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House of Xandalee
"Welcome to my House" -Xandalee


December 14, 1997

Topic: Love

I will start with Corinthians chapter 13 verse 13, "In the end there are three things that last Faith, Hope, and Love and the greatest of these is Love." One of my goals in life is to find the same exact love I have to offer. The only hard part about that is that I have to give all that I have to find out if I will get it in return and in the end if its not there then I get hurt. The question remains, am I willing to get hurt all the time before I finally find what I'm looking for? Relationships are simple but very difficult to understand. The answer to true love is within every one of us. I think everyone looks for the same thing in a relationship. Someone to listen even when they don't want to, someone who can give as much as they receive without feeling like they have to, just doing it because they want to (whatever it may be)! Someone to feel what you are feeling and support you in everything you do. Someone who respects your opinion (doesn't have to agree). A line that I thought was very true and to the point was from the movie Jerry Maguire, "Love shouldn't be such hard work!" Love is a two way street but when it comes down to it you both have to be walking on the same side of the street going the same way. The problem we all have is fear. Everyone is afraid of getting hurt so they hold back on their true feelings. That is one of the reasons why people break up. One person gives everything they have and the other one holds back in fear, thus causing the other person to feel unloved which then leads to a break-up. I'm not saying give everything you have right from the start but you need to work together and communicate and let each other know how you really feel sometimes. Saying I love you doesn't always cut it; you need to show it sometimes to really assure your partner that you truly love them. That goes for both people in the relationship! For all I know I could be wrong on all this. This is just my opinion from my observing other relationships and listening to people's stories. It's also how I feel.

--Tom McCartney


"Being Hard Isn't Being Strong"~"Serious" by Duran Duran



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