February 18

I have apparently recovered from yesterday’s illness. I slept from about 11:30 till 1:30 last night and woke up feeling as if every bone and muscle in my body was aching. So I took a couple of Advil, turned on the tube, set it to go off in an hour, then fell back to sleep.

I woke up feeling a bit tired, but in normal health otherwise.

It must have been a 24 hour thing, or revenge of the food.

In any case, it’s gone.

I went shopping with my mother and brother today.

We had to go to one of those warehouse membership type places so they could get a life size Barbie for Matilda. I’m the only one who has a membership to this place, do I had to take them.

I’m dying to see if this Barbie has huge boobs. On the box she looks to be flat chested. She’s dressed in a butterfly outfit. There’s a matching outfit for the kid, but I don’t think this will fit Matilda. She is so tall now.

Shopping in a warehouse is hard for my mother. It’s too big, so she just goes up the main aisle, stops and looks at the stuff down the side aisles to see if there’s anything of interest and then moves on.

I find it a bit irritating, but I think I’m starting to get used to it.

After we finished there, we all went out to eat. The restaurant she chose was way out of the way, but for some reason that was where she wanted to go. So she had Prime Rib – which she barely tasted – then tried to convince me to take home. (I declined, I could hear it mooing.)

My brother and I each had baked stuff lobster, which was a nice treat.

So that pretty much took care of the day. I went to the post office and then got gas in the car, but couldn’t think of anything else that I really wanted to do.

I did go online to subscribe to a couple of stamp magazines that I used to be able to buy at my favorite stamp store. But with that closing, I’ll have to get the magazines through the mail.

I did decide that I was going to return to the warehouse tomorrow, though. I think I found a computer printer that I can afford and that I like. It’s a Canon.

I have never had a working printer at home, and I find it so frustrating. I have two printers sitting on the floor under my desk, but neither one of them will work.

One seems to have some sort of internal problems (and it’s an Apple laser writer, which should be just fine with this computer). The other is a HP which was being discarded at work, but which apparently will not work with a Mac at all. I’m hoping that I can get that to work with the laptop that I have a t school.

I’ll have to work on that this week.

So tomorrow I think I’ll go buy myself a printer.

Listening to: The Full Monty

Reading: How Reading Changed my life

Weather: sunny, 30


In the eighteenth century, the best meat of any meal went right to the men of the house and their friends. The women and the children ate the umbles - the tongue and entrails – bakes into an umble pie. In time, the dish went out of fashion, but the phrase took on a new life that it still has today.

Cool word: coadjutor \"ko-eh-'ju-tehr\ (noun): one who works together with another; a bishop assisting a diocesan bishop and often having; the right of succession. From Middle English coadjutour, from Middle French coadjuteur, from Late Latin coadjutor, from Latin co' plus 'adjutor' - helper; from adjuvare - to help. Date: 15th century. SYNONYMS: aide, assistant, aide-de-camp, lieutenant. The walk-a-thon's success was the result of the chairperson's organizational skills and a team of helpful coadjutors.

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