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good evening, and welcome to twelve13. i am david jesuschrist bieber. i am a musician. i am a poet. i am a painter. and i am, as you will discover should you choose to stay a while, verie much in love with this life. i am amazed and obsessed with all forms of art, and believe life to be the finest art, emotion the highest instrument, romance of all things the onlie paint. i am a spiritualist, and believe all i see to be self imposed illusion. i have spent most of my life lost in my own hatred, of myself and of others; consumed of the general loathe that can sometimes posess those of my high intellect. oh, and i am immeaurablie arrogant. i feel it is my dutie and my, if you have not been discouraged thus far, come, see the things i love. the things i create. the things with which i have tried to destroy...and most importantlie, the things i strive to be...

good evening again. it is new twelve13 policie to post at least one new poem everie day. before proceeding, click here for today's poem of the day

my majickal kitten
the ordered anarchie of me
the art of my words
musick and other links
a whole jollie club of them, with their jollie pirate nicknames
kids say the darndest things...
