Wishing Upon A Star

July 9, 2003
The ADD unpacker

I need an ed plan for unpacking. I'm totally ADD in my approach. I think my motto may be "leave no box unopened and no area of floor or shelving uncluttered"! The book that I had used to list all the boxes and their contents did reappear a day ago, but the problem is that all my "helpers" didn't label or number their boxes. So I have to go to the garage (hence called the Wall of Jericho) tear them open, and determine what I want to bring inside. Fortunately my brother brought me a fancy dolly that allows me to stack several boxes and drag them to the condo. It’s a detached garage so I have a ways to haul all the stuff. And some of it is really heavy

I think what I need to do now is get all the furniture totally figured out and stop bringing in boxes. That will involve some pushing and shoving and sticking stuff in other rooms. Funny how I can't get everything to fit even though I have more space.

The kitchen stuff finally turned up yesterday. My brother and Keith packed those boxes and it took me a while to locate them. Of course I can’t figure out the best way to organize the kitchen and where to put all the things. There’s lots more cabinet space in this kitchen and I can’t quite figure out why they have filled so quickly!

Unfortunately, the movers (wiry little buggers) didn't speak English, so some of the stuff that they should have brought inside got shoved into the garage in rather inaccessible spots. I have to get some of that stuff out in order to really figure out the furniture, especially in the "craft" room (she said optimistically!) It's so damn hot that I hate to have to do all that pushing and shoving. I also want to get things that I know I don’t want right away out of the way and just stacked in the garage, but in a way that they won’t fall over.

I have no air conditioning in the condo, but so far it's pretty cool inside. There are ceiling fans in the dining room and bedroom, and I’ve added a couple of window fans so the air is reasonable. I don't get a ton of sun so it doesn't have too much of a chance to really heat up. I probably will eventually do the central air, but not this summer.

It only gets slightly warmer when I do the laundry - which is constantly! I am laundry obsessed. If it has a spot - in it goes!Never having had my own washer and dryer before I’m loving having one that I can use whenever I want!

I haven't unpacked my clothes yet, just a few items. I still have a ton to go through and get rid of, which is another of those ADD things - I find a "sucky bag"(Space bags – from the infomercials. I bought a bunch of them a few years ago, but I think they actually stink. They don’t stay sealed at all.) and decide to open it and go through it - which just makes another pile to deal with.

I’ve warned my friends that they are welcome to come by any time, but there’s a big sign on the door that says "ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK" and I figure the state of the place can be blamed on moving and unpacking. No one needs to know that it will look like this FOREVER! (Is there a statute of limitations on using moving as an excuse?)

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