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Welcome to my(MrFranklePot's)1st webpage. You may have already noticed that this page is copyright so DON'T COPY!

I AM MAKING A NEW WEB SITE. Many people have complained about this page being annoying, (I wonder why), but through this, I have decided to make a new web page. It will most probably be at this address, I will keep you updated!!!

NOTE: I would like to say thankyou for the new MrFranklePot's Dumpster banner compliments of Ash Darkness. Also, I have hidden a link to my 'SECRET PAGE' somewhere, only people with an IQ of 500000000000000000000000 will be able to find it. Bad Luck in finding it!

How many years, months, days, hours and seconds have you been alive for I hear you ask, well to find out all the answers, CLICK HERE!


Like Pokemon? Like Pikachu? Well here you can catch your very own Pikachu! Click HERE for Pikachu.

Put your mouse here but don't click!

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Have you ever just sat down and thought about monkeys? You know, just think about the wonderful world of monkeys. Well place your thoughts HERE.

HERE is my art gallery!



And if any of you have ICQ or MSN messenger service then you can find me on ICQ= MrFranklePot, and MSN messenger= !!!!!!!!!!

I earned these badges at the PsyPoke Online Gym!

Challenge your skills at the PsyPoke Online PokeGym!

This page is copyright Ó 1999 MrFranklePot