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Hey Guys...Thanx for dropping by my page's under major construction rite now so
come back later okies? Meanwhile...go visit my
other pAge at AsianAvenue. Just
click on my picture below...

A Lito bit of 411...

Name: Fanny
AKA:Fannie, Fan-Fan, Fan, Mommie
Loc: 617
Age: 18
Birthday: 03.07.84
Occupation: Full Time Senior @ Brookline High
AIM/ICQ: Aznpiscesgrl/73410976

To all my frens...
You guys know who you are & that I <3 all of matter what...juss cause this is our
last year together or not dun't mean that we won't
be frens anymore...we'll get back together...
(someone plan it) heheh..but anywaz..LUV YOU

Upcoming: Pictures....


01.15.02 Dee
01.30.02 Mum
02.04.02 Kevin
03.07.02 Me!!~!!!
03.28.02 Brian
03.20.02 Anna
03.30.02 Sara
04.13.02 Beef
05.08.02 Melika
05.12.02 Ming
05.26.02 Tom
06.07.02 Jon
06.17.02 Kyle
06.17.02 Betty
07.25.02 Lisa
07.25.02 Amanda
08.16.02 Lo Por Jai Carrie
08.18.02 Beano
09.03.02 Jeni
09.21.02 Jay
09.27.02 Serena
09.27.02 Vicki
09.29.02 Dan
10.13.01 Wacky
10.14.02 Raaaan
11.19.02 Laura
12.05.02 Sandy
12.21.02 Sabrina
12.26.02 Viv

My Photo Album(Click on it)

That's all rite now...dunno wat else to put on it...but come back soon okies?? Buh Baiz!!!!