?::: - The Following is a Presentation of Mania Sports Inc. - :::?

Smitty - Team Mania

|::: Meltdown in Edmonton Held No Surprises.. A Great Debut, A New Xtreme Champion, and The Midnight Xtreme Finally Got Theirs :::|

|::: Where Was Bonez At Meltdown? Something Very Evil Is In The Works.. What is on The Hidden Agenda And WHO Does It Involve? :::|

|::: As For 2 Out Of 3 Falls At Destruction.. All The Stipulations In The World Won't Take MY Championship :::|

|::: The Rebirth Desperately Needs sXe's Return.. What is XCW's Favorite Groups Next Move? :::|

|::: This Is One Leader Who Won't Just Sit And Watch.. It Is Time For Action :::|

|::: And The Time is Now! :::|

[The sound of a pissed off crowd fills our ears and the scene fades in during our Monday Meltdown Main Event. We listen in on our commentators.]

BRITT: Midnight Xtreme is out to set a point tonight and what better way than with the World Champion!

STYLES: This is horrible, Smitty doesn't deserve this! He deserves respect!

[Kid Hardcore looks around. He walks over to the time keeper and kicks him out of his seat. He folds the chair and walks over to Smitty, Smitty not even getting up. Hardcore kicks Smitty onto all fours and then WHAM! Right across the champions back. Hardcore takes the edge and rams it right into Smitty's back! OUCH! Hardcore throws the chair away and picks Smitty up bringing him towards the announcers table.]

STYLES: For pete sake haven't you done enough!(Kid Hardcore notices Styles talking to him) YES, you!

BRITT: Shut up, Joey!

STYLES: This isn't his fight, damnit!

[Kid Hardcore smiles and slams Smitty's face onto the announcers table. He tosses Smitty onto the table then takes his time standing up there as well. Joey and Jeremy flee as Kid Hardcore looks into the crowd with the champion on his knees. LOW BLOW! Kid Hardcore bends over holding his jewels as Smitty stands up realizing where he is. He backs up and then leaps into the air, CRASH! SMITTY ROCKER-DROPPER'S KID HARDCORE THROUGH THE ANNOUNCERS TABLE! The crowd goes wild! They chant {SMIT-TY! SMIT-TY! SMIT-TY!} As Smitty rolls around in pain. Brian Raver is coming to inside the ring, he rolls out and stomps Smitty a few times before picking him up and rolling him into the ring. Raver grabs one of the announcers chairs as Britt and Styles begin to walk back to their post, Raver doesn't have it! He swings the chair like a madman! Britt flees running into the guardrail and flipping over. Raver slides into the ring and starts for Smitty. Smitty gets to his feet and Raver swings, but Smitty moves and Raver misses! Raver turns around preparing to swing again and Smitty leaps into the air smacking the chair into Raver's face! Smitty gets up quickly his eyes holding a fiery glow to them and his emotion pissed off! He kicks the chair out of the ring and circles around Raver like an irritated shark. Raver gets to his feet and Smitty kicks him in the stomach. Smitty lifts him into the air like a powerbomb and slams him down into a piledriver, THE SMITTY- SLAM! A devastating one at that! He pins but there is no ref, the arena shouts the pin for him{1! 2! 3! 4!} The crowd is chanting for Smitty as he stands up trying to locate a ref. He rolls out of the ring finding the woozy ref. Not helping him, forcing him, Smitty picks up the ref and sends him into the ring. Smitty slaps the ref a little to wake him up and then pins Raver again to a very slow count, 1........... 2........(Raver attempts to kick out but his shoulders don't go up )..................3! The bell rings and the champions music plays! Edmonton is on their feet as we are left with one commentator.


STYLES: What a match! In what was originally dominated by Smitty the team of Midnight Xtreme together made put up a great fight against the champ! But as most times is the case, good concors over evil, and thats just fine by me! Smitty is calling for a mic.. what is this about?

[The champion recieves the belt and the mic at the same time. His music stops and with that same raging glow in his eyes he speaks.]

SMITTY: This is to SXE!(crowd explodes) You guys are brothers to me. Ikon, I know your watching this buddy. This... this was for you.

[Suddenly "The Knight Has Spoken!" Appears on the C-Screen and "No Leaf Clover" by Metallica blasts over the P/A and the crowds cheers get even louder. Jesse THE KNIGHT Gunn steps through the white curtain. He stands at the top of the ramp and motions for the belt to be around his waste. Smitty climbs up to the second turnbuckle and holds the belt up pointing at it, the crowds going wild. 3 referee's step out from the back and surround Jesse, The Knight never takes his eyes off Smitty.]

STYLES: This could get ugly quick! Well it appears that Jeremy Britt will not be here to finish the show. Folks we have Destruction on the herizon, and an increddible new Xtreme Champion TGA Periel, and a rivalry waiting to explode. Next week don't miss out we will have a Mania Supremacy Title match. Well.. for Jeremy Britt, I am Joey Styles, goodbye and see you next week!

[The copyright information plays "XCW Productions Inc. © 2002, All rights Reserved." and we look at Jesse Gunn being directed backstage and finally Meltdown ends with a clip of Smitty standing on the second turnbuckle holding the World Heavyweight Title in the air.]

[After the final camera shot of the Meltdown broadcast fades the view changes and in the bottom right of the screen it says "AFTER THE SHOW". Smitty gets down off the turnbuckle and plays with the crowd getting them pumped. Gunn's music stops playing as The World Champion puts the belt over his shoulder. He goes over to the corner of the ring and picks up the microphone again, the crowd goes wild for him. As he catches his breath the crowd chants his name{SMIT-TY! SMIT-TY! SMIT- TY! SMIT-TY! SMIT-TY!} Smitty cracks a smile looking through the sold-out crowd. His eyes light up and his voice shatters the chant...]

SMITTY: I AM THE MANIA MONSTER!{WOOOOOOO! The crowd explodes and then finally starts to die down.} They're are people that love me.. and people that hate me.. but it is my drive that made me The World Champion that stands before you now. I wanted the money.. the women.. the fame! I wanted all the fortune I could muster! My legacy.. my EMPIRE! It always came first no matter what my health was. In my heart of hearts I knew that nothing would ever be as big as achiving my goal. This is why every week when these four ring posts light up and I walk out from that white curtain the response I get from you.. the fans .. it means SO much to me!

[The Edmonton arena goes crazy once again.]

STYLES: Considering that these fans have been cheering for two hours straight the World Champion certainly is getting a rise out of them. It is almost as if he creates energy!

SMITTY: Now let's talk about what has taken place here in this very ring.. more specifically The Midnight Xtreme. The Industrial Champion Kid Hardcore and his butt buddy Brian Raver. In my eyes you two are the lowest scum out of the ENTIRE XCW roster! Why? Because you two are cowards. I ask of you two why your in XCW. Especially you Raver. The fact is that TOGETHER you two will never have as much skill as The Headliner! You should have just asked Repent for a handicap match, that bastard would have gladly given it to you. Either way, you got yours. Kid Hardcore any time you ever think about opening your mouth, let alone make a move, I want you to remember what happened here tonight! Because whatever I do I make sure I imprint a lesson into whatever I am doing. The message wasn't just that you two losers could not hold my jock, it was not just don't mess with Straight Edge, it was not only a whooping because of your cowardly attack on Ikon, it was so that you know more than you've ever known anything in your lives that you'll NEVER AMOUNT TO ANYTHING! Whoever told you that you had a shot in XCW made you out for a sucker! Not with your skills, HA! You think I didn't anticipate Kid Hardcore doing his very best to bring this{slaps the title} to your little duo? JACKASSES! Not only did I anticipate it but I told my brothers, Phil Macaluso and Mr. Showtime, that even though you would pull this little stunt that I would handle it! I wanted you to remember the only chance you ever got with Smitty.. I wanted you to see that I am The Mania Monster! I never thought for a second that my belt was on the line and I know both of you are still unconscious right now but when you finally do wake up and hear my words remember that there is a lot more of the same coming your way if you EVER mess with me or sXe AGAIN!

[Smitty gets a pop. He has been walking around the ring as he talked. He finds a turnbuckle and leans against it.]

SMITTY: That is all the breath I am going to waste on that because there are a lot bigger things to talk about... Heh heh, ever since I came to XCW I have been rewriting history. First I got rid of the championships of old that were so prestigious in the earlier years. Slowly as the weeks went by XCW's ratings went up in record fashion. I made Meltdown history with the amazing Mania Meltdown. I have Main Evented more pay-per-views than any other superstar, they don't call me the Headliner for nothing! As it stands right now I am arguably the greatest World Champion ever! Almost a month ago I won the first ever Christmas Casualty Cell match! Next month in this very ring history will be made again when Jesse The Knight Gunn and myself square off in XCW's first ever two out of three falls match!{pop} Knight finally we meet one on one and what a more fitting pay-per-view; Destruction! It will be Destruction for one of us.. so let the games begin because I am telling you, Knight, that you unless you affect me some how going into Destruction you will regret it. That is your only hope, Knight. I will give credit where credit is due, you are the second best competitor in XCW. You are XCW's leader.. behind me. You are XCW's hero.. a truthelss hero. As I sit here in the very ring that we wage war I am trying to think of what you have going for yourself against me, Knight, but it seems no matter how deep I dig you always come up right behind me. You have an incredible will, it is incredible! But the fact remains that it is not Mania.. you perish! Things aren't looking good for you, Knight, not good at all. You are doomed from the start. I am faster, stronger, and more hardcore! I know your still in the back right now so my message to you is plain and simple: anytime we ever meet in this ring I am going to show you my toughest and hardest! I raise the bar for you, Knight, because you are someone that I can't take lightly. That is a great accomplishment in this company but it does not win the Championship for simply YOU will not win the Championship! When I see you it makes me know I must work harder and no one works harder than me! That is what makes me The True Expert, The Headliner, THE MAN! As you are coming to learn there is no powerful source than MANIA! THERE IS NO MORE POWER FORCE THAN SMITTY! If only Mania flowed through you, Knight, perhaps then the case would be different. Fight it. Fight it Knight like only you can, but KNOW that YOU LIVE IN MY SHADOW!

[Smitty's music hits the P/A and Edmonton gives him a HUGE pop. Smitty around all four corners stopping at each one to step up on the second turnbuckle and raise the World Title in the air with both hands. Camera's flash like crazy.]

STYLES: The Heavyweight Champion is red hot! Ladies and gentlemen from this commentators stance Jesse Gunn and Smitty are going to have one of the deadliest, most painful and gruesome matches in XCW history! Folks I will see you all next week, goodnight!

[Smitty is at the top of the ramp now. Before he steps through the white curtain he stops. He turns and faces the crowd raising the belt up one more time. Then he steps through the curtain and the camera fades out.]

[The camera fades back in and we are in a hallway of the arena following the champ, it must be some time after the show. Smitty is wearing comfortable sweats, carrying a duffel bag, and still is carrying the World Title on his shoulder. He opens a door and walks out to a slight breeze ruffling his outfit. Something catches his eye and he stares for a second. The camera pans around and we see we are at the loading area of the arena. Eric is yelling at two other technicians about something holding his bloody mouth. The champ walks over.]

SMITTY: What happened?

ERIC: ........

TECHNICIAN 2: UH! Eric here got out of line and we had to take him down. The tooth was an accident.

[Smitty smirks as he sizes up the two guys against Eric.]

SMITTY: You two.. beat him?

TECHNICIAN 1:(stuttering) He... he.. he was starting with us, eh. We had to restrain him.

SMITTY: Eric what was your problem with these little guys?

ERIC: ...........

TECHNICIAN 2: But we took him out no problem, eh.

[SMACK! Eric slaps technician 2 in the back of the head. The two technicians beside Eric seem to back down a little.]

ERIC: I hope you kill Jesse Gunn in the ring at Destruction.. I'll be watching closely.

SMITTY: Um... Well I won't promise I'll kill him. But I will guarantee he will never hold this{props the belt up higher on his shoulder} as long as I'm around. I'll catch you later guys.

[Smitty smiles, eyes the two technicians standing defensively next to Eric, then walks away.]

SMITTY: (muttering)Canadians sure are odd..

[Smitty smiles as his black custom 2003 Cadillac Escalade EXT on chrome 20's pulls into the lot. Smitty goes to the back and puts his duffel bag in the back. Then the drivers door opens and Joey Azreal steps out.]

SMITTY: Azreal?! Repent has you working as a valet too?

AZREAL: Actually, Smitty, I was hoping to get a quick interview in before you go on the road. You never answer my calls, emails, ANYTHING! You want your car your gonna hafta gimme an interview!

SMITTY: Okay, what do you want to know, Azreal... What I think of next week?

AZREAL: Uhhh.. yes.

SMITTY: Next Monday Jesse Gunn and myself get another taste of each other. Anyone who was a fan of last weeks limousine ordeal get ready for round two. I think that this Meltdown will be huge, one of the biggest main events yet. The Heavyweight Champion Tag Team versus the second best. I can proudly say that my family is the Heavyweight Champion tag team. I am World Champion, Titan is Supremacy Champion. Titan, my cousin, he is probably the best man for the job. I mean sure, I'd love an sXe tag team partner, but that isn't the case tonight. Titan is the next pick.. So now, Azreal, you probably want to know how I feel getting into the ring with Bonez again?

AZREAL: Uhhh.... yes.

SMITTY: I think Bonez is a piece of trash. That jackass is starting with Mr. Showtime and he only gets away with it because he can hide behind Repent. Showtime hasn't really told me what he is going to do about it.. but I am going to do something about it myself. When you mess with one of my SXE brothers you are as good as dead. SXE is number one and even though we aren't at our strongest right now we aren't going down. Bonez I know why you stopped messing with me, remember how you left the Casualty Cell? I bet you haven't been the same after that you loser. I can tell you that you aren't ready for the momentum I have going into Monday. Joey I got a question for you.

AZREAL: Uhh.... yes?

SMITTY: Are you ready for the momentum I am going to drive straight into next Meltdown's match? NO! Your not, no one is! I am going to get in my Escalade, I am going to drive to Calgary and I am going to proceed to devour Bonez and The Knight whole! I am the World Champion, I am the most amazing man in XCW and I am going to walk out of next Monday victorious! Maybe two weeks ago didn't mean anything to me, Bonez and Knight won. I didn't care, I left that night with my head held highest. This week, winning means something to me. Not just because we can win, but because the Knight thinks he and Bonez actually can win again. I will do everything in my power to seal victory Monday and you can count anything but that out!

AZREAL: I also wanted your thoughts on.. Smitty!

[Smitty got in his Escalade and slammed the door in Azreals face. Smitty smiles into the window then drives away leaving Azreal like a fool. The camera fades out.]

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