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  • green or pink cloth
  • some love incense
  • rose petals, elder flowers, yarrow, ginger, and thyme
  • rose oil
  • a moonstone
  • a lodestone
  • a white stone
  • some green stones
  • 3 pink candles and 1 magenta candle
  • a picture or statue of a cat or dove
  • cauldron
  • ritual knife

Place your altar facing West. Cover it with a green or pink cloth. Light the love incense. Sprinkle your altar with rose petals and elder flowers. Place a lighted pink candle at each end of the altar, and a picture or statue of a cat or dove in the rear center beside a lighted magenta candle.

Set the cauldron in the center with an unlit pink candle inside it. Sprinkle equal parts of rose petals, yarrow, and thyme around the cauldron. Place your green stones along white one, the moonstone, and the lodestone in the circle of herbs. Now draw an invisible circle with your wand or power finger around your altar and working area.

With your ritual knife, carve your desires into the cauldron candle. Anoint it with rose oil. "Feed" this candle your desires with your hands. Light it and say:

Candle of power, candle of might,
Create my desires here on this night.
Power stream from this candle's fire.
Bring to me my heart's desire.
My words have strength,
The victory is won.
So I say. This spell is done.

Put a pinch of ginger on the altar for the Water Elementals, saying:

Children of Water, small ones of Light,
Join with my spelling here on this night.
Decreed by the Mother (or the name of your favorite love deity),
Felt in my heart.
Bring us together, never to part.

Raise your arms and open your heart to the deity. Explain her your need for a true love.

To end the ritual, say:

Blessings to all who come to my aid.
Between friends is this bargain made.

Snuff out the two end candles, leaving the magenta and cauldron candle to burn out. Delay clearing the altar until the candles have burnt out completely. Sprinkled the circled herbs onto the ground as an offering to the Nature Spirits, or put them in a small cloth bag to carry with you. Give them to the Elementals during the next Full Moon.

Spell Author: D.J. Conway

Web page designed and maintained by: Raven Dance
Updated: June 1997