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Getting Started in WWII Reenacting

As a female, there are many impressions to choose from, but choosing the right one will make or break your experience in the hobby. There are many relatively unknown roles for women during wwii, as well as many popular icons of the era. Pick an impression that sounds interesting and then consult the recommended reading list to for more information. By all means, post on the Paperdoll's Yahoo! Group and ask any questions you have about the impression before buying anything!

Once you chosen an impression, buy your kit carefully. Seek the advice of someone already doing the impression. We'll give you tips on shopping, send you to reputable dealers, and help make your impression as accurate as possible, as well as helping to train you in the art of identifying things of 1940's vintage. If you are unsure if an item is period, please ask someone! Not all internet dealers / flea markets / second hand stores are experts in identifying wwii patterns.

Below is a list of some more common women's impressions

    • Civilian - British, American, German, French, or other civilian impression Anything from a German Fraulein, Rosie the Riveter, railroad worker or taxi driver, cigarette girl, or Hollywood starlet is considered a civilian impression.

    Military - Most nationalities used women as volunteers in military or quasi-military organizations. Such impressions often have more strict regulations governing the wear of uniform, shoes, hair, makeup, nails, etc. than a civilian impression. Some popular organizations are listed below according to country. .

      • British ATS (Auxilliary Territorial Service)
      • British WAAF (Women's Auxiliary Air Force)
      • British WRNS (Women's Royal Naval Service)
      • British Land Army
      • British QARNNS (Queen Alexandria's Royal Naval Nursing Service)
      • British QAIMNS (Queen Alexandria's Imperial Military Nursing Service)
      • British Territorial Army Nurse's Service
      • British PMRAFNS (Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service)
      • British ENSA
      • CWAC and Canadian WAAF
      • U.S. American Red Cross
      • U.S. Army Nurses Corps
      • U.S. Navy Nurses Corps
      • U.S. Navy WAVES
      • U.S. Women Marines
      • U.S. Women's Army Corps (WAC / WAAC)
      • U.S. Women's Air Service Pilots (WASP)
      • U.S. USO canteen and Campshows volunteers
      • German Helferinen (both Heer and Luft)
      • German Red Cross (DRK)
      • Russian Army
      • Russian Air Force
      • Partisans (resistance fighters of various European nations)