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Welcome to my Webpage...I am just learning this. Adam has been helping me out a lot with it so just kinda bear with the ideas on here. I am about eighteen years old. You can probably learn some about me from my webpage....if not just ask (ria4575) Thanks for visiting my page.

For those of you who tend to visit my page a lot or frequently whatever, I am sorry these pictures are so old I am working on getting knew ones to update. I am getting there I swear. I am working on it. I'm trying I don't have much time anymore, being a Nichols College student and all. Lol, j/k. Talk to you later later and be sure to sign teh guestbook when you are done reading. plus any pictures you would like to request to put on here be my guest to e-mail them to me ( Thanks for visiting....

This picture is most of most of my close friends.(my sixteen birthday)
Guys thanks for coming to my birthday, I had a blast. You are all great friends.
There are a few missing from the picture but I still remember that night. And there are some other pictures, with some of you. Thanks guys! Love you all!(left to right: Jon, Amanda, AJ, Jenni, Me, Nen, and Shelly)

Vacation in Maine :O) what a memeory..hehe.(summer of 1998/99) As you can see, Kayla, Kathryn and I like to lounge out together. Actually it's how we are on vacation late at night, in the cottage. You girls are awesome, can't wait until this summer. And remember Marina loves you!(left to right: Kayla, Kathryn, and me)
Kristin, Kayla, and Kathryn, I enjoyed the time in Maine, especially on the beach(summer of1998/99). This was our last day on the beach over the summer. Hey girls never forget all those memories we have had together:O) Kaite, sorry for popping you I love you. Don't forget our silly, and good times together.(top: kathryn, bottom left to right: Kristin, Kayla, and me)

At my 16th birthday once again, Jon, me, and Al. This is actually a good picture of me with the guys. Who are two great people :O) both of you that is. (left to right: Jon, Me, and Al)

My Junior Prom
My Senior Prom
MC Prom 2001
My Poems
Moving on....
Jenni's Special Page
Greets to all my friends!

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And I would like to make a special thanks to Adam and Eric for helping me with the idea, and Adam actually putting it together for me. Thanks to Jon for scanning the pictures for me :O) and Jenni for scanning and taking pictures for me. Thanks guys for all your help through this!