?::: - The Following is a Presentation of Mania Sports Inc. - :::?

Smitty - When We Ride On Our Enemies!

|::: You All Run Around Like Bitches... Just A Bunch Of Little Bitches... Babies... PUSSIES! :::|

|::: You Gone And Done It Now... You Set Up A Challenge :::|

|::: When I Am Through Here You Will Want Only 1 Thing: MOMMY! :::|

|::: sXe: Gone.... Bonez: Vice President.... World Championship: Taking The Road Less Traveled :::|

|::: S-M-I-T-T-Y: I Am Doing This The Old Fashioned Way... By Myself :::|

|::: You Want War With The Wrestling God... Well Get Ready :::|

|::: Because This Is What It Sounds Like..... When We Ride On Our Enemies! :::|

[The instrumentals to "Ride On Our Enemies" by Tupac is playing as the words DESTRUCTION float across the screen. With the beat of the song we watch the 2/3 Falls Heavyweight Title match between Jesse "THE KNIGHT" Gunn & Smitty being fastforwarded, but we only watch the hits against Smitty. The clip slows down in the final moments of the match where both mens faces are covered in blood and Smitty's right hand badly burned. Jesse stands up and looks to the belt. Gunn falls to one knee again, looking to be in obvious pain. He looks around at the ring then goes over to Smitty. He picks up Smitty and then throws him in the corner. Gunn sets him on the turnbuckle, then climbs up with him. Gunn goes for a suplex, but Smitty punches Gunn again. Smitty stands on the turnbuckle, then grabs Gunn and hits a POWERBOMB!!!!!! Gunn bounces off of the mat and Smitty lays next to him.]

STYLES: How much more can these two go for?

BRITT: This third round hasn't been the most violent, but god, this is terrible. I dont think either can last much longer in this match.

STYLES: Wait.....who is that?


STYLES: That woman? she's coming down the aisle! Who is she?

BRITT: I dont know!

[The woman is who we have all come to now know as Jesse Gunns wife Annie. She runs down the aisle and then climbs in the ring. Officials look confused at who she is. She goes over to Gunn and begins to help him.]

STYLES: Could this be the person....who Jesse was driving with? He never said who it was!

[Gunn climbs out of the ring with the help of Annie. Smitty is sitting up looking confused at The Knight. Gunn is on his way to the back when he turns around! Gunn goes limping back to the ring where Smitty is waiting for him. Annie grabs Gunn and tries to prevent him from going back into the ring! He ignores her going in the ring. Smitty and Gunn begin to exchange blows in the ring as the crowd gets more wild. As each man exchanges blows they each look more tied. They stumble back a bit more, but keep going. Gunn throws another punch at Smitty, but Smitty catches him with a punch in the gut. Gunn's knee gives out and he falls to the mat as Smitty goes for a shot and hits the ANNIE!!! Smitty looks shocked as she falls to the ground and rolls out of the ring. Jesse looks to his wife and holds out his hand in desparation. "ANNIE" Gunn yells out, but she is out now.]

BRITT: It was her! She was the one who was driving him. What is going on here?

STYLES: I have no idea. Why didn't he want the world to know who is was though?

[Smitty looks to the ladder, but looks concerned for Annie. The camera freezes on the face of genuine concern by Smitty as the song stops playing.]

SMITTY: Women... they can drive a man crazy. See that face? That is what a woman can do to a man under the right circumstances... but it happened once and, as if I have to tell you, it will never happen again.

[The camera fades in on the "Mania Set" with Smitty sitting in a directors chair with a backdrop behind him that reads 'MANIA'. New to the set are two gorgous models sitting on Smitty's lap with their arms around him. One a sexy brunnette and the other a natrual blond, and believe me when I say NATURAL.]

SMITTY: Oh, we're on. Excuse me Amber, Tiffany, I have a little work to do.



[The ladies smoosh Smitty with hugs.]

SMITTY: Okay.. okay. When I am done here it is straight to my place and... we'll I'll let you two decide when we get there.

[They each give Smitty a kiss on the cheek before standing up and begin walking away. Smitty smacks that fine ass as they walk away and the camera actually starts to follow the beautiful women.]

SMITTY: Um, over here.

[The camera pans back to Smitty real quick as the girls giggle. We realize he still has a bandage covering his right hand which was badly burnt in 2/3 falls. Smitty rubs his hands together and leans in closer to us.]

SMITTY: Xtreme Championship Wrestling now has a new prize, the Universal Championship. Since Destruction Jesse Gunn walked away with the World Title I stayed out of the picture for a week, gave him some time to soak in everything he could without a sight of me. If there was ever a week for someone to try and make a name for themself it was last week. For two weeks now the likes of The Knight and the Powers That Be lead this company and gave the fans nothing to call their own but hope... hope that the future will hold better. Myself becoming a memory with only a recorded phone call to go by to many the speculation started as to what exactly is going to happen at March's Mania Madness. I started hearing things like "There is a new Heayvweight Champion, could he take it? What about Smitty's cousin, Titan, his time is coming. And the new Vice President, Bonez, he has been on fire and he may be the next Supremacy Champion." I'm even starting to hear about this JVC cat coming up in the world just because he walks out and looked the Mania Monster in the eye at Meltdown, but in my eyes the roar of the crowd has gone unanswered. No one stepped up, rather, no one had the ability to step up and walk with the ball I carry. Even your current Heavyweight Champion can't hold up what these shoulders do. Rest assured that the Headliner is going to Headline his very own pay-per-view and at Mania Madness you can expect competition at a whole other level! I mean after Destruction something got in me... it HIT ME like a powerful drug and I've been addicted to this feeling ever since. I made it perfectly clear to Joey Styles last week on the phone that I had what it takes to walk away with the title and not a sole in that arena will tell you otherwise. But just like I said earlier, women can do crazy things to a man...

I will give you one thing though, Knight, you did put up one hell of a fight. You wanted that gold so damn much and it was powerful, I liked it a lot. The fact that you pulled out the Excalibur DDT on top of the Molson Center is what really caught me off guard and you walked away with a pin fall that you earned. Now you may feel like just because you have my World Heavyweight Title that Destruction was your night but believe me, Knight, it wasn't. You may have walked away with the belt but when Destruction was all over I felt like I had walked away the real winner. I took away more from our match than you ever could have imagined. Yes, you won. But you didn't earn your win but rather you snuck away with it like a coward. Ask your own wife, your life partner. If she knows you inside and out she knows that you were a lot closer to your death than I was because the fact is Knight if we were looking to get a three count you didn't have enough in you to finish the job, FACT! That's why your wife ran down and tried to stop you. Yes you came back but just when I was about to seal the deal the greatest thing in the world happened to you... you got lucky. This is the reason why I hate you and your mistress, Knight, because just when I was about to lay the final works upon you, and BELIEVE ME when I say it was the end for you, I hit that damn broad. Your walking around with a bitch that isn't too bright, Knight, because she took a bad blow from me. If I had known who that was I wouldn't have cared but at the time all I knew was "damn I just hit some hoe hard!". I've said it before and I'll say it again; I don't hit women. But I just nailed some bitch and she was down for the count. Now rewind and imagine if it were you I had it, Knight, I would have walked away Heavyweight Champion. Thats a fact and whether or not you ever admit it you know it, I know it, and the fans all know it! But I am okay with that, Knight. Heh heh, I am more than okay with it... I'm really quite happy with it! The fact is I know that I hurt you way more than you ever could wish to hurt me and THAT is what makes Destruction so damn good! Be afraid, Knight, because like I said earlier after Destruction and I realized what went down in those few moments something hit me and I've been hooked on it ever since. It was like I was reborn because never ANYTIME in my career had a challenge presented itself like this. The title was taken from me and the world knows I wasn't beat for it. But it is gone now and for the first time in a long time I see a challenge more rewarding than anything YOU or anyone else will ever know! Yes moving on from this to my pay-per-view, my Mania Madness, my World Title, and my Mania Supremacy Title all in one match for the first ever Universal Championship! Knight... this is what it sounds like when we ride on our enemies!

[Smitty leans back and pulls a FAT JOINT out of his pocket. He put it behind his ear with a smile that is like a spectacle in this game. With a fiery glare he continues.]

SMITTY: Now a fast forward a week from Destruction to the next Sunday, one night before a huge match involving the World Champion, my cousin the Supremacy Champion, and myself. No one has heard from XCW's leader and more importantly XCW's biggest cowards crave to hear the news that Smitty is all done. Joey Styles picks up the phone and gets a hold of me and I promised an unbelievable night and I couldn't have been more right, things happened the next night on Meltdown that blew even myself away. But before I get into the biggest surprise let me say that Jesse Gunn, Titan, and Smitty delivered as far as main events go. I mean lets face it, us three in a ring is just too big for Meltdown and things got too out of hand. The problem with billing a main event as big as that inside of the greatest wrestling arena there is, Madison Square Garden, you have the nobodies trying to become somebodies. More specifically I am talking about the Industrial Champion Jason Van Clief. Now JVC if you want a piece of me do it like a man and do it one on one. I looked you right in the eye Monday Night hoping that you would bring it but you wait until my backs turned to make your move like a coward. Don't you know that is just going to REALLY piss me off, JACKASS! I will go toe to toe with you anytime, anywhere because schooling rookies like you is what I am all about. Moving on, when I have JVC in my sights my own cousin charges me, everyone wants a piece of me. BRING IT ON! Titan it has been a long time coming... we have locked it up a few times but never one on one and frankly you are getting a little to brave with the way you act towards your older cousin. I am THE MAN wherever I go and nothing will ever change that ... all you can do is fight it but you can only fight it for so long until you fall like everyone else. But moving on to the absolute BIGGEST surprise of the night involves your two little idiot buddies, Double Lighting. Double Lightning did the single most shocking move of the night, who on earth would believe they would have the balls to do what they did to me on Monday Night... do you two have a DEATH WISH!?

Listen boys I know you don't take much serious but if you ever do take one thing serious in your life it is this match you have this Monday. Handicapped matches are usually set up by assholes like Repent and Bonez so that the lesser fortunate of the match go down. But realize just because you are the tag team champions DOESN'T mean I can't take you two. If you guys had any balls you would put the belts on the line but if you had any brains you would train harder for your meeting with the True Expert Champion than anything you've ever faced in your life. I dish out pain on a murderous level and you two are two of the lowest forms of life I've ever seen. You just take up space, no intelligence to you whatsoever. Here is a fact for you, one on one I could probably get a pin on each of you in under two minutes. Together I give you two about eight minutes before I am declared the winner and BELIEVE me it will happen. If I lose this match... I would most likely quit the business. If I lost to you I lost my ability because as a team you still can't compete at my level... and I am on a tear lately. I am feeling a new hunger for the game because I am on my own again. I don't have any friends... every man in that locker room is out to get me. You two pranksters tried that stunt on the wrong person and in the ring there isn't JACK you can do about it! This Monday I roll into the Hartford Civic Center and I WILL RIDE ON MY ENEMIES!

[Smitty pulls the joint out of his ear and puts it in his mouth. He sparks it with ease and takes a small puff.]

SMITTY: But right now I have to get into a toppic that I haven't spoke on to anyone yet. Destruction saw the end of the war between The Powers and SXE. Mr. Showtime, Phil Macaluso, and Ikon all gone. Now I was a little shocked by who are supposed to be my friends said. I'm a rat? Heh... what has happened to my road dogs?

[Smitty pulls hard on the JAY. He slowly exhales sucking the smoke back up his nose before exhaling all of it out.]

SMITTY: I wish I knew what was going on there but let's face it... SXE is dead. I don't want any new friends, no allies. From this point on I work alone. This game has too much drama, too many people getting stabbed in the back. Just this past Monday JVC cost his partner the Xtreme Title.. I can't trust anyone here. I only have enemies... so many enemies. I am rolling hard into the future.. I need to once again secure my spot as leader because with egos flaring everyone seems to forget that the Statistical Phenom, The Headline, can't be dethroned! As for The Powers That Be.. your time will come. I have a lot bigger fish to fry and frankly, guys, I need to get my ammo ready before I fight that war. I have priorities and you two just aren't high up there. I have a lot bigger fish to fry.

[Smitty hits the joint again and ashes it next to himself. He hits it again quick before speaking.]

SMITTY: I am hungry again, real hungry. I have a new plan for everything and it all starts but beating two idiots in a handicapped match. Jesse Gunn, Bonez, Titan, Jason Van Clief, Repent... all of them have no idea what they are in for. YOU LIVE IN MY SHADOW!

[The camera fades out.]

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