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"Morgana's Astrological Profile"

Done for me by Rev.Banshee
at "The Occult Shop"
formerly known as "The Keltic Knot"
in Cincinnati, Ohio

Positions for Lady Morgana
Born 12/12/1975 @ 4:14 pm
In Wilmington, Delaware




19 Sagittarius 43
8 Aries 56
27 Sagittarius 12
6 Scorpio 12
24 Gemini 12
14 Aries 45
2 Leo 16
5 Scorpio 32
11 Sagittarius 50
11 Libra 22
20 Scorpio 18
12 Scorpio 27
21 Leo 1

Table Of Contents

Outer Self
Inner Self
Emotional Self

***I'd say that all of the astrological information here is about 98% accurate.


The following sections describe various characteristics of the person listed at the top of the page. These sections can be seen as different views of the same person, arranged in order from the most particular to you as an individual to the most general or universal.

"How You Approach Life & How You Appear to Others"

This describes an external view of how others see me. It's important to remember that this is only a persona or other manifestation of my true self.

"You are very strong-willed and proud, but intensely private and not easy to know well. Behind your quiet exterior lies a great deal of emotional depth, sensitivity, complexity, and also fierce determination. When you want something you go after it rather quietly but insistently and wholeheartedly - and you usually get it. You are not a person who lives lightly or superficially. You want to live passionately and intensely and are not averse to challenge, danger, or to facing the darker side of life - human pain and struggle. You function well in crisis situations and often seek them out, for you enjoy the feeling of living at full capacity. You are very intuitive about other people and especially about their unspoken feelings and hidden motives. You usually have strong, immediate gut reactions, either positive or negative, which prove to be correct. You approach life very instinctively and are not always fully conscious of why you feel or act as you do. You also have a very strong affinity with animals - an acute sensitivity and a nonverbal kind of rapport with them. In relation to others, you are rather cautious, sometimes even suspicious, until you get to know and trust them - and trust doesn't come easily to you. When you commit yourself emotionally to someone, be it friend or lover, you are intensely loyal and devoted to them and you also expect the same kind of unwavering, undying loyalty in return. If you are ever betrayed by someone you care deeply for, you are capable of hating and retaliating with as much fervor as you once loved. Nothing is done halfway. In fact, you are intensely involved and often jealously attached to whatever you care about, be it person, idea, or cause. There is definitely a streak of emotional fanaticism in you. Because of your natural reserve, others may see you as something of an enigma. You are quite self-protective and often defensive. You are also very magnetic, especially to members of the opposite sex."

"The Inner Me: My Real Motivation"

(For a better understanding of the inner self)

"You are a gambler and an adventurer at heart, one who loves to take risks, to discover and explore new worlds, and to take the untried path rather than the safe, reliable one. You are an independent soul, freedom-loving, and often very restless. You need a lifestyle that provides opportunities for travel, movement, change, and meeting new people. A steady routine which offers much in the way of security but little in the way of space and freedom is odious to you. To you, life is a journey, an adventure, endlessly interesting and rich with possibilities, and it may be difficult for you to decide where to focus your attention and efforts. You probably traveled around and experimented with many different paths before you settled on a particular career. Or you may go from one project to the next, for once the challenge and vital interest is gone, you are very quick to move on. Discipline, focus, and concentration are not your strong points. An incurable optimist, you have big dreams, aspirations, and hopes for the future and are usually pursuing some distant goal. You have a great deal of faith and trust in life and failures don't crush your spirit. You always bounce back from disappointments, often with another bright dream or scheme. You have a sporting, playful attitude toward life and are philosophical about your mistakes. You have the ability to sense future trends, to see the big picture, and you like to theorize and speculate. However, attending to all of the details and practical requirements of implementing your theories is bothersome to you. You express yourself in a very open, direct, and straightforward manner and are often blunt and tactless as well. Because you do not take yourself too seriously, you may not realize how deeply your candid statements can wound more sensitive souls. You do enjoy friendship and comradery, but you need freedom also and do not do well with a possessive, clinging, or emotionally demanding partner. You are quite generous yourself, and heartily dislike pettiness in others. Someone who shares your ideals, your sense of fun, and your zest for life would be the right companion for you. You tend to see things from your perspective only and to be rather subjective. You also enjoy talking and expressing your views. You have a clear mind, a love of learning and new experiences, and need constant mental stimulation and activity. You are loving and well-loved by others, and have a strong need for kindness, friendship, and affection. Your artistic and creative powers are also well developed and you do everything in a harmonious, gracious, pleasing manner. Aesthetics are very important to you. Your personal appearance and attractiveness are also very important to you. Highly competitive and easily provoked, you need challenges and opponents to pit yourself against. You thrive on contests and rivalry. At times your vigorous, combative way of achieving the things you want antagonizes other people. You have big aspirations but do not struggle or labor to achieve them. Your self-confidence and inner harmony attract success and benefits to you in an almost magical way. Your optimism and cheerful generosity also win you many allies and successes in life. Feelings of personal inadequacy, inhibitions, and self-doubt often plague you. You have a cautious, careful, realistic attitude toward life and are highly responsible and disciplined with regard to your obligations and duties. You tend to work and struggle more than you need to, and to take yourself too seriously. Impulsive, restless, and spontaneous, your life is apt to be somewhat unstable and full of sudden changes. You are extremely independent and crave excitement, adventure, freedom, and discovery. You have a rebellious streak and often feel you are unusual and different from the mainstream of society. The unorthodox and novel appeal to you. Sensitive and imaginative, you are attracted to artistic and creative pursuits and to mysticism. You are impressionable and receptive, and you often have experiences that are unusual and unexplainable by the rational mind. You have an abundance of dreams, visions, and longings, but do not always have the concentrated will and stamina to make them concrete. Gentle, idealistic, and peace-loving, you often seek to avoid the hard realities of life. You have an etheric quality about you. Happiness and fulfillment in your career are likely, because you give your all to it and will not make the sorts of compromises that others feel compelled to make in order to succeed. Self-expression and being your own person are very important to you. Enormous aid is apt to come to you through your father or another important man in your life. Your relations with superiors and those in a position to boost your career are usually excellent. You may come across a bit scattered, nervous, or restless, as if you can't sit still. You seem alert and quick, but sometimes a bit on edge. You tend to stay perpetually busy, and would find handiwork of some kind to be soothing."

"Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance"

This section describes yet another part of my inner side, this time the one that is more introspective and non-linear, as well as that part that seeks relationship with others.

"You express yourself very directly and honestly and no one has to guess what your true feelings are. However, you dislike showing any personal weaknesses or needs for support, comfort, and nurturing. You are often impatient with yourself and with others. You abhor emotional dependency and dislike "complainers". You inspire others to take positive action in their lives by your own enthusiasm and eagerness to meet life's challenges, and are attracted to people who are adventurous, courageous, and independent. You are rather bossy, but you do not like to be with people that you can boss around too much. Relationships built upon mutual respect and a good deal of emotional freedom are ideal for you. You become very cross if you do not have enough vigorous physical activity. You will feel your best if you "do battle" on the tennis or racquetball court (or engage in some other competitive sport) frequently." [for me, it's Bellydance, dance in general, & physical fitness] "You are tolerant and forgiving, always ready to overlook mistakes and give others a second chance. You expect the best from people and draw it out of them, and you enjoy making others comfortable and happy. Because of your emotional generosity, your life is rich with friends, and often financial blessings as well. The beauty and harmony of your surroundings has a very powerful effect on your emotions. You are very sensitive and cannot stand to be in an atmosphere where there is discord or dissonance. Gentle, kindhearted, and peace-loving, you will give or sacrifice much in order to avoid a fight and to "make everyone happy". Your intimate relationships and close personal relationships are often intense, highly-charged, and difficult, as they trigger deep emotional responses in you that have more to do with unsatisfied hungers than with the present situation. You may feel like a voracious, bottomless pit when it comes to nurturing and emotional reassurance, and your neediness often drives others away. When you do let yourself feel close to another human being, painful long-buried feelings bubble to the surface as well perhaps grief at the losses you suffered, or anger at the neglect or hurt you endured. You may also reenact these situations in your present day relationships, in an unconscious effort to resolve and heal those old issues. You will do a lot of clearing and cleansing, if you can listen to what your feelings are telling you. If not, you will simply have a tumultuous, passionate, and stormy emotional life. You may have to overcome something in your background or personal past in order to achieve your long-range goals and ambitions. Sometimes you're apt to feel pulled in two different directions -- what others expect of you or what you need to do to progress, versus what your old conditioning or your emotional predisposition would have you do. Overcoming the pull of the past is the key. You have a friendly, affectionate attitude towards others and a great deal of personal charm. Your attractiveness is one of the first things others notice about you, and is probably something you care a great deal about. You get along well with people and know how to please them. You have a good sense of style and beauty. You identify with the progressive, innovative elements in society, and with being a rebel, reformer, nonconformist, or iconoclast. You enjoy being original, unpredictable, and spontaneous, and insist on doing whatever you wish regardless of tradition, convention, or other people's wishes. Others see you as "different" but interesting and exciting. There is a receptive, elusive quality to your personality. You can be difficult to pin down, difficult to know, something of a mystery. At times you may feel frustrated because you feel that you aren't being perceived very clearly, that you don't make a powerful impression, that you're easily overlooked or discounted. If you don't wish to be "invisible", you must make some effort to define and clarify -- both for yourself and for the rest of the world -- who you are. On the other hand, you may purposely create illusions about yourself with the intent to deceive -- or entertain -- others. There is a certain depth and intensity about you that may be threatening to others. No matter how gentle or unassuming you may be on the surface, you are also a force to be reckoned with. You have causes, passions, or desires that drive you and when one of these is aroused you are quite zealous in your pursuit or defense of it."

Copyright (c) Oracle Science International
This report was written to professional astrological standards, and is meant for entertainment only.