of course you do

I figured I'd write up a little introduction to my happy homepage here. A sort of disclaimer, if you will. Perhaps not. Well here...

I'm no literary genius. I'm no legendary-poet-in-the-making. Hell, I despise english class with a passion so fiery it'll cut through butter like a hot knife, or something. I know most of these types of websites have a bunch of dramatic poetic and literary shit, but the main purpose of this one is mainly to document my cutesy little life. Or so I can spend time doing something constructive instead of blowing up shit with a BFG-10K. Whatever it is, I'm not promising anything except to provide you, the public, with a carefully detailed, ongoing epic of me. You may cry, you may laugh. You may just laugh at me. But ask anyone and they'll say that's my purpose on our cozy little planet anyway.

So if you're for whatever reason interested in exploring the depths of my daily grind, then please, be my humbled guest.
