Converting Chariots

Calimehter's thoughts

What I ended up doing was buying a Tiranoc chariot and assembling it. The only modifications I made were as follows:

- filed off the dragon insignias as best I could on the chariot body, and put shields (with Wood Elf decals) over these areas

- cut off the dragon head "Hood ornament" on the part connected to the horses and filed it down.

- replaced the barded HE horses with some spare Glade rider horses (looks more "Wood Elven" and I never use barding on my chariot steeds anyway).

- used some metal archer models (the blister with the model with the sword raised in the air) instead of the high elf crewmen

- used a Wood elf banner and a wood elf color scheme on the paint job

This is a quick and easy way to get a Wood Elf chariot, and looks pretty good, too.

Lord Althuir's Thoughts

I have made three chariots for my Wood Elves (two of which are not yet finished). The first two are based on the High Elf Tiranoc chariot. I exchanged the crew models for one Glade Guard and one Archer and I replaced the spear point with one that I cut from a Glade Guard. Apart from that I just picked a colour-scheme that would fit the Wood Elves better. The third chariot was made from parts bought from Mail Order (as featured in White Dwarf #236). The list of parts looks like this:

3 High Elf Tiranoc Chariot yoke (cut and glued together to allow for four horses)
1 High Elf Tiranoc Chariot base
1 Old Chariot haft Tiranoc
1 Wood Elf standard top (I might well end up not using this)
1 Wood Elf Scout Standard (as crew)
1 Wood Elf Scout 2 (as crew)
1 Orion cloak (this one was cut in two and used as the sides of the wagon)
4 Wood Elf Lord shield (I will probably not use all of these)
4 Sprue Elven steed
1 Spoked wheel sprue

I payed £16.00 for all of this (including postage)

I'm also planning to add a third crew member to all three chariots. This will probably be done by adding a Glade Rider with a bow to one of the horses. I might also add some spear points to the wheels to act as scythes.