About Us

All about Melissa Melissa is 22 years old and just graduated from Manhattan College with a BS in Environmental Engineering. She will be working at Hydroqual, Inc., an environmental engineering and services firm located in Mahwah, NJ as a process design engineer. Melissa loves WWF Wrestling (TEST TEST TEST), the New York Yankees (Knoblauch & Spencer), Winnie the Pooh especially Piglet) and music. She also spends time with her friends and is waiting for Andrew Martin (a.k.a. TEST) and/or Shane Spencer to call.

All about AJ Mr. AJ is 23 years old is currently working as a Marketing Coordinator for Primedia Magazines. AJ collects WWF figures, Yankees, Star Wars and Dukes of Hazzard memorabilia. He coaches(and plays) basketball along with being a first base coach in little league baseball. He is a country music fan and owns over 200 CDs (and counting!!). He enjoys hanging out with the one and only dead walking man Frankie. AJ, who is also know as the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Slater, is a three time former WWF Champion. While being one half of the "Impact Players" with his "Cuz" James, AJ has achieved both United States and International tag team championships. Perhaps best known for his "Iron Man" title match in the fall of 1998. AJ outlasted than HWF World Champion King Iggy in a brutal bloody match, that saw AJ win 4 falls to 3 in sudden death overtime. AJ's career was cut short by a neck injury suffered in April of 1999 during a title defense against Sal Malenko.

All about Us Melissa and AJ met in 1998 at a block party in Brooklyn and met several times after that at Circle K events. They are currently dating for just over two years (talk about a long time!!). They spend lots of time together and enjoy a wide variety of activities, usually involving food. They watch Yankee games, WWF shows, listen to Faith Hill and Tim McGraw (the only music they can agree on, even after all this time), baseball card collecting, and of course, working on this lovely website.

Fast Facts Melissa's Birthday - November 16, 1978
AJ's Birthday - February 6, 1978
Our Anniversary - December 23
Contact Us: memajs78@aol.com

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