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Healing After a Personal Loss by Wynn

Here are two ways you can use magick in your search for healing after a loss. You can use either a ritual or a mojo bag. Below are some materials to choose from. Use only what you can find, and put together your ritual however you want. Because this loss is personal to YOU, you must write your own chant and put together the spell as it suits you. If I wrote it for you, it wouldn't work.

Herbs: Allspice, apple, bay, carnation, cedar, cinnamon, gardenia, flax, rowan, pine, rose, rosemary, thyme.

Colors: White, violet, and blue.

Fabrics: Silk or cotton.

Elements: Earth and fire.

Symbols/Amulets: Ankh, billiken, chai, cross, dragon, heart.

What I would suggest you use this info for is to create a sort of loss-bearing ritual, or create a mojo bag to carry with you which will help heal and strengthen your heart & soul.

For a ritual, burn a candle of one of the colors and incense of an herbal scent (one of those listed), and you should create your own chant while focusing on the healing you seek.

For a mojo bag, make a small bag of blue or purple cotton (or satin, or silk) and fill it with herbs and a small bit of earth. Tie it off tightly with a white string or ribbon, and if you would like, attach a small charm or talisman (see suggestions above) to the tie. Carry it with you, then just hold it in your hand and recite your own small affirmation (chant) whenever you feel the need.


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