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Spell to Bring Love into Your Life (c) 1999 Spirit Online, do not republish on another site without permission.

You will need some pink cloth made of soft flannel, satin, or silk (note that silk is difficult to work with). Cut 2 squares of the same size from the fabric and lay them on top of eachother. Sew around three of the edges with red thread to make a little open bag. Turn it inside-out to hide the stitched edges.

Fill the bag with as many of the following herbs and plants as you can acquire: basil, aster, catnip, almond, cinnamon, cinquefoil, rose, ginger, cloves. Place a small seashell (available at craft and hobby stores) inside and add a clip of your hair. (You can use pubic hair if it's for lust and sexual love only.) Tie the bag tightly shut or seal it by sewing it closed at the open end.

Breathe in the scent of the herbs and while holding the love mojo bag in your projective hand (the one you write with, usually right), charge it with your energies. Focus on your desire for love and your willingness to follow through with an intimate relationship. You can meditate on what you are looking for in a partner. Do not under any circumstances focus on one person to try to make them love you. It doesn't work that way. Ask those who have tried this... it's not only manipulative, but they generally backfire, resulting in the adverse effect of causing the target to dislike you.

Keep your love charm near at all times and under your pillow at night. Love will enter your life soon, but be patient, and remember that love comes easily when you are ready.

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