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Bubble of Protection Meditation

I've actually used a version of this visualization many times.

Here's a simple safety and protection meditation. This visualization can be used around people, pets, homes, cars, airplanes, and around anything you want to protect. After doing this a few times, you will not need the candles. You will be able to visualize the ball of white light at any time and any place. If you wish to protect a loved one and you have a photo of them, place it between the candles for the meditation. (Don't let it catch fire!)  

~ You may cast a circle if you like, but it is not necessary.
~ Light white candles for protection.
~ Begin the meditation:  

Sit down and get comfortable. Relax. Breathe slow and deep. Let all tension flow into the earth. Feel calm and peaceful. You are completely relaxed.   Now visualize a beautiful white light all around you, like a bubble. It shimmers and sparkles. Now make it stronger, and then make it shine brighter. Make it grow until it fills the room you are in. Fill the bubble with love. Know that it will protect you where ever you go.  

To protect a loved one:

Now picture your loved one. See a glowing light all around them. It is just like the bubble you are in. It glows with safety and protection. Make it stronger, bigger, brighter. Visualize this as long as you like. When you are done, wish your loved one well and know that they are safe.  

Now prepare to end the meditation. Feel your circle of light bring you back to the present moment and the room you are in. Take a deep breath and stretch for a moment before you get up.  

~ Let the candles burn as long as you like, then snuff them out. You may light them at any time you wish to strengthen the visualization and protection.  

Copyright © October 21, 1998 by DragonCat