You Don't Think: You Just Do

You Don't Think: You Just Do
by Krystyn Poe

The wind whispers in my ears, its gentle breeze caressing my body. I never knew how peaceful the cliff could be before now. It was always just a landmark, something you took for granted...something I took for granted. Now I can put it to good use.

The wind blows my hair into my eyes, obscuring my vision. Not that I care anymore, I've seen it all before. Day, night, dawn, dusk...twilight. It's the same place, the sun just rises and sets, giving it a different mood. Light, dark, rising colour, fading life...the grey shadows in between them all.

The sun has faded though, and the wind starts to pick up around me even more. I can hear the trees bending to Mother's will all around me, but I stand fast; glued to this very spot. I won't be here for long, I know.

It's pitch black now. So pretty...all the stars shine like diamonds in the sky. I know that a million others have thought of and described the stars just like that before me, but I never knew how true it was. It's really a breath-taking sight. You feel like you're the only person in the universe alive and the night was made just for you. You can hear all the little things; crickets chirping, frogs croaking, rivers rushing by and hurrying to get to the next waterfall, the bats coming alive and, if you listen hard enough, you can almost hear the death cries of the insects they bite. It's almost like a strange, exotic sort of symphony being put on for your ears only.

Then I come crashing back to reality as I realize the wind is starting to bend me to her will. I realize that I am not alone in the world, but there are others of the same species as I. Other humans...humans who live to cause pain and torment; who live to destroy and take away from others that which they themselves hold so dear; who live so that they can slowly drive the rest of us insane and to the extreme brinks of reality that no one should ever know-

Strange how everything becomes clear just as you're about to die...

Suddenly, I'm free of the grip the cliff had on my body. Instead of holding me in place, it's now allowing me the freedom of movement. My head lifted high, I take a small step forward, followed by another...and another...walking closer to my impending doom like a gymnast on her favourite balance beam: lightly, gracefully...and yet afraid of making a mistake.

This time there will be no mistake.

I can hear the wind welcoming me into her arms, and a vortex forms around my body as the ground slips out from under me, suddenly being replaced with the very air that I'm plunging through right now. I feel so at's really an incredible feeling, and it's proving what I've known all along, what the wind has been whispering to me all my life:

You don't think

You just do.

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