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MSYABA Events Calender


1 MSYABA Tournament Bids Due To Lauren Eramo

6 MSYABA 35th Annual Tournament- AMF Town & Country

7 MSYABA 35th Annual Tournament- AMF Town & Country

13 MSYABA 35th Annual Tournament- AMF Town & Country

14 MSYABA 35th Annual Tournament- AMF Town & Country


25 9:00am MSYABA Board Meeting

1:00pm MSYABA Council Of Delegates Meeting- Auburn Ten Pin


1 High Award Scores End For The Year

31 High Award Sheets Due To Dot Taraskiewicz


17 10 Am MSYABA Board Meeting


28 YBC First Window Begins

30 Entries close for MSYABA Scholarship tournament Tournament Directors are Cindy Prescott and Rich Walker

12 1st window of YBC Tourn Director Pete Marchetti and Dot Taraskiewcz


10 1st window of YBC ends

12 MSYABA Scholarship Tournament Ken's Bowl


4 YBC Money due for YBC 1st round


1 Alpha Average Sheets Of 1/1/2001 To Lauren Eramo


3 YBC Second Qualifying Window Begins

16 YBC Second Qualifying Window Closes

26 Entry Close Date for MSYABA 36th Annual Tournament


5 Money Due For Second YBC Window To Peter Marchetti

18 MSYABA Board Meeting And Workshop


7 MSYABA YBC Semi-Finals Westgate Lanes Brockton

8 11:00am MSYABA YBC Finals Westgate Lanes Brockton

28 10:00am Opening Ceremonies MSYABA 36th Annual Tournament

MSYABA 36th Annual Tournament- Lowell Lanes

29 MSYABA 36th Annual Tournament- Lowell Lanes


1 MSYABA Tournament bids due to Lauren Eramo

5 MSYABA 36th Annual Tournament- Lowell Lanes

6 MSYABA 36th Annual Tournament- Lowell Lanes

12 MSYABA 36th Annual Tournament- Lowell Lanes

13 MSYABA 36th Annual Tournament- Lowell Lanes


24 9:00am MSYABA Board Meeting

1:00pm MSYABA Council of Delegates Meeting


1 High Award Scores End for The Year

31 High Awards Sheets Due

Any Questions Email MSYABA President Peter Marchetti