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      "The male attitude toward sex is like squirting jam into a doughnut." -Germaine Greer

      Oy. I had totally forgotten that I even had a little nook&cranny in the expansive world of the web... but thanks to Jena, I was reminded today. So once again I'll make the promise that I'll update this more often. And once again, I'll probably break it.

      In more interesting news, the new school year is off and running. The new residence is none other than 914 John Adams Tower. The new roommate is none other than Julie. Classes this year seem fairly easy. I'm becoming all scholar-like in Latin. Or at least I'd like to think so. The psychology courses are over-abundant... and Methods in Psych pretty much sucks. As if Statistics wasn't bad enough, Methods incorporates both Stats and writing. JOY.

      Colombus Day wekeend is coming up, and I'm a-heading home. Saturday night is being occupied by an American Hi-Fi Concert with Robin. And of course, hanging out with Jena is high on the agenda. But I'll be back here Sunday to party it up with my girlies here. Boo-ya! :)

      That's pretty much it. Feel free to send e-mail my way. Tell me what you want on the page... but as a heads-up warning- I ain't puttin' up midget porn on the web page, so get off it. :)

      By the way, that's me... finally- a new picture. Taken right in my dorm room on my very own web cam. Yay.

      Anyways, here are all the links that you can get to from this site.

      Personal Info
      Read up on Kim! Kim's Friend of the Week!

      Various Other Collections
      100 Ways to Confuse Your Roomie Kim's *excellent* Opinion!
      "Orben & Ebert"??? Friends' Links

      So, have a comment for me? Want to tell me what a great wonderful intriguing interesting girl I am? Well, go for it! Click on the little link right there and send me an e-mail! And of course, before you go, sign that guest book!

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