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Celtic Circle

To cast:

Taking your athame or using your power finger, move clockwise from the east
drawing a boundary. While you are drawing the circle, say:

I consecrate this circle of power
to the Ancient Gods
Here may they manifest and bless their child.

Move back to the altar, facing east. Raise your wand or dagger in greeting, say:

This is a time that is not a time,
in a place that is not a place,
on a day that is not a day.
I stand at the threshold between the worlds,
before the Veil of the Mysteries.
May the Ancient Ones help and protect me on my magical journey.

Set the water chalice on the pentacle disk. Hold your athame over it and say:

Great Mother, bless this creature of Water to your service.
May I always remember the cauldron waters of rebirth.

Hold the athame over the salt and say:

Great Mother, bless this creature of Earth to your service.
May I always remember the blessed Earth,
it's many forms and beings.

Sprinkle a little salt in the water, then hold the chalice up high, and say:

Great Mother, I give you honor!

Begining in the east and moving clockwise, sprinkle the water-salt mixture lightly
around the edges of the circle. Replace the chalise on the altar. Now hold your
athame over the lighted incense burner, saying:

Great Father, bless this creature of Fire to your service.
May I always remember the sacred Fire
that dances within the form of every creation.

Hold the dagger over the incense, saying:

Great Father, bless this creature of Air to your service.
May I always listen to the spirit winds
that bring me the voices of the Ancient Ones.

Touch the incense burner briefly to the pentacle disk, then raise the incense
burner high, saying:

Great Father, I give you honor. Carry the burner around the circle clockwise, beginning in the east. Return to the
altar. Go to the eastern quarter of the circle. Light the red (yellow) candle and
hold your hand (or use your athame, wand, or sword) up in greeting:

I call upon you, Powers of Air,
to witness this rite and guard this circle.

In the southern quarter , light the white (red) candle and greet the Element:

I call upon you, Powers of Fire,
to witness this rite and guard this circle.

Move to the west and light the grey (blue) candle and hold up your hands in

I call upon you, Powers of Water,
to witness this rite and guard this circle.

End up by going to the north; light the black (green) candle and greet the

I call upon you, Powers of Earth,
to witness this rite and guard this circle.

Move back to the central altar, and stand facing east. Raise your hands in

This circle is bound,
With power all around.
Between the worlds, I stand
With protection at hand.

To take down:

Once you have finished your spellwork, hold your hand or athame over the altar
and say:

By the powers of the Ancient Gods
I bind all power within this circle into this spell.
So mote it be.

When you are ready to end the ritual, go to the east and extinguish the red
(yellow) candle and say:

Depart in peace, O Powers of Air.
My thanks and blessings.

Go to the south and extinguish the white (red) candle and say:

Depart in peace, O Powers of Fire.
My thanks and blessings.

Go to the west and extinguish the grey (blue) candle and say:

Depart in peace, O Powers of Water.
My thanks and blessings.

Finish by going to the north and extinguishing the black (green) candle; say:

Depart in peace, O Powers of Earth.
My thanks and blessings.

Return to the altar in the center and say:

To all beings and powers of the visible and invisible, depart in peace.
May there always be harmony between us.
My thanks and blessings.

Cut the circle with a backwards movement of your athame or sword to release all
remaining traces of power for manifestation. Say:

The circle is open, yet it remains a circle.
Around and through me always flows its magical power.

Taken from Celtic Magic by D.J. Conway.