underwater. Dive for it and get it. The Note says: "Help me. I'm waiting for you inside Lord Jabu Jabu's belly." -Princess Ruto. P.S. Don't tell my father! Now head back to Zora's Domain the same way you gothere. Once you have shown the note to King Zora, use theempty bottle to catch some fish. Go to the shallow water, and assign the empty bottle to a 'C' button. Then go next to a fish and press the c button. You should now have a fish in a bottle. Now go back to the place that King Zora is. Go through the path behind him, and get to Lord Jabu Jabu. Use the fish in a bottle right in front of Lord Jabu Jabu. He should inhale the fish, and you too.

Lord Jabu-Jabu

Walk into Jabu Jabu after giving him a fish. Walk through him until you get to Ruto. Talk to her and follow her through the hole in the ground. Talk to her again until she lets you carry her. Carry her through the door behind you. Carry her through the passageway until you get to a room with a pond and a monster. Wait until the elevator comes down, then jump onto it and ride up to the next level (with Ruto). Go past the room with the holes into a fork in the road (so to speak). Go to the right and step on the switch and the door should open. You must kill all the monsters on the floor. The Boomerang will appear in atreasure chest. Leave this room, and go back to the fork inthe road. Go to the left and step on the switch that doesn't stay down. Place Ruto on this switch. Then walk through the door that unlocks. Lock on to the tentacle's weak spot and fire your Boomerang at it. Keep doing this until it is dead. Get the map from the chest that appears. Go on to the room that you can now go into because the blue thing blocking the way is gone. Kill the tentacle in this room. Leave this room and go back to the fork. Leave the fork now and jump in the hole that you couldn't jump in before. Go through the cave and through the door. Throw Ruto on the platform. When Big Octo appears, throw your Boomerang at him many times to stun him. Then hit him with your sword. You may have to do this many times. This is not the end, though. Jump on the lowered platform and ride it to the top. Now walk to the end of the hallway, go to the next room, where you find the huge moving wobbling things. Hit them with the Boomerang to stun them. Now you can jump on them, so jump over to the other hallway and open the door. Now jump over to the other platform, which will move downwards. Now you can access another switch. This one won't stay down, either, so find one of the small crates nearby. Now place it on the switch, and walk through the door. Climb up the platform to the right. When you get to the top, go to the ledge with the glass. Lock on to the switch that you should see, and move close to the left edge of the platform. Fire your Boomerang. It should move to the side of the glass and hit the switch. Now the door opens, so go through it. This is the tough part. Aim for the tenacles and keep going around in circles. Hit the center each time you stun it, because that is what counts. After you complete your 3rd and final task as a kid, you must go to Princess Zelda and talk to her.

Temple of Time

With the 3 spiritual stones, you can now unlock the Temple of Time. Walk to the bridge that leads into the castle and market. Impa and Zelda are chased off by Ganondorf. Zelda throws the Ocarina of Time into the moat. Link must use his skills that he learned at Zora's Domain to dive in and get it. After you got the Ocarina in the Moat, go to the Temple of Time. Stand in front of the altar, and get out the Ocarina of Time. Play the Song of Time. Now go forward and grab the Master Sword from its holder...Now that you are older, you must begin a second, more difficult journey.... Now you are adult Link you must backtrack and revisit places that you went to as young Link.

Kakariko Village

When you grow up, Shiek tells you that you need to learn a skill in Kakariko Village. It is in the same place it always was. When you get there, go to the graveyard. Go to the row of graves on the left side. Pull the one on the very left from the back. Jump in the hole that appears. You have now entered the gravekeeper's grave. He wants to race you, so you have to follow him until hestops. Try not to get hit by the fire he drops. If you come in at a certain time, he will give you the hookshot. Now leave the Graveyard, and Kakariko Village. You must now head to Kokiri Forest, and see how much it has changed.

Kokiri Forest/Forest Temple

As time went by, Kokiri Forest changed. Instead of a peaceful place, it is now full of huge man-eating plants, giant monsters, and other enemies.

To get to the Forest Temple

The first order of business - Find the Forest Temple. It is located in the Lost Woods. Go through the Lost Woods using this path : Right Left Right Left Center Left Right. About halfway through, an elf will block your path, and say only Saria's friends can pass. To prove you are one of her friends, get the Ocarina out and play Saria's Song. You will now have to get past 5 huge guards of the Forest Temple. You can sneak around them or kill them with bombs. When you get to the steps that lead to the temple, dodge the huge monster's attacks and go around him, you don't have to kill him. Once you are at the Temple, talk to Sheik and learn the Minuet of the Forest. When you are done talking to her, get out your hookshot that you got at the graveyard. Point it at the tree limb directly above the ledge. Enter the Forest Temple.

To beat the Forest Temple:

You enter the temple in a small field. To the right are some vines, climb them and kill the gold Skulltula at the top. Get on the top of the tree, and jump to the other limb. On the top of that tree, you will find a chest with a key inside of it. Now get back down to the ground. Kill the wolves and enter the building. You enter a room with a spider. Wait until it turns around, then kill it. The next room will show a cut-scene of the ghosts stealing the light from the torches. When that is over, go to the big block to the left. It won't move, and it has the same engraving of the Temple of Time. Stand next to it and play the Song of Time on the Ocarina. When it disappears, go through it. In this room, go to the rightand up the vines. You might want to kill the Skulltulas with your hookshot first. When you get to the cave entry, go in it. Defeat the 2 floating skulls to get the map. Then go on and defeat the plant on the balcony. Aim your hookshot at the target above the other balcony, and shoot it. After you step on the switch and drain the well, jump off the balcony and go into the well you just drained. Inside the well, grab the 2 hearts and the small key and climb up the vines. After that, leave this area through the door. In the main room, go through the door that is just opposite of the entrance door. Now you will fight a floating skull. Just stun it with the hookshot and hit it with your sword. After you kill it, go to the next room. You will fight the Knights for the firsttime. After you defeat them, you will get another small key.Go back to the main room and to the right. Unlock the locked door with a key. Kill the Skulltula with the hookshot. Goto the next room. Go straight, up the ladder, to the right, up the ladder and to the left. When you get to the arrows, pull the big block out of its hole, and push it on the arrows. When you get it to the end of the hall, go back to where the block used to be, and follow that path to the right. Now you can push the block forward ontop of the other block. Now jump ontop of the block, and jump onto the platform. Then follow the cave until you get to the next block. Pull it as far as it will go. Now go back down to where the first block's starting point was. Climb up the ladder and head to the right until you find the pink block. Now push it as far as it will go. Now head back to where it is on the other side. Now push it down the hall as far as it will go. Climb up the blocks and into the next room. Kill the floating skulls and unlock the door. This might be one of the weirdest parts of Zelda 64.Walk through the twisted corridor, and into the next room. Jump to the door and unlock it. Go down the hall past the black picture and go down the stairs. Open the door. Fight the skeletons. Get the bow and go back to the room before the twisted corridor. Look above the entrance to the corridor and shoot the eye with an arrow. This should straighten out the twisted room. Walk through the twisted corridor to the next room. Get the key out of the chest and jump down the hole. Fight the skulls to open the door. Exit this room and turn right until you get to a door on the right. Go through the door and kill the hands, to get the next silver key. Exit this room and go through the one on the right. You must go to the room before the corridor again, so turn right and follow the path until you get to the eye. Shoot the eye so the corridor is twisted again.Now walk through until you get to a picture with a ghost init. Shoot the picture. The ghost will now go to another picture. After you shoot all the pictures on the wall, the ghost will come to life. Z-locking and firing arrows at it while it is visible is the best way to kill it. Get the key out of the chest that appears, and walk through the next room. Go past the opened chest and to the next room. Shoot all of the pictures with ghosts on them to fight the next ghost. Kill her to get the Dungeon Compass. Now walk up the stairs and through the door to another upside down room. Go through the path on the right to get to a locked door. Open it (you should have a key). This is the cool, but hard part. Stand on one of the moving platforms. Face to the right and you should see a frozen switch. Get your Bow out. Face the switch on one of the moving platforms. When the fire on the torch is lined up with the switch, fire your arrow. It should melt the switch. This will twist the corridor. Go back to the twisted corridor. Walk to the end and jump through the hole on the floor. You should now be in a room with checkerboard floor. You must plan your path carefully, as the ceiling is falling and rising. Step on the switch on the right side of the room halfway to the other side. Also, if you want arrows, get the treasure chest. When you leave, you will encounter another room with a ghost picture on the wall. Shoot it with your bow. The blocks will fall from the ceiling. You must arrange them so they look like the picture on the wall (that you just shot). After doing that, kill the ghost that appears using the same strategy you used for all the other ghosts. Get the arrows she drops after you kill her, and go through the unlocked door. Kill the spider and go to the next room. On the balcony, there is nothing to do but jump, so jump. Go to the center of the room. When the ghost splits apart, hit the real one. You can tell which one is real, because thereal one spins around 1 more time than the other ones. After hitting the real one about 5-6 times with arrows, go to the elevator that pops up. When you get to the bottom of the elevator, get off of the Stand on one side of the big blocks sticking out of the wall. Pushing it long enough will turn the whole room. You should push it until you can reach the first switch. After you step on that, move the wall around until you get to the second switch. Step on it and move the wall until you find the third switch. This switch should open the main gate to the boss. You need the big key to open this door. Go through it, and take a right until you get up the stairs. Walk on to the Triforce ground. You will now fight Phantom Ganon (weird, eh?). When fighting him, hit him with arrows 3 times. There are 2of him, but only one flies out of the paintings. After you knock him off his horse, you must deflect the energy he shoots at you. You deflect the energy he shoots by hittin the lightning he throws at you with your sword. After he falls and dies, the REAL Ganon will talk to you. Get the heart container then walk into the light. After you talk to Saria, and get the medallion, you will be back at the Deku Tree. The Deku sprout will talk to you and tell you the truth about many things. He will tell you that you must now save Hyrule! Now, if you have not already, you must get Epona, the horse.

Rescuing Epona

After you defeat the Forest Temple, you can travel back in time. Go to the Temple of Time and talk to Shiek. She will teach you another song and tell you how to go back in time. Put your Master Sword in its holder. When you are young, go to Lon Lon Ranch in the daytime. Go to the center of the fenced off area and talk to Malon. Get out the Ocarina of Time and learn Epona's Song. Now you can go back to being an Adult. Now go back to the Temple of Time. Go to the room with the Master Sword and pull it. You will now turn into an adult. Go to Lon Lon ranch in the daytime. Pay the ten rupees to ride the horse. While you are in there, play Epona's Song. Epona should come close to you. Get on her, and go next to Mr. Ingo. He will challenge you to a race. Bet the rupees. To beat him, when he is on the outside edge of the track, cut him off. Try to block his path. He will challenge you again, beat him again. After he gives Epona to you, he won't let you leave theranch. Just jump over the fence around Lon Lon Ranch to getfree. Now you must head to the Ice Cavern.

Fire Temple

To get to the Fire Temple:

Ride Epona until you get to Kakariko Village. Go in the village, and head north up Death Mountain. Follow the path until you get to the entrance of Goron City. Now go to the second floor, where the rolling guy is at. Throw a bomb in front of his path to make him stop. Then talk to him again to get the red tunic and he will open the doors. Go through the door that gets to the throne room. Pull the throne as far as it will go to reveal the entranceto the Death Mountain Crater. Now walk until you get to a broken bridge, and use your longshot to get to the log above it. Keep walking until you get to Shiek, who will teach you another song. No keep walking until you get to the Triforce platform on the ground, then take a left and go across to the doorway. Now jump into the hole in the ground and walk forward. You are now in the Fire Temple.

To beat the Fire Temple:

Go into the first room and kill the bats. Then go up the stairs and turn left and go through the door. Talk to Daurina, then jump across the platforms to the left and step on the switch. This will open a Goron's cell and allow you to get a key. Now go back to the main room and go through the door with a lock on it (the door on the opposite side of the door you already went through). Go halfway across the bridge, then jump over all the platforms to the right and get to the wall that looks strange. Bomb it. This will reveal a door. Go through the door, step on the switch, and get the key. Now go to the room with the bridge, and go all the way across to the other side. Go through the door and let the Goron out to get another key. Now go back to the other room and go to the opposite side of the bridge that you entered from. No you will be in a room with a big fire column going on and off. Now look above and to the right. There should be a big block just waiting to be pushed off the side. Use your longshot to get up there and then push it off the side. Jump onto it before the fire starts to get to the next room. Now go through the door to a room with a Goron right in front of you. Go to the left and up the ledges, then jump to the diamond switch. Push the block off the ledge then jump down and pull it as far as it will go. Jump from the top of the block to on top of where the Goron is trapped. Climb up the fence and look over the ledge next to the switch. Drop a bomb down there, next to the switch. Now wait until the bomb explodes, then run towards the climbable fence that the fire was at. Climb up it. Now you are in a room with boulders rolling everywhere. Walk to the right until you come to a cage, then let the Goron out and take the key. Now walk left until you get to a door (without a key)and open the door. Walk down the cave to get another key from a Goron. Now go back to the boulder room and look for a locked door. Open it to get to a room with a narrow walkway. Look above it to seen an eye, and shoot it with an arrow. This will unlock the door and allow you to get the map. Get the map and come back to this room. Go through the locked door to be in a lava room. Go to the right with the flame following you until you get to the unlocked door on the other side. Go through the door to be at the top level of the room with boulders. Now jump across the platform and bomb the crack in the ground. Now jump down the hole to rescue the Goron in the cage you saw earlier. Get his key and climb back up the fence. Now look around for a switch, then jump platform to platform until you get to it. Step on it to open a cage to a Goron on the opposite side of the room. Now jump across the platforms until you reach him.Now free him and get his key. Now go back in the door you came in. This is the door that is across from the hole you bombed. Now you will be back in the room with lava and fire following you. Go to the locked door, which is about halfway between the place you just entered and the other side. Enter the door, and go through the hallway to thegiant fire room. You will have to watch out for many fire traps in this room. Jump down to the right and find the compass through the nearest door. Now go to the other side of the room and find a door, go through it. You should see another Goron to your right. Keep walking and go through the door. You will be on the other side of the room. Now find a yellow switch, then step on it. Run to the platform where the fire used to be. Put a bomb next to the fake door to kill it. Then go through the real door. You will now fight the mini-boss fire guy. You must grab the small thing with the hookshot and hit it with a sword. He will then run the other way. Stand still and charge up your sword. Hit him again when he comes back. Keep doing this until you kill him. Now climb up on top of where the fire was. It will now raise you to the next floor. Now go through the door and find the fence, and climb to the top. Now look over the ledge and drop a bomb over the ledge. This will activate the switch and let you climb up the fence. Climbto the door and enter a huge round room. Step on the switch and quickly run up the path to the chest. When you get there, get the hammer out of the chest. Now walk back to where the switch was, and hit the clock close to it with the hammer. This will cause it to fall to the floor below.Now you will be near a statue. Hit it from the side to remove it from your path. Now goto the next room and kill the bats, then hit the face tile with the hammer. This will cause the stairway to appear. Grab the small crate and carry it downstairs to the switch. Place it on the switch and go through the door. Now hit the face tile with the hammer, and drop down. Now hit the face tile with the hammer, and drop down. Now will fight Volvagia, the huge (long) dragon. To hurt it, you must hit its head with a hammer when it comes above the ground, then hit it with your sword. Try not to get hit by his fire hair. When it comes above and makes rocks fall, stay back. The rocks generally only go in one spot, so watch out. Keep hitting his head with the hammer, and hitting him with the sword until he dies.

To get to the Ice Cavern:

Ride Epona until you get to Zora's River. When you get there, go all the way into Zora's Domain. Play Zelda's Lullaby to enter Zora's Domain. Now head up the path until you get to King Zora. He is completely frozen over, so head through the path behind him. When you get to Zora's Fountain, look around to the left and you will see a cave. You must jump on the floating Ice platforms until you get to the cave. When you get there, enter.

To beat the Ice Cavern:

Walk through the path and watch out for falling icicles. When you get to the room with the spike going in a circle, hit all of the ice things until you kill them. This should open the door. When you go into the next room, collect all 5 of the big silver rupee looking things. You will have to break the icicles to find one, and jump off a ledge to get another. In the next room, jump up to the platform and go to where the blue fire is burning. To melt the red ice that surrounds the treasure chest, use an empty bottle on the blue fire. Now use the bottle with the blue fire in it on the red ice. This will melt the red ice, giving you the Dungeon map. Now get another Blue Fire and go back to the room with the large spinning blades. Search the wall for some ice that is partially red and blocks a path to a cave. Use the fire on this ice. This will take you to the room with the compass. If you are in a room with spinning diamonds, you went through the wrong ice. Watch out for falling icicles. Break the icicles sticking out of the ground to get to another blue fire. Use the bottle on it again. Turn to the left to see a red ice blocked by icicles. Break through them to get to the compass. Use the fire on the red ice to get the compass. After you get the compass, you might a well get another blue fire for later use. Go back to the room with the spinning blades. Now search for another ice blocking a cave. Use the fire on that. Go through the cave to find a room with spinning diamonds on pillars. You must push the blue block so you can get to all of the diamonds. After you get the last one, move the block towards the blue fire. Get the fire with a bottle and then move the block under the red ice. Use the fire on the red ice to melt it, which allows you to grab the last diamond. Now go get another blue fire. After you get the blue fire, push the block under the unblocked passageway. Go through the passage until you get to red ice. Now use your blue fire on the red ice. Open the ice door. Now you will fight the boss of this cavern - The White Wolfos. Draw it close to you and wait until it drops it's guard, then hit it with your sword. After you defeat it, get the iron boots out of the chest. Shiek will talk to you and teach you the Serenade of Water. Go to the start menu, and equip yourself with the iron boots. Now jump into the water behind the chest. Open the door and keep walking until you are out of the water. Get one more blue fire before you leave. Now exit. Now you must go to the Water Temple.

Water Temple

To get to the Water Temple:

Ride Epona until you get to Lake Hylia. Go to the center of the lake. The lake should be dried out and you should be able to walk to the door using you iron boots. Equip your iron boots and walk to the door at the bottom of the lake. Now open the door.

To beat the Water Temple:

When you enter, you should be in a flooded room. Switch boots to your Kokiri Boots and float to the top. You should now get out of the water. Go to the edge of the ledge, and put your Iron Boots back on. Now jump in the water to the right and go through the passageway at the bottom of the cave. Now follow the path until you meet Ruto. Take off your iron boots and float to the top of that cavern. You will then get to a room with a door. Go through the door and fight the spikes, hitting them with your hookshot. Now exit this room and walk to the left. You should be standing in front of a Triforce on the wall. Stand in front of it and play Zelda's Lullaby. The water should lower, so jump down to the bottom floor. When you are at the bottom, align yourself facing the lit torch, and behind it should be the unlit torch. Fire an arrow through the lit torch, then it should catch the unlit torch on fire. Do this to the other torch and the door should open. Go inside the room, and defeat the clams. Wait until they open their mouths and hit their internal organs. This should kill them. You will then get a small KEY. Now go to the main room. It should be shallow by now, so go to the door with the lock on it. It is located in the center of the room. When you enter, go to the farthest block. Face up with the hookshot and try to find a hookshot catcher thing that the hookshot will hold on to. Shoot the hookshot at it to come to another Triforce on the wall. Play Zelda's Lullaby again to make the water level change. Now go back to the same place that you first lowered the water at. Since you can not go all the way up, get out of the water where the crack in the wall is. Place a bomb next to it and watch it explode. Then run in there and get the KEY out of the chest. Now that you have another key, you can open another door. Now head back to the main room. Float up to the above water floor. Now search for a door with a lock over it. Jump over to it with the hookshot and open it. When you get inside, head to the right and stand in the middle of the water spout. Shoot an arrow at the diamond to lift yourself up to the next level. At the next level, jump off the spout and go through the door. Now play Zelda's Lullaby at the Triforce. This will raise the water level once more. Now jump down and over to the third floor. Go back to the bottom and through the door that you first went to. Now float to the top and play Zelda's Lullaby by the Triforce. This will set the water level to the bottom floor. Now go out to the main room and find the pinkish block that you can push. Now push it as far as it will go. This will leave an opening to swim in. Jump in the hole and put the iron boots on. Then walk until you get to a hole on the ceiling. Now put the Kokiri Boots on and float to the top. Then get out and head for the door. Hit the diamond with your sword and then jump onto the spout and to the other side. Now go through the door, and put your iron boots on. Jump into the water and fire the hookshot at the dragon's mouth. Then put on the Kokiri boots and swiftly swim past the gate that opened. Then surface, get out of the water, and get the KEY out of the chest. Now hit the diamond so the gate opens again. Now swim through the passage quickly. Now go all the way back to the room with the diamond that makes the spout rise. Use the hookshot to get across the opening quickly. Now head back to the main room. Now go through the door on the bottom floor in the middle of the room. Use the hookshot again to reach a higher level. Then play Zelda's Lullabyto raise the water level. Now you must put the Iron boots on, and jump down to the place where the floating block used to be. You can now walk under it. Jump into the hole and swim through the path until you get to a room. Put your iron boots on (if they are not already on) and hit the diamond switch with your sword. Now float up to the room with the treasure chest. Open the chest to get another sliver KEY. Now go back to the room with the floating block and go out the door on the second floor. Go out the door and search for the only door that you can jump to from the second level. Go through it and stand on the water spout. Now hit the diamond with an arrow. This will raise you to the third floor. Jump off and go through the door. Now walk up to the Triforce on the wall and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Ocarina to raise the water. Now jump to the third floor. Raising the water will allow you to reach another door with a lock on it. Jump to it and open it. This is kind of tough, so don't get mad if you fall down the hole. Jump to the platform right in front of the entrance, then jump down to the next one. Now aim your hookshot at the moving blocks. Keep moving from block to block, going up, until you get to the next door with a lock on it. Now open that door to be in a room with many dragon heads and spiders. This is the confusing part, kind of. Shoot the diamond in the center of the room to raise the water level. Now use your hookshot and go across the water to the nearest statue. Now shoot the center diamond again, and cross the next place to get to the far side of the room. You should now be next to a dragon head you can jump over, so jump over it. Now shoot the diamond again. This will let you fly across the next place with your hookshot. Aim it at the hookshot catcher thing, then hit the diamond again with your hookshot. This should lower the dragon head right next to a ledge. Stand on the head and hit the diamond with your hookshot, or an arrow. This should bring you to a place with spiders and a big blob. Kill the spiders first. Now through bombs at the blob until it melts. Shoot your hookshot at the ceiling above where the blob was. This will allow you to open antoher door. Go through it to find a crystal clear lake. Walk on the island in the center and turn around. You should see dark Link. Use Z-Locking to keep him in your sight at all times. Hit him with a sword and try to catch him off guard. After you beat him, you will get the much needed longshot. Now walk behind the treasure chest and walk right next to the block in the floor. Play the Song of Time to remove it. Now jump down the hole and you will now be in a river. Swim downstream, avoiding 'vortexes' and make it to a small platform on the left side of the river. Now turn around and fire an arrow at the yellow eye. This will open a gate. Use your longshot to grapple on to the chest and pull yourself over to it. Now go to the right and jump down into the water, and head back to the main room. Go to the place that you first lowered the water at and lower it to the first level. Now go to the main room and to the room in the center and raise the water to the second level. Now go out the door and look for a gate on the second level with an eye under it. Now shoot the eye with an arrow and quickly get out the longshot and aim for the longshot catcher. When you are at the other side, turn left and walk down the passageway until you get to a large, pinkish block. Push it as far as it will go, then go to the left. Open the chest to reveal another KEY. Now go to the main room and go to the place to raise the water to the third level. Now put on your iron boots and sink to the bottom. Go through the north passage all the way then turn around and face up. You should see a hookshot catcher, so fire your longshot at it. Now turn around to see a locked door with a catcher above it. Fire the longshot over there to get to the door. Now open it and get to a room with many spiders and boulders. Put your iron boots on and jump in so you don't get sucked down the whirlpool. When you get to the other side, get up to the ledge and open the door. Now you will get to a room with a switch. Now jump up to the left ledge and blow up the wall with bombs. Now push the block as far as it will go and get back to the room. Go to the other side of the water and blow up the crack there. Now pull the block until you go as far as you can. Then go back to the other hole and then push the block down on to the switch. This will raise the water allowing you to go to the door above the ledge. Now go up the ledges to the door and open it. Now you will be in a room with a switch. Step on the switch and then quickly jump across the spouts to the next door. Open the door to come to a passageway. Walk straight and wait until the boulder falls, then put your iron boots on and go right and down the passageway under the waterfall. Now past the clam and up to the locked door. Open it to find the BIG KEY. Now head back to the main room. Now head to the third floor and open the boss door across on one of the ledges. Run up the path not getting hit by spikes, then go to the next room. This is where you will fight Morpha. You must grab the red thing with the hookshot, then hit it with your sword. After you defeat it, get the heart and go into the hole.

How to get to the bottom of the well:

After defeating the Fire Temple, Water Temple, Ice Cavern, and Forest Temple, head to Kakariko Village. You will talk to Shiek and then Shiek will teach you the Nocturne of the Shadow. Now go to the windmill and talk to the guy in there. When he is done, take out your ocarina. He will teach you the Song of the Storms. Now you must go back in time. Go to the Temple of Time and put your Master Sword back in it's holder. This will take you back in time. Now head to the castle. Climb the vines, and go over the catle gate. Now go over to the boulder and blow up the rock. This will make an entrance to the Great Fairie Fountain #2. Now stand on the Triforce and play Zelda's Lullaby to get Din's Fire. Now go to Kakariko Village as young Link. Go to the Windmill and play the Song of the Storms. This will drain all of the water out of the well. Now go into the well.

How to beat the bottom of the well:

The whole point of the bottom of the well is to get the eye of truth. Go through the hole and jump off the ledge. Now kill the spider and walk through the wall - thats right, through the wall. Now go to the left and follow the river until you get to a path on the left. Take it and you should be in front of a big gate. Jump off theledge and take the path through the bottom. Now you must climb up the vines and go through the door. You should be in a room with many tombs. Get a Deku Stick out and light it on the lit torch. Now go to the top left tomb (looking at it from the top) and light the torch next to it. This will open the tomb with a key inside it. Take the key and exit the door. Now go back to the main room. Go to where you first entered the room with water at. Walk straight, past the logs, going through walls. Do not step under the two pieces of wood with blood under them. Now keep walking straight until you get to a Triforce on the ground. Stand on the Triforce and play Zelda's Lullaby. This should stop the water. Now go back to the main room and jump down the ledge where the grate is at. Go through the hole to the left, until you get to a room. Defeat the spider and walk up the vines and into the next room. Now you must defeat the walking white thing once it appears. Wait until it puts it's head low, then hit it's head. Now get the Eye of Truth out of the chest. Play the Nocturne of the Shadow to get to the Shadow Temple entrance. Now you must go and defeat the Shadow Temple...

Shadow Temple

To get to the Shadow Temple:

First go to the Temple of time to become big Link (if you are not big already). Put your Master Sword in its holder to become big. Now play the Nocturne of the Shadow. This will take you to the entrance of the Shadow Temple. Head down the path and stand in the center of the room. Use Din's Fire to make all of the torches light up. Now enter the door that opens.

To Beat the Shadow Temple:

Walk through the entrance and down a corridor and turn left. Use the hookshot to get across to another wall. Walk through it. Now turn left and go through the wall after the one right next to you. You can use the Lens of Truth to find the hidden passageways. Now go through the door and head to the right. Use the Lens to find a secret passageway. Go through the door and kill the zombie and the bats. Get the chest for the dungeon map. Now go back out to the room and go right through the path with pots on both sides. Keep going to be in a room with Dead Hand. Kill it the same way you killed the one in the well. Now get the Hover Boots out of the chest that appears. Now go back to the main room with the torches. Look around with the Lens of Truth for a skull torch that is real. Now push the thing sticking out of the statue until the statue's beak is pointing that way. Now put your hover boots on and run to the tongue on the other side. You should hold on to the tongue, then go through the door. Now walk to the bottom of the path and go to your right. Kill the mummies to get the compass. Now go to the room with the laser and go to the opposite door. Do not get hit by the blades. Get all of the silver rupees to open the door. There is one on a platform -get there with a hookshot. Now enter the door opened by getting all the silver rupees. Get the small key out of this room and go back to the room with the laser. Bomb the north wall. This will open a path with a locked door. Go through it. Kill the spider that hangs from the ceiling, then walk down the path. Turn the corner and kill the next spider. Walk down to the end, kill the spider, then turn left. You will see big blades which you must walk under. Walk under the first one, kill the spider, then walk under the second one. Now go to the right and follow the path to the left. You must be moving constantly, so that the hand from the ceiling does not grab you. Put on the hover boots. Jump across the blades to the platform with the Stalfos Skeleton on it. Wait until he stops blocking, then hit him until he dies. Now turn to the right and you will sea moving platform. Wait until it hits bottom, then jump for it(with hover boots on). Now turn to the right, and wait until the place is reachable. Jump for it when you are very near. Now take the path to the left, where a laser and two spikes are at. Get all of the sliver rupees. One of them is under the laser, so destroy it with two bombs.Getting the last one will open the door. Now walk through the door, Now go through the path until you get to a room with spikes coming from the ceiling. Put on the lens of truth to find a pull-able block to the right. Pull it out of it's hole until you get to the path. Now push it all the way to the other side of the blades. Now jump onto it from the higher level of ground. Jump to the right onto the ledge. Now walk over the spike holder and jump to the other side. Now step on the switch. This will make a chest appear on the other side of the room. Use the top of the spike holder to get over to it. Open the chest to get another key. Now go back to the room with the laser and spikes. Now go to the ledge path and put on the Lens of truth. Go to the big blade and run under it. With the Lens of Truth on, you should see a moving platform. Jump onto it. Wait until you are near the door, then jump over to it with your hover boots on. Openthe door and walk in. Keep the Lens of Truth on. Get all of the silver rupees. To do this, look around with the Lens of Truth on, and you will see hookshot catchers that you can use. Use them to reach the one on the invisible platform, and the one on the other side of the room. Now enter the door that opens. Jump up the platforms to the top. Now grab a bomb plant and throw it on to the top of the skull. It should leave a key. With the key, exit this room back to the room with the locked door on the ledge. Use the Lens of Truth to see the hookshot catcher above the ledge. Use the hookshot to get to the ledge. Now open the door. Go through the path. When you get to the fans, wait until they stop, then run. Keep going until you get to a hole in the ground.Use your hookshot on the log above the ledge to get there. Keep walking until you get to a ledge in the middle of the room with fans on either side. Use the lens of truth to see a secret passageway to the left. Put on the Hover Boots, and hover over there after passing some fans. Now open the door and go to the right. You should see a dirt pile. Bomb the dirt pile. This will reveal an invisible chest for youto get a key out of. Use the Lens of Truth to see it. Now go through the locked door on the other side of the room. Pull the block on the left to the hole on the right. Now climb the ladder. Go over to the Triforce on the ground to the left. Stand on it and play Zelda's Lullaby. The boat will start moving. After the cut-scene, defeat the Stalfos Skeleton. When the boat starts to slow down, jump off the left side to the ledge. Now go through the door to the right. You will be in a room with hands. Use the Lens of Truth to see the invisible walls. Go all the way to the door on the west side of the room (you came in the south side). You should be in a room with an invisible enemy. Use the Lens of Truth to see the hand and kill it. Once you kill all the little hands, the chest will appear with a key. Now go back to the room with the hands. Go to the north room and use Din's Fire to burn the closing in spikes. Then get the boss key from the chest. Now go back to the room the boat dropped you off in. Look to the right and you should see a doorway. Walk a little further and you should see some bomb plants next to a huge statue. Shoot one of the bomb plants with an arrow to make a path across. Go through the locked door. Use the Lens of Truth to see the platforms that you walk on. Jump from platform to platform until you get to the boss door. Now open the door and fall down the pit to face Bongo Bongo (a drum player).When he starts hitting the drum with his hands, hit both of his hands with arrows. Turn on the Lens of Truth, to see the eye of Bongo Bongo. When the hands come flying by you, hit the eye with the sword. Remember, the eye is invisible, so put the Lens of Truth on. Keep hitting the eye until it dies. Grab the heart and walk into the light. Now you must head to Gerudo Fortress... Gerudo Fortress

To get to Gerudo Fortress:

Call Epona. Go all the way to the west, to Gerudo Valley. When you get to a bridge, if you speed up Epona enough, you can cross it. Go past the guys in a tent, and then go until you get to Gerudo Fortress.

To beat Gerudo Fortress:

Get off Epona and go up the stairs. The will throw you in a prison cell. Look up to see a wood thing, and use your hookshot on it. Go to the left and through the door. Now go to the left, then the left again (don't be seen by the guards). Now walk up the path, and use the wood on the ceiling to your advantage. Use the hookshot on it. When you land on the ground level, go through the door to thr left. Follow the path to come to a cell. Talk to the prisonor and then you will be attacked by a guard. Use Z-locking and hit her when she is not blocking. After you kill her, get the key and let the guy out. Talk to him so he leaves. Continue walking past the cell to the outside. Turn to the left and walk in that door. Turn left and wait for a guards head to appear, then shoot it with an arrow. Walk to her then turn left and shoot the other two guards. Now go to that room and up the ramp on the other side of the room. Go out the door. Now turn right and drop down to go in the next door. Wait there with your arrow pointed straight ahead. Shoot the guard that appears. Now go through the hallways in this order : Right, left, right, and you will be in another carpenter's cell room. Talk to him then kill the guard to get the key. Now let him out and go back where you came in to drop down a level. Turn left to climb up the vines. Go through the door straight ahead. Talk to the carpenter, and kill the guard, and let him out.Now go out the door you came in. With the arrows, kill the three guards walking at ground level. Then jump down and head left and go thorugh the door. Do not get to close to the white guard. Now follow the corridor until you get to the fourth carpenter. Now talk to the carpenter and kill the guard. Now free the final carpenter. Talk to the Gerudo Guard, and get the membership card. This will allow you to walk around with out being stopped by a guard. Now head to the desert gate to fight in the final Temple, The Spirit Temple...

Desert Colossus

To get to the Desert Colossus: Go to the gate near the entrance to the desert. Climb up the ladder and talk to the gate keeper. She will raise the gate. Go through the gate. Now walk into the desert until you get to a river of sand. Equip your hover boots, and then cross it. Follow the red flags until you get to a sign. Turn left and follow the path until you get to a guy on his carpet. He will try to sell you bombuchu's. Don't buy them. Keep following the flags until you get to a stone structure. Walk up to the top and use the lens of truth to see the ghost. This ghost will lead the way to Desert Colossus. Keep following it until it brings you to the entrance of the Desert Colossus.

What to do at Desert Colossus:

Walk until you get to the entrance of the Spirit Temple. Go inside it. There is nothing to do in there, so walk back out to meet Shiek. Shiek will teach you the Requim of the Spirit. This will allow you to warp to the Desert Colossus any time. Now you must go back in time. Use the Prelude of Light to warp to the Temple of Time. Place the Master Sword into it's holder. Now, as young Link, play the Requim of the Spirit to warp to the Desert Colossus. Now enter the Spirit Temple.

Spirit Temple

Walk up the stairs and to the left, then talk to the woman. Say you want nothing, really. When she asks about Ganon, say no. She will tell you to go get the treasure for her, so say yes. Now crawl through the hole. Now kill the statue in the middle of the room, along with all of the bats. Light a Deku Stick with the torch, and go through the right room. Now light the torches in here. Go back, and through the other door. Kill the stalfos, then the green skull. Throw the boomerang at the switch across the gap. Then the bridge will form, so walk across it. Now go through the door. Now walk up to the spike and use Din's fire to kill the guy. Now walk through the door and get all the diamonds to make a bridge. Go back to the main room and crawl through the hole in the center of the room. Go through the locked door and kill the skulltulas and climb up the wall. Kill the lizard guys, and hit the switch on the platform. Open the chest to get bombchus. Aim for the boulder on the wall and hit it with a bombchu. This will shine light on the sun, and open the doorway. Go through the door. Push the statue to the left off the ledge. Now climb up the steps to get to a door. Go through it. Now you must collect the diamonds. Collect them all to light a torch. Use the lit torch to light Deku Sticks and set all the torches on fire to get a chest with a key in it. Now goto the blocks and pull the block with the sun on it into the light. This will open a door. Now go through it and hit the metal thing with your sword. Now fight Iron Knuckles. If you hit him off guard enough, he will die and the door will open. Now go through the door to be outside. Now get the Silver Guantlets out of the chest and watch the cut scene. Now play the Prelude of Light to get to the Temple of Time. Get the master sword to become old Link. Now play the Requim of the Spirit to warp to the Spirit Temple. At the temple, go up the stairs to the right and push the block all the way. Go into the next room and hit the switch on the cieling with an arrow. Now go through the right door and get all of the diamonds. Go through the opened door. Get the key from the chest. Now go back to the room with a locked door and open it. Climb the wall and kill the invisible hand. Push the statue around until it is pointing to the 3rd sun from the left. Go through the opened doorway. Climb up the stairs and then jump onto thehuge statue's hand. Play Zelda's Lullaby to make a chest appear in the other hand. Get to it with the hookshot and open it to get a key. Now go back to the door you entered from and walk up the stairs. Open the locked door. Kill the laser and walk to the next room. Kill that laser, and the floating guy tp open the next door. Go through it and stand next to the closed door on your right. Fire arrows at the statues to make them step on the switch. Go through the opened door. Go up the stairs, and through the door. Hit Iron Knuckles, then fight him and kill him. Now walk through the door and get the mirror shield out of the chest. Go back to the room with four statues. Use the mirror shield to reflect the sun's light onto the sun. Now go through the door and get a key from the chest. Go back to the room with the locked door and open it. Kill the two lasers, and stand on one of their platforms. Use the hookshot and fire it to the top of the climbable part, instead of climbing up the whole thing. Kill the lasers, then go through the door. All the doors in this room are fake doors. There is a yellow eye behind the one to the left of the chest, do blow it up with a bomb. Shoot the yellow eye. Now use your hookshot on the target on the top of the ice. Now step on the switch. Drop down to get the Boss Key. Now exit the room. Go to the right and through the door. Hit the switch behind the fence with a spin attack. Go through the door and kill all the enemies. Turn left and go to the statue. Blow up the wall on the left. Push the statue so it shines into the opened passage. Nowaim it so it shines to the room with the grating. Go back into that room, and drop into the sunlight. Reflect the light onto the sun to make the platform lower. Now shine the light onto the statue's face with the mirror shield. This will make it crumble. Use the hookshot to get across to there, and go through the boss door. Fight the huge Iron Knuckle. After you beat it, go through the door behind where it was. Go down the hall and through the door. Now you must fight Twinrova, two witches that are buds with Ganon. Jump on one of the four side platforms and face thewitches. The idea is to reflect one witches power onto another witch using your mirror shield. After you do that many times. they will combine forces. This is the kind of tricky part. You must absorb the powers with your shield 3 times, and shoot it back at them. It must be 3 of the same kind, example : ice, ice, ice - not ice, fire, ice. After you knock her down, jump over to the plaform and hit her with the sword. Repeat that until she dies. Get the heart container, and step into the light.

Ganon's Castle

To get to Ganon's Castle:

This is probably the easiest level to get to. Play the Prelude of Light to get to the Temple of Time. Shiek will talk to you. When you find out Sheik's true identity, he/she will tell you a bunch of stuff. After all of it, head to Ganon's Castle. It is where the Hyrule Castle used to be. Now walk near the cliff right in front of the castle. The six sages will appear, then make a bridge. Cross it and open the door.

To get to Ganon:

Walk down the hallway and into the next room. You will see a huge barrier protecting a door. This door leads to Ganon's lair. To get through the door, you must defeat the 6 barriers that block it. Go to the wall on the right and keep walking until you get to a door with a purple emblem above it. Go through the door. Hookshot over to the chest on the left platform. Put the hover boots on, and fire a fire arrow at the torch across the way. Run across the blocks that appear past the big blob and onto the next platform. Use the lens of truth to see invisible walkways. Go to the one on the left, and jump on the switch. Use the hookshot to get to the chest that appears.Get the Gold Gauntlets out of the chest. Use the lens of truth to see a path to the left, and hit the switch with the hammer. Now walk back to the platform and go to the straight path, and through the door. Hit the floating ball with a light arrow. You will be transported back to the main room. Find the door with a green emblem above it. Go through it and kill the wolf. Use Din's Fire to light the torches. Light the last one above the door with a fire arrow. Go through the door and put your hover boots on. Go to the left when the fan stops to get that diamond. Now go to the right to be blown to the next platform. Step on the switch and look above the middle platform and use your hookshot. Kill the laser thing and float over there. Get the diamond and float under the door to get another diamond. Now hover to the right and get the last diamond. Go through the door and shoot the floating ball with a light arrow. You will be transported back to the main room.Go to the right until you get to a door with a blue emblem.Empty a bottle and get a blue flame. Kill the 2 ice statues to unblock the door. Melt the ice with the blue fire and go through the door. In this room, push the far block to the right, then backwards. Now push the other one right, forward, then towards the nook in the wall. Climb up the platform and use the blue fire to melt the ice. Now get out your hammer and hit the switch to unlock the next door. Go through the next door and hit the floating ball with a light arrow. You will be transported back to the main room. Now find a door with a fire emblem above it. Put the hoverboots on and the Goron's Tunic. You must collect all thediamonds in the room. Get the one to the right, then go left and jump on the spinning thing to get the next one. Jump back off and go to the huge gray pillar. With the gold gauntlets, you can lift it. Get the diamond under it. Now go across the room to the platform with the slug on it. Kill it and get that diamond. Now jump onto the block and get the next one. This will open the door, so jump back to the block in the lava, and use the hookshot to get across to the door. Now shoot the floating ball with a light arrow. Now keep walking until you get to a huge pillar. Lift it to reveal the Light Barrier. Use the lens of truth to kill the 4 bats and Skulltula. Get the key out of the chest and go through the locked door. Play Zelda's Lullaby to get another key. Go through the locked door to be in a room with more diamonds. There are 2 in the wall, two in the center, and one above that you can get to with a hookshot. Collect them all to open the door. Now go through the door to discover the floating ball is missing. After desperately looking for it, walk through the wall to get to it. Shoot it with a light arrow. You will be warped back into the main room. Now go to the only door without energy flowing from it, the spirit barrier. Blow up the laser. Get all of the diamonds and go through the door. Hit the switch with a spin slash to get bombchus. Aim one over the fence to hit the next switch. Go through the door and to the left. Shoot a hole in the ceiling with a fire arrow to get sunlight into the room. Reflect it to the right of the entryway to open the door. Now hit the final floating ball with a light arrow. You will be warped to the main room.Now go through the now unblocked door. Go up the stairs andthrough the door. Keep going and killing all of the enemies to open the next door. Get the Boss key about halfway up. Once you get far enough, you will get to the room with a big pillar in it. Do not break any pots, and go through the door to the right. Run up the huge flight of stairs, and go through the door. Now watch the short story sequence and begin fighting the Evil King himself. How do you whoop his butt you say? You need to equip the Master Sword. Climb up the pillar and onto one of the side platforms. Look directly at Ganon and wait until he shoots energy at you. Deflect his energy with your sword. He will keep hitting it back. After you hit him, run over to him and hit him with your sword. Keep repeating the process until he dies. He will make the castle fall with his last remaining energy.Follow Zelda until you get to the bottom. She will talk to you. Congratulations, you have beaten a very difficult game...Or have you? Now to fight Ganon for the last time (we promise). The objective is to hit his face with light arrows, then hit his tail with something (Preferably the Megaton Hammer) when he is stunned. Keep doing this until the fire lowers, then get the Master Sword. If you ever run out of something, lure him to a block and he will destroy it, sometimes leaving many items. Now keep doing the same thing until he is stunned. Zelda will shoot energy at him. She will tell you to deliver the final blow to Ganon. Hit him with your sword....THE END! just beat the game...hope you enjoyed it! Email me with your overall opinions or questions.