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Rock and Roll Is What I Like!

Rock and Roll Is What I Like! What else would you expect of a freedom man who defends smoking?
In your face!!! Smile....
I also like Dance music and Funk! Hardcore Bebop Jazz!
Musics of Liberty, Shock that shakes you.
Big Noise, you dig? Electronica -- you down wi' dat?
Doing What You wanna do because it is Dangerous!
So Join me here, you census bureau drop-out!
plunk your boogieing shoes on, do your Dance Music visor cap,
tuck dem bluejeans into da T-shirt with the WAX TRAX logo on it,
foot your sneaks on or dose cowboy boots,
take your lip-ringed Mosh Babe by da hand,
and pit y'self a storm!!!

Tell the Board of Health Crazis and the safety nazis to go to the hottest corner of HELL!

We also support Da blooz here.
Howlin' Wolf and Jimi Hendrix,
Muddy Waters & Led Zepp-e-lin,
B. B. King & Bruce Springsteen,
music for crackin' some windows...
Soon enough we will play sdome midi's here. "Cuz this is a LOUD page as well as a badass one.
My first midi will be by Alice In Chains.
The wailin', thrashin' guys who made it clear that they may come to snuff the rooster, but no, the rooster will NEVER die!

Never say die is The Rule here in Smoke-town.
As long as devil souls like me want to spread
our wings, drop da bomb, jump off cliffs,
shave pussy, and leave a bootheel print
in the carpets of pointy-eared skyscrapers, we will LIVE forever!

As you can tell, I tend to talk, and then talk some more. It is something that happens to me when I feel free. But talk is not the object here. Music is. I am putting up lots and lots of links to sites dedicated to the music icons I appreciate the most, past and present. All of them make noise, all of them reach for the sky or plumb the depths of hell. Any setting in which my soul and yours can go where they like...
You might also say that the cry
on this site is "Sex and drugs & rock and roll..."
Just like Ian Dury stated it, back in the dirty 1980s.
Or maybe Travis Meeks says it best:

"the shelf in the room has been the way
of holding me and letting me stay,
Kick me out, let me go,
I don't belong here no more..."

-- Days of the New, "Shelf in the Room"... Smile...

which you really ought to hear and which will
-- once I learn how to install RealAudio on this page
-- be heard RIGHT HERE from time to time:

Yes, grogheads, There will be more...

So burn the house down, you pipe-smokin'
gasoline bomber!!! Smile...

Because we here at the Freedom Smokehouse care!!!
Like hell we do, punk...! Smile...

LISTEN HERE, BAD BITCH -- this PAGE is STILL VERY MUCH UNDER CONSTRUCTION. First posted on 08/22/99 at 3:25 P.M.
Last updated on 10/15/99 at 12:49 A.M.

Do you know how LUCKY you are to be here,
you untamed, bad-acting, chain-smoking, rock and roll guzzling hardass?

So please come back and visit this total insanity page again...and again!!!

The Graphics on This Page Were Created by This Cat Lady:

My Favorite Offenses Against Good Taste

  • all the music of Parliament-Funkadelic
  • Kid Rock's new CD
  • Monster Magnet's POWERTRIP CD
  • Rage Against the Machine's two CDS
  • Have You Heard my homeguys Reveille?
  • The new Mobb Deep CD -- bad guys from Kingsbridge, Queens
  • Gals puffing cee-gars
  • Smoking in the Boys' Room
  • "When the Levee Breaks" -- ZOSO forever
  • is there no end to offending the stuffed pocket types? No, never!!!
  • Smile...

My Favorite Freedoms

  • The Freedom to Spit in the Face of Those Who Try To tell Me What To Do
  • The Freedom to Travel Anywhere Romantic
  • The Freedom to Be Free as America was Intended To Be
  • the Freedom to Moon the Mama-Kins
  • the Freedom to Eat Muff (smile...)
  • the Freedom to marvel at Mylene Farmer
    even though I live in a No-Mylene zone...
  • The Freedom to do the Black Dog...
    to Ramble Watch at the Gallows Pole
    as Bonham invents his steps and Plant climbs
    the blues cliff. Smile...


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