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Em Jee's HomeLESS Page

A.K.A Marcus Gregson's Page

Local Band Index
Links Page
Gig Reviews
Live Pics
Gig Calender

Hey you! This is Em Jee's HomeLESS Page.

What the hell you doin' snoopin round my house? I ougtta whoop your ass boy. Well now that you're here you may as well look around. I don't get many visitors since The Accident. Go on sit down. Can I get you anything? No? Good. I don't like the look of you anyway. You better not try and rip off the T.V.

Well my HomeLESS page is only in it's infancy but hopefully I'll be able to get some cool stuff on it. What can I expect? I hear you ask. Well, not too much 'cause I'm not an overachiever. But hopefully I'll have some info on local bands, some live pics, gig reviews and that sort of thing. This site will also have some stuff on my band 90 Calibre (who still haven't got their act together). There'll also be a links page with lots of cool links. Oh yeah, and sign my guestbook goddam it. Cheers.


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Email Me!Abuse, compliments and marriage proposals all responded to with such haste, you'll get a reply before you send it!

people have laughed at my lame web site!

Enthusiasm towards this site was at an unusually high level on the 26/1/1900.
p.s-please beware the Y2K bug